Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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LITTLE ROCK TELECASTERS, INC K«nyon Brown, Pi IMUIWIUJ Daytime 22 February 1954 RADIO COMPARAGRAPH OF NETWORK PROGRAMS Daytime 22 February 1954 1 1 •^^T SUNDAY I MO) Ml' 1 | 4 D A Y TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 1 SATURDAY Q^Q N. other Var LAT Beynton 135! N I !fl(IN ' m-r 1 D-F-S _ 1420' K*.R stir 1450 Stlin m-f EW 1285 N m'T I 163C m-f I Blow S400I My true ttory WMspr'g ttroct LB' iharo 1450 Ketlogf, Bump! Inl'l Cellurotln Frlfldilre Die Wens A Geller PAG Faith In our Tlmi ™"' l'** n"«il N 10:16-30 I Kf^Jg Sedlray 10-1!:3( Int'l Cellucotloi 10:15-30 all das Cecil Brawn new Faith In our Tim «•' "« "<"" "Vee'm'nl25 N 10.1530 1 Godfrey lo-ii Kellncr. Burnett N m-f L "::: My true story Godfrey' 10-11 30 KgllOU, Burnit Cecil Brawn new W.1..1, IrtnUr. KfT^ „„„„«. t Weedy Weed H loTl F Slnglitr nta Woody Wow packer Shn /'•I Hiit N 10 15 30 I Faith In our Tim* N 10:15-30 I ?",,!"ir„"": 'l Weekly tDace ■ Ntgrs college ",'I^'i,1 S!f' Wade 14201 S C Johninn Show Geo Fds: jell-, "o°\1im" vfe! VAR rH£'5' 4:%r Wl'ffi',,1m.'"' n..„B';,„H';o-..-o BlUUD Purln* Gardner BSHI E^'wr;;"" Wad* ErwIn'liValey"' %£& Erwlll. Wasry Break the Bank "SSSBTol" H Uhih 1LJ wuh I Silt LfJu City Tihmuli Glecion 1750 Colleetor's Hem Grand Central .i.MIN ml I Godfrey ( cont'd Wonderful City Eity 13501 N n.-r I W 11 B5-U ) S^taS NLAB Etty Grand Central Wan) Whceloc"k Warwick A Leg' Godfray (cont'd) Lmvr i>i'|i;i>,leii Wonderful City m.w. alt f N m-f Strike it rich McCann-Ericksor Collate #il# McCann^'rlckion Wonderful City ±;M ?|^,f Wonderful City H Engle new* :?;:<■<£ N I.AT Ultt Beit IIOOO But ssw;q ■„™«u, .'S N 11:33-40 I '£L "lam Queen for a da; I91N rl:16-30 I Esty m-r 12501 slft'iXj Colgate D*y Queen for a da em tin N m-l L Make no yr Mnd Queen tor ■ day Qu.ker Oats SAM " "gSUfr NLAB Esty Second Chance , SBBS T Ever Since Eva S ml I W ti:GS-ll i Roiemar> HON m-f I BA8 12701 N m-f I The Th-eo Plant! P*° trn'mZT Second Chance Rosemary wSsr Pill'Tro'rV.liow mil n° w'>Sr', V.r I..VT teoni'd) lack Berch -'■.ii.N i; .*r.-.,n t K-R m 11350 BAB 13251 IT8N m-r I FCAB S300C Paulino Frederick ^Don Mtars !H,?aZ" W>de 7~u: Jack Berth r,s',LH" Curt Maisey tlmi Pauline Frederick Wade "* m0" ni" nD«, W Wendy Warren Mile. "Ubi™ H m-f Ii IS 12 r. r. T Prudential In* CAH (*"ee mnnt ITrJiC r"\T"i :.anraiter. Pa L Sill Shadel News BBDO ' S40.H C N 13-15-25 1 p-istiPiJ NLGu^T^ef" »-„sr FCAB "* C NLAB 1I:1B-S( Gueit -time N 12 20-30 LAT Jrr,y£i, Guest time N 12 20 30 1AT FCftB N 11:20-30 LAT -jar n,[r;',„zz, itLAB ""iTis'-ac Quest time * 12:20-30 LAT "•,.s:sr 1 Tomorrow of Qod The eternal light N L &""z.r"'i Bill Ring Trio mmf *%: m^t Bill Ring trl* Oan m li h,i,,.H..., , •z^ss' C1H 1... .nr.nl KnW-RMV.."" rrr •*figSg war •-;. 201 II LAT "-■" '• """L""° 1 T8N m-f L Murray 13300 n-r 13 30-1 ""■nltehall8!'!?" Our gal Sunday No network Whitehall Ph.r ;NcrrlM1™^ Ti'zfS sura "VtJI!!