Sponsor (Jan-June 1953)

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professional 16 s H, Automatic projection lamp change — takes less than a second! .ERE IS A professional equipment that fits television film standards exactly . . . the new RCA 16mm Film Projector Type TP-6A. It is designed to meet every requirement of the TV station looking for the best picture quality possible from 16mm film. Unlike standard 16mm projectors now available, the TP-6A is newly engineered from "base-to-reels." New //l.5 lens, new framing system, new dual focus, arrangement, are among the features that contribute to its outstanding picture quality. New broadcast quality amplifier assures high-quality sound. New 4000-foot reels (with compensated take-up), new 2-3 claw intermittent in oil, and new automatic lamp change-over, combine to provide unsurpassed operating convenience and filmshow reliability. For a vast improvement in 16mm picture quality— nothing approaches the TP-6A. Check the 10 important features at the left. For more details and delivery information call your RCA Broadcast Sales Representative. An outstanding example of design simplicity J'See-through" l.ucite door panel lull inch clearance ketween aperture Mate and lens gate I mple Film path & r, !*; r"/1.5-projection Lever for exciter 'amp change-over Focus control — ront and rear RAD KO TION of AMERICA ENGINEERING PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT