Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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I "nI I oundation. Condition your mind \i tin la< i that lilmt'il i ommen ials need not be expensive. I bere are more ways ill. in one i" 'ut budgets, ami these < uts ma\ strengthen, rathei than weaken, the effei tiveness i>f the finished produ< i. Here an a few tvaj b to cut < osts on film production : I ostead "l hav ing youi sound on dim. in mil \ mil — • • i j 1 1 • I 111, an ai etate disk. You'll In surprised bow w *1 1 it Wolk OUt. Substitute -iati< i ai toons w i'li bandmoved parts ii'i expensive animation. I i I \ mil ail due. I'U i mi riot, ami he'll save \i>ii a lull-full of money. These "animated" devices an gloriousl) inexpensive to photograph. Gel cag) with your lip-synchronization sequences. II \<>u have a demonstration sequence, f<u example, you maj Btarl j mil -i ene w iili J i | >^ > no. Once you establish youi speaker, he ii, a\ continue with the demonstration, following his actions with the Bound Btoi \ . "If » reen. Finish "If with lip-\n< mi \oiir testimonial, perhaps — ami "If drops a I > i ^ Blice "f vmn COmmercial budget. When Connie Cook Throws a Cookie Contest! HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED! October 26th — Connie Cook threw a Christmas Cookie Contest on her afternoon Connie s Kitchen" program over WOW-TV. Mail piled up . . . kept piling . . . 14,000 entries by the November 25th deadline . . . and more were still coming in! Entries came from as far away as Florida and California! That's a real vote of confidence for Connie, who began her "Connie s Kitchen show on WOW-TV less than 6 months ago. You can get this response for your product in the Omaha and Missouri Valley Market which yielded 42,000,000* Drug sales and 290,800,000 Food sales in 1952. Ask your Blair TV man about "Connie's Kitchen," or write Fred Ebener, Sales Mgr. •1953 Sales Management Survey of Buying Power W W TV BLAIR TV... 100, OOO WATTS* NBC -DUMONT A MEREDITH STATION — NBC-TV AND DUMONT AFFILIATE Instead of making vour full commercial a motion picture, spot in slides where the) can be used effectively. Remember that talent fees make the sighl of an entire human being a luxury. If all you can afford are hand in view uiihI the) often do a fine job I then Bettle for hands alone, and make the most of 'em ! \i this point, a kind!) word of warning. Don'l cut '"-I b) hedging on union rules and fee.-. Charges mav seem unjust, I ill bite on a nail and pay up. Conflicts with VFTRA, SAG or the Musicians' I nion can put v ou out of commission overnight. ^ mir over-all -ton mav be changed to cut co-is. Perhaps \<>u don't need a full-dre s commercial am how. \ few simple scene-, in logical sequence, may do the job every bit as well. If \ou're using music, you save 1100 at the outset 1>\ not using instruments. Plus the $100 fee which you mu-t pay the Musicians' Union, \ou must also pa) a double fee to vour leader, plus paying \our musicians, plus rehearsal time. plus. . . Hey, had enough? **We have never written a rule book of "inu-l-" for our commercials. Hut I suppose thai if we did. our first rule Mould be: keep it interesting. And tied right in with that one Mould be: keep it timple — keep it clear. The very nature ol the television medium rails for demonstration, whenever possible." JOHN H. BOYLE Director of Radio and Tr Reynolds Metals Co. Richmond Imagine getting a full symphon) orchestra for 110! Another musical aid. not nearly well enough known, is the standard musical library. Such libraries are cleared for use on television, and cost as low as 810 per spot. One such library offerabout 300 recordings, offering a complete spectrum of musical backgrounds, dramatic bridges and sound effects. ^ our film producer or T\ station can probably suppl) library service. Don't let special camera effects run up vour budget unless thcv're vitally necessarv to your story. If they're simplv put in to make vmir commercial a wee dab fancier, or showcase vour new familiaritv w i'li phrases like "double wipe lap dissolve extreme close-up montage" — out the) go! Limit the number of voices as much as possible. Perhaps v ou can rewrite i Please turn to page 7 1 1 64 SPONSOR