Sponsor (Jan-June 1953)

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1 June 19S3 Daytime SUNDAY | MONDAY RADIO COMPARAGRAPH OF NETWORK 'ROGRAMS TUESDAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY Daytime 1 June 1953 FRIDAY I SATURDAY 1 1 ' Adam Natk Guardio m*±. Itrul Ul>'. othu Church ol the Vat I.A-T =t*dio Bible elan Radio Bible lnr.rRiii T Soynton S350 National radio My trJe story 1 Dunnitn . IAD lltdM ■ pel leal rlcE ||1J:1-M * m-f I. •AO soleAsnnn, 5TC in-f L rllG-fl:30 pm How 55000 )-F-S iiion C»Pi MXBi lug'gan "nU uil SB*."] r s'!,''.llm'i. thondes & Davis Oen Motors FrlKlrlBlro DlT 'CAB iHll Brown news . ' ... i ' i Welcome trnvelers PAG Now My true story Starling Drug l-F-8 odfrey* ill 11 30 loniol Coitnetln,' luggan nil i. SR'"rr s'',."li',','e. Ihnades A Davis rtcCann'-ErJckson ;■"'»?""; liow My true itory 1 , Ihoailrs A Davis CAB Burnett »' m-f L t& ttg lleCann-Erlckson Plliibury Mltli eel, Brown news felcome trnvelert 5-VSftJ Galen Drake F7N ' U 1 tipon 10-10:11 sea only) MAC $1100 ■J p LOWEST COST MAJOR STATION BUY IN WE DETROIT AREA Mutual music box \' m-f I. rlutual mum boi lutual muilc boi rVhlwtr'g ilweti ;,.T, Mil i"-:1". i". J LAB Wonderful city ■ Slnglier newt IL&B Wonderful city )-F :g itreeli B"-ir-t /olee of prophecy 27H T Writer n * $1500 1 T JLAB in Ml" Wonderful city )ouble or noth'g WW $5000 ,B sharo' $3250 louble or noth-g CamDbell Boun VJiljpr'g streels m,w,r 10:39-46 louble or noth'g Whi '_ Slngiter newt ■ ■ jla'b >ouble or noth'g Inoi-ReeveV ila"b Wonderful city tolland Furnice loubl or notli g fard-Whtelock Space patrol lardner $1500 Let's pretend ULAB News highlights i gi-t 1. «her.(.rl marries ..[ I, v' m-f L ; m-f L N 1 bW1!;"™!"" Sail Like City Tabernacle Frank A Ernest Heeien 5750 Irrwer [2000 WAg" ' ■AtttU A Myers: liw Starllni Dm«1 )-F-S m-f $3500 :*ty $4500 1-F-S H Engle newi JLAB Strike It rich Ci-lB » _ :SMr H Engle newt Nl... H Sirlko it rich m. 1 onalre Call RljiuH ~ icCann-Erlckson Ladies Fair )'-F-S H Engle newt Strike It rich Colgate :*ty ,.«"*, T'nl Co. ■ eltt A Seller ieE "" iltr ilsietl A Ifjera Ladles Fair l-F-S H Engle newi Strike It r.ch lunlor junction UtflN 11-11:05 L W-F-H $450 Gr Central Stn IL'IN 'll ll" 10 I 3800 $3650 Mutuil NLAB 1 romflcld report'g V,',*scu"!lonSA H The christian learning * 11:85-12 I..1T The UN It my j T Turn to^ friend ITonl tu, tb 11 90-15) fates $4500 Rosemary >AO: Ivory snoiv IAB $2700 ■50H m.iv.f T i&S iharo $5500 .AN thare $5500 ^Sfi :»;riKffl srs^.s1 ,«.M .h.lf:. S-.-.iiii .AN -■Ii-.-.... II...1 pnv< m-f^'monl sp ;$«' lueen for a day My limn,] .Inn, latci """" G i lor li rlni Quaker (lali .AN . Burnett ihw'mer A Scot. AN »ty AR Llttti [acflng Give A take ■ ■ IS4N ' '" 1 fAR $2250 Pe*triute Ro*i mn v 14 B 'AR IAB 'AR . Burett Rosemary IAB len Fdi Jell-o 'AR IAB rank A Jackson rath lat MEASURE your advertising "DOLLAR DISTANCE" IN TERMS OF SALES RESPONSE! CHOOSE CKLW, THE LOWER COST MAJOR STATION TO GET YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE ACROSS IN THE DETROIT AREA! . . . AND WATCH YOUR SALES CHART GROW UP ... UP ... UP! • CKLW covers a 17,000,000 population area in five important states! ■ ""SMT^ .S— , College eholn Sammy Knye's SI000 News 12-1210 CAH n-f S10OO JAB ' 54750 iVade $6000 Wendy W.irr.n Curl Mmv, time Gen Fds MIl(« i.niis BA B Vade "JB* Jack Berth I'ruilonllal Im ;a'h ,",.,■ „,.'.',,> Valentino B^B ;uMi"'T,i!!mt N°„sr News. 12-1:.' 1" JacK Bereh Wendy Warren B\B ' Mites L,ilis Prudential ins AH lire mon) Wendy Warron IAB ^m"^^^ »°„sri tat* Armstrong thea I90N' L BBD0 5400O Man on the f»m ■■ IN SAM %7U ■I Gloria Parker 8SN m-f I, FCAB S2950 Holen Trent Am Home Pro.lt *urray $2 B00 Murray $2300 Capltnl comment. NLe\B ml-" Guest time i L&T ' '-"' nil Aunt Jenny ■cab'"' lapllol comment IL« B "l ■''' ,'-"■' Guest time -' 18 86-30 LftT 4, mi! !,.>„> ILAB '"iTi's"':!.". Guest time *'.'"'. J''""y JLftB lirJS-aS : ;'. '.' 0 1 a i ■loitnl i«mm.nt C fohrwcm; re 1 ILAB 12:15-83 1 12 85-30 LoVT Bill Ring trio \.>, \lh. 1,1-., il:l MN m.iv.f T ,„»■'»«"• L V.l,.t„. HpIixd playhouse Howard K Smith J T SMI Cunningham "ho eternal light Bill Ring trio "",'.'■"„ I'!'.r'1 . ; T lttlf ll.T.H 1 .-I sut lu.lh rturfw'0l? [nnz-na'avai Murray .m ffoma'prodi 1,,-. ,> ' merlcan farmer Start over HollyCarnall.in Co: 1S5B i S ' EW $4750 „«,«.,.„ ^rvl?e'"mff N-o network No network ;i:;H3L Bill Costello Vuh h , »™ T rtrt ' aaTvleo nt'r'hw monV :""h ,n our "me mt Hurray m"' L NOh?"mT|1 im gal Sundny ; m-f L lur gal Sunday I WTO alth In our time ; ni r i. '"'" D"r qal Sundi> lurray ^^Hrrald of trulh ■■Churrb of Chilli JHrmi Roy * 1 500 On a Sunitiy afternoon Eddie Galleher. .' L&T Vandevanter A "J L Vouth wants to Titer, lir.mlk. Voir. L 52000 i ' ' ll^ll lAlt m-f I, aul Himy new, iompton i<rst m"f '■ ■aul Harvey new, Road 01 life loat ' ml L *°„s!r Ten Malone UK m-f L ■ACMvotrwan C Fetter news -•ST i:':,""" Road of life C Fetter news toal ra-| I. J—» Fun for all MSN T WAG $2000 JT ■ TBA Ted M alone 4TN m-f L l-F-8 $3250 itutle by Wlllard Ted Malone i^r; P".V "*l Jutlc by Wlllarrl UN C°'mt L ,mF'.8(*M monl Ted Malone UN m-f L Mn P.ikie.. l-F-S I'oung Dr Malone i.miiti.n, Bli.w •mil by Wlllard M;i Pr.km. l-F-S Jiule by Wlllard Ted Malone t ■ . 1 by Wlllard lere m-f I. L-, v„.„. Golham |700 Chicago ! L Ko network io'mptm 52850 :*"". News home ■rr oung Dr Mnlone MS„"'M "'"mi!,1;,""" N"„;:::r,k L""S.,*"h •"?,;„';;.:■ i No iot.»ork •.t°r?g Jr|S"al)"y r". ,", -..sir Luncheon with News home — . CKv Mospllil SSCB $2500 Galen Drake [Jan im ..-v. ■■ . ■ YAR $500 The Ruby Merer. Jompton $3000 L>ii ' '.'.'"'in-r.' t -ftID m-f $3250 Guiding light :ompton ■ iUgerald Guiding light Dr Paul 'Itigerald Guiding light lomplM ..'.■■ -Itzgerald c...;„. i Dr Paul 'itlgeraiu rn-^r Siring serenade -• L&T Bandstand USA i-nr L Mary -l&rgaret *1^N m-f" L B\B. v*,R SUlifHi tayltwlth muilt i, [ Slnqlser news NVrr!rrk MtBrlde' JAB. YAR "' No nelwoth M"rv Mnrgojot toTTiea MeBride iTN ml I.AT Oen Pdi IAB. YA Fl" ' ■ Slnglier newt ■ NLA. B "JSS* Mary Margaret Gen Fda "° 3X6 YAR lay It with music N",.M!,",.'"k ITS i" 1 i..vT Jompton Slngiter aewi ! 1 v. neWDrt *BC late newt Plajiand USA Mutle with the Hormel girl, i BBDO $3000 F Slngiter new. NLAB )AB m 53500 T"hl Cn If&G "i'lck $2B50' PAn IMo" fnt%*uSr p&g M'T 1 Wings of PPH" Thomas Wralt ^H>ntury $750 World muiit . festival! Willys -Oterl noil Uotora; wlllyi 2:30-i jL&J'fi? American Forum Tilh W" °r L 52000 Betty Crocker; )FS m",w.t $2900 Tennrsne Ernie MB ^, f ! *'"™-i L .mmrfo^Uoap Tennessee Ernie VHW Ihr 52850' ™a <' ur II ul -ii.iii Botty Cracker ■cab '" ' m,w!r Ssao-as l-F-S Jane Pickens 'onnessee Ernie •iilla "ui^i f L, F C A B ■enn.s-e Ernie i a-l i. Nora Drake rVelntraubP FCAB * enncssee Ernie Brighter day 'AR Mae McGuire Dave Gnrroway Jnne Pickens ) mf L I m-f L Brlghtfr d.iy r&R S2B50 JjflM:rn,i, m"B?«aChiSSn] "•..sar" Brlol.Ur ,1... fAR '"%? Brighter day fAR KVrvWrk ,J",emP,fe,'<niL |^3i World muile .. 1etll.il! burner $ 12. 000 Top tunes with Critic at large ClrS Million lir> !■■ Wade m-f $2050 1 B rji-tti $6000 ohn B Gambling Llle beautiful T8N m-f t i&B $2750 Road of life loniplon $2750 Joe Emerson ohn b Gambling 1 in "i';'m i. Ll,r' Biaiillful ,,.„, Em,r„.,n h, lll,.0 1 ■„ ml' l V'. m/rl'l C"'" Mtl,< M"M 1''1' P4B Cnnn.RrrveV" vide ohn B Gambling ,'m'i' ise't'iiiunV' in f" SB thu) U " :""' ohn 8 Gambling BAB n.„ m"i<" Mil,-. |.nhr k'nai-Ree'v-s "' Varfe ohn B Gambling 1 ■ i -' : l. Lite beautiful IAB ABC late news 1 3 3 :0.' L N T | ! ' A .^lA LbW foutti brings you Trnnetue Ernie Edwn/d Arnold. ttoryleller I m-f 1:55 -1 1. -enaauM Ernie Hnusr narlv Kellow Co Mil tU.f I .B share SfiOOO PAO erlncuT B\B '"""tSW"" H..U-. Piirtv kyer Burnel'l Road of life ZJ"" Get on the ball ■ TMUMsT "UK,) '■nneatH Ernie Edward Arnold. ■toryteller Hi.ir.e n.irh . Burnett . Burnett fonlv R.Mll ol llt "■.'mDli'n J. Young Jr., Inc. r50,000i WATTS L 800 KC. A ^^Btour 5 \V Bennett $10110 ItTalrs of Peter Salem J L relaxation Pepper Young IAB $2700 )-F-S 53000 Pepper Younp '■■ 3AB m BAB Penpei Veaing ,^.L„„„. *P— , Sporti part* Get on the ball Trail Co| 1 I, tlODD G"V>"|t,fv, b"" Fit to happiness o"-'f-ss" Get on the ball 11 to hnpplncil J-F-S Rt to happlnest ^nZf^ J-F-S* ' N jjI[Ml2II L W^t H Alber 51500 he world today Don Bollenbeck, I L Undtr arrest Gl Joe Tennetiee Ernie 1 .n Betty Crocker OtTi Mill m n ' V M SO 1 Q Uwit 1-1 ■>'. len bMi MN-T '&R in f $1500 Sunttilne Sue Bruce & Dan fin $2500 rcnneiseo Ernie ABC lat* news 'AR to-'f mn Sue 1 r. :u 'J R Tonnesseo Ernlo B.tly Crocker )-l -S Robl u L.-.I. 'AR m-f Bruce A Dan varlely i ra-l L B.vk-.lao. .Mr t n Jack Owens K 'J 1." ■■n F.ls 4-1:05 fAR m-f L Miller fAR Stella Dnllal Brute A Dan m-f (IM monl ruleij a-F-s )-F.s"1 Woman In house Robt Q Lewis rn"?"",l)rnk fAR ' Betty^rKker ]»tn rr..l; ni" f olden Horseshoe Sweepstake, Eddie Flthrr N T *"■";»::, " '% Stella Dallas 1-F-S $2800 l-F-S $2750 Stolln D.ill.l. D-F-S'"' )-F-S Stella Dallas -V'-S rhUTB".^ *:3l ihltagoan 1-1:80 t Louis M ■■ ^stand 1 HO Jfi" On a Sunday I4VC " $750 Golden Fleece I T $2500 i " m-f"1" L : m.tu.w L Jack Owens "n-77". T (.F-8 Jack Owens i ni-f T I m-f L »s Treasury handJack Owene ' m'r T '-' F S Mda for bondte T Mat McGu.rc Treasury hands' m-f ' T f * B-f L • Building Detroit 26, Alien. i. E. Campeau, Pres. iBIW $2500 Wi.m.in III Iiluj-.. BAW'" Voman In house BAWS"° '' J"™^ ;ii.»,il tympliuny HeJAA 52000 IBDO i'nrm 52750 Syltanla Electr .INN 15 mm T ISO share !275i.i mystrnei 52500 Em J"n Sp:„-ki. IBiCirit* "" t. len WAlb^-L :C* B in 1 $1750 Crafl Foodi Co iSSN T (ipon lait is IWT II 500 flu'rroy; Cattn inlet $3000 Z3*'?1' Grndy Cnle loo Li 5 i ■ ■CAB Di I "< miltflhan Phlr llD 'cS:0pP"rl"fi , Grndy Cole Murray "''", 8*OIflO m-f L icab'' ^''ui'f Sana* ol the B-Bar-B •.' iv. f L Slg lo-.. Sparkle Fun factory . r I. Grnifv Cole len FAli 5-5:11 TBA Miiiii,.iil. Mur '0 M'.w Grady Cole ^s.„r'; Washington USA \ 1 \how thoV E rUIIti newt ■■■ ILAB ""„ -| " 1 No Datwork m-f* M.i.r.iv 52750 .^JTl m-t r Page Fafrelln , '-„'::"" ,, r Paar Farrallo YiL.rr.n '''7:r;S= , '-£"" , mjrta r Page FarrolH urray H Thli week In lino, oil! 'Ire? fa. ft $4 500 Ronnie Kemper Q at L rCC:«0-45 IelIo«: B:80-B5 :eoll Brown newi Hike m-t" Lurrn/t., Juno Eily $2750 1 m-f L Iky King; Derby ^ILAB lJ' $4500 Cecil Brown news S C Jotinion NLAB i ,,i', ,,,. Ronnie Kemper m t lsi.« in.ml :t m-f L Fstv Wild Bill Hlrkok ,„ w.f 5:30-68 L Burnolt Lore n io J one* E?ty Ronnii Kemper 1 mi l 1. Sky King NLfcB r.ilujd. Ronnie Kemper Bnrr.,11 E,|y Saturday at th N' 1 iv k™ John Conte S m-f J, ;urt Maiiay time Wade D-IffOMO D™ Imi will. [fjf 'itj J, rV&L $2750 S" ml L Miles I.obs MEr-La» " John^Conto ^ Warwick A Leglor Curt Mattay llmo >e|l Brown newt Doctor's Wife NIllM Ull 8 C Jolmion Ebt-Lat John Conle Wade " "" NLAB "'^ Warwick A LegVer w.r:-' rftS^XX John Conlo MUel Lab* S 1 Wade "C "" NLAB ' \ Harwich*. Legl.rjButhen $1500