Sponsor (Jan-June 1953)

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Still More Jobbers in Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas Praise KWKH JOE T. MONSOUR, President, Monsco Supply Company, Shreveport, SAYS: "KWKH does a good job for us" M. A. DICKSON, President, Shreveport Druggist, Inc., Shreveport, SAYS: "Whole-hearted thanks to KWKH" JOHN B. WILLIAMS, Owner, Food Brokerage House, Shreveport, SAYS: "KWKH coverage is excellent" JC/very good media man knows that buying radio time should involve more than a cut -and -dried analysis of rates, power, network affiliation, etc., etc. Every station has a "personality" . . . has a tangible record, either good or bad, for influencing its listeners and producing sales. These qualities are best appraised by local business men who hear the station, who use the station, and who know what it can do every day. Read the excerpts at the left from letters written us by three typical jobbers in the KWKH area. They testify to KWKH's advertising impact — to KWKH's ability to produce sales at low cost! Get all the KWKH facts. We'll be glad to send them. Write direct or ask your Branham representative. KWKH A Shreveport Times Station Texas SHREVEPORT! LOUISIANA The Branham Company Representatives Arkansas Henry Clay, Genera/ Manager 50,000 Watts • CBS Radio