Sponsor (Jan-June 1953)

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the magazine Radio and TV advertisers use ARTICLES The \BC-UPT merger: meaning to sponsors As SPONSOR goes to press, decision in ABC-UPT merger is imminent. Here are details which blueprint the significance of the merger to radio-TV advertisers, listings of the personnel involved, background of the alliance, other facts of interest to sponsors as well as to their agencies II ill us moves into high soviet g Out to sell potential passenger car purchasers on the quality and high style of its new line, Willys is plunging $1,800,000 into prestige-type radio and TV programing, winning many new dealers Is net radio staging a eomehaek? Participation plans, rate adjustments, merchandising, cut-in arrangements, and tailor-made networks are among the gimmicks used by the nets to brake the slide in billings. As a result of lower costs and greater service now offered by network radio, many oldtimers are returning and newcomers are jumping in 11 hat merehandising vonsultants did for Purina By intensive, experienced central planning, followed by close support and encouragement at the local level. Purina squeezed the last ounce of value out of its farm-radio promotion contest TV puzzler: ivhat new markets to add Advertisers and their agencies are taking longer, sharper looks at blossoming TV markets. Agencymen are striving to arrive at a set of rules to apply to their clients' market needs and to their advertising budget What a sponsor shoultl know ahout net eut-ins Advertisers are finding local cut-ins are a means of combining the advantages of network and spot operations. Sponsors can qet guaranteed time slot, yet plug specific brands in particular markets. Local dealers may be spotlighted Utility employees tlouhle on TV to pare vosts For under $60,000 a year, Boston Edison Co. gets year-'round weekly TV show by having regular home economics staff double into half-hour program which pulls up to 4.000 letters a month Complete list of new ami ttpeoming TV stations All stations which have been granted construction permits since the lifting of the freeze are listed herein with target date for going on air, number of sets in the market, market sales rank, power, rep, network, other important data 27 30 32 34 37 3S 40 42 COM I NC What timehugers tvant to knotv ahout I III Upcoming SPONSOR study will detail facts about UHF. Coverage estimates to date, quality of reception, results with convertors will be covered 23 February Spot radio business report Survey of current campaigns, estimate of dimensions of current spot radio boom with analysis of trends in buying 23 February 9 February 1953 Volume 7 Numb DEPARTMENTS TIMEBUYERS AT WORK _■.___ 6 MEN, MONEY 8C MOTIVES ___. 10 510 MADISON 12 NEW AND RENEW 17 MR. SPONSOR, H. Katz 22 P. S. 24 RADIO RESULTS 52 NEW SYNDICATED TV FILMS 56 AGENCY PROFILE, R. Doiley 60 MR. SPONSOR ASKS 62 COMMERCIAL REVIEWS 64 ROUND-UP 68 NEWSMAKERS IN ADVERTISING 92 INTERNATIONAL REPORT 95 SPONSOR SPEAKS 96 Editer 1 President: Norman R. Glenn Secretary-Treasurer: Elaine Couper Glenn Executive Editor: Ben Bodec Managing Editor: Miles David Senior Editors: Charles Sinclair, Alfred J. Jafte Department Editor: Lila Lederman Assistant Editors: Richard A. Jackion, Evelyn Konrad Special Projects Editor: Ray Lapica Contributing Editors: R. J. Landry, Bob Foreman Art Director: Donald H. Duffy Photographer: Lester Cole Vice President Advertising: Norman Knight Advertising Department: Edwin D. Coope (Western Manager), Maxine Cooper (Eastern Manager), Gust J. Theodore (Chicago Representative), Wallace Engelhardt (Southern Representative), John A. Kovchok (Production Manager), Cynthia Soley, John McCormack Vice President Business Mgr.: Bernard Plati Circulation Department: Evelyn Sati (Sub scription Manager), Emily Cutillo Secretary to Publisher: Augusta Shearmo< Office Manager: Olive Sherban Published biweekly in SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.. combined with TV. Executive. Editorial. Circulation, and Advertising Office! : 510 Madison Ave.. New Tork 21 N. T. Telephone: Ml'rray Hill 8-2772. Chicago Office 161 £. Grand Ave., Suite 110. Telephone: Superior 7-9868 West Coast Office: 6087 Sunset Boulevard, Loe Angeles Telephone: Hillside S089. Printing Office: 8110 Ela Ave. Baltimore 11. Mil. Subscription!: United States 18 a year. Canada and foreign SO. Single copies *0t Printed Id U. S. A. Address all correspondence to 511 Madison Avenue. New York 22. NT MTJrrti HIH I 1TT» Copyright 1953. SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC.