Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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How In get the most out of basebi National Itoh puis 350 ",, of ail budget in Iv. radio. Contests and othor promo PP . I ~ 1 l I I I — I < ill. I ). ( l.|||\ |l>< ,ll l||-. • linn last m;ii was conducted bj a beei • ompan) and ii pulled more than .1 million ballots. I In elo tion \\ as in name the ia\ oi ill player mi the W ashington Nationals ball club .iihI (In winner, .1 an) \\.t»liington fan can tell you, was centerfielder Jim Busby. But the real prize wenl to the Bponsoi of the Washington Nationals baseball broadcasts and the favorite player election, National Brewing Co. For a relativelj small expenditure, National Brew ing got : • lin reased interest in the team and hence in it^ broadcasts due to the professional!) dynamic hoopla attending Norman A'mony, Boh's dd mgr., has seen firm grow rapidly under impe!us of effective sporf sponsorship year round the favorite player election. • Point-of-sale impact oi tin most attention-catching kind through ballot boxes placed in taverns and retail stores. I he vsliole promotion added up to intelligent use of radio and television baseball sponsorship a the keystone tin an advertising-merchandising-pro motion parla\. National's approach i one to do some thinking about if you now Bponsor or are considering buying baseball — minor league or major. Promotion. ho\\e\er, is not the enl) wa) in which National Brewing squeezes the most out of baseball spon-orsbip. The compan) also takes these two important steps: 1. It expands outward from the market in which it sponsors baseball to cover surrounding territory as much as several hundred miles awav with the radio ballcasts — and does it without spending an extra cent. 2. It maintains the continuit) of advertising pressure and fan interest b> earning awav-from-home as well as One million people voted Boh's election to name Nats' favorite player. Below, ballots brought on field before name M