** "v'.,';;!.Tk °ierTlee0r ^H Church of ■" Martin 1'500 Man's Right N T XI, > (Documentary Paul Hvv» newt 15W m-f L DM* m-f^'T, No network p*ul li^S" ""' cimiton" m°'nl Dc».F""inr" K"-«?r "«""" Road of lift PAO: iTorj io*p C Foster news Boit m-f Lj -..ssr P.UI H.™ .... Pftof'lw'iMD IJ-K",, ■■sr p;"syj gs C Foster news No netitork Navy hour 'Z^Z Cltto " [ H ,. N I. ToU MaJono HON m f I, Here's to My Lady IB8N m-f L dTf'.s"* n"M,> Lady Ted Malone PAO oirydol Hera'* to My Lady ';'„"•" |jpSi Lady N m-f T "«npv,V" T.d^M.1... ■i Syncopation Piatt SI Louli L Luther!" L.yGolh.m 1700 University el roundtabl* C L No network 1DSN m-f' L r>rnnt<.n t3B>n i-sa,*» N0»Sr V^uno Pr Mslnne PAO: erlico. |oy r"„ No network »r,:H'JF r", -',.sr S'.HIr r?,'"1'.,. PH',:H3; Loner *"Sr* PAO dm. li'y f Guiding tight Compton" cSiif""0"' LH white HMO N T ""flf*1 Mary Margaret 0TN m-r LA-T 45 l"-^1« ~JS* 97N m-f LAT ?n<j Mrs Burton BAB, VAR1" N ' t 97N ^T-fP I.AT Den Fds Fred Robblm N I 3 C John*™ NLAB ""•■Br M-O- .1. Tonl Co ^IM 4* Gn^sp Frvd rt.,hhin, m-f 2-2-25 N I K»".r wTwC f.fX.'E" n r, . . m Hi,,. »Jf Teias to, <udner JI5.00,) Symphonlrs la Symphony M I 1 Wlngi of ^J I5TH I t*^ American Forum ot the Air Wash I Betty Crockerl OFS M.W.I 12900 Martin Block Show m-F J.JiV-t N LAT DCS8; Tonl' YAH S2B5D* C m-f L n m" ' t*r Brtil'l-ilyera, Tonl Co. WAG c "":,'-, Gen Mill* m.w.f 2:30-36 Martin Block Nora Drake Ladles Fair C m-f I Show N m* " L*T c L"S,F'" t Betty Crocker m.w.r a ao-'ss N m"r LAT "%i°ai" C m-f L N.W.-T ST mi Brighter day PAO' cheer YAR N m-f L ifC-S, N m-f L Newt 3 55-3 ml „?*'?ra*S5.l Jan* Pickens »?£;£„, H '"'m-f ""l. ftfl Hour of detlilon |H JSGVar f) w Bennett 12000 Ni York Sympohny U S Marino Tha Golden She* Tunes N 1 r,rJ"M^'rZrt Hilltop hout ;-.«;•;" BAB 12750 m-f'fBB^ta.) Wade trsr» P& %S"& Oen Mill) "ass iia BAB 'atnMilT JilS fc-W-ffl f,H3' "rrl/E, !f S.fSBl Life beautiful P*AO: tide, re.l "ST -as B.|n,1 : -&s 181N rfl:S0-45 T LB* ' " 16000 Wizard of "odd*" Soniplon 12750 BAB 12700 »*fJ: draft, tldet D-F-S 13000 Martin Block House party Kello™ Co 1BIB tu.f I LB .hare 1600C Road of life Martin Block House Party Compton «"»:,T> LwS°l n'.'-,0,.4"Zn', "las .' Burnett PAil «lic?l In "sclcn" Waih LAT Wuh L Popper Young BAB B™^ "" m™" Author Meet* the Critic* N L H ooo T^rZr Pepper Young SBAW ihr 13200 Tonl Co Burnett' " o"f-s"* d'"f.s" Wizard of odd* PAO dreft. tide World t -, R H Albrr HMO Contort Hall N T Counterspy ,r 12106 (Sunday' °"ncw*Vor LAT llrlr.etloni (Seeolio Tho Big ■^s R 0 Lewli 1-4:0! wffi,™"" ""1 YAR '" 12500 H m-f * t Doreie Bell Co™ Pr°odi m-f C L Miller Afternoon Nrn Backstage wife lack Owens Betty Crocker Robt Q Lewis Sun Su* 4:15-30 Antrim New. Backitage wife Music In th* Var m-f L Robt 0 Lewis FOB Sun Sue 415-30 *X""n """l ";l"Si,".'.':, n m-l L Bttty Crorker Mutual Mmlc Backitage wife "*,sr N 1 Operation Music '*$£ lhl Mutual Mu.lo Show N to-' T O-F-S 12800 Mutual Muile N ~m ■" T Stella Dallas O^F-s"* m( Mutual m.ii.i: Show N m-f 1 OmF-s'efl Mutual Mutl* Show N m-f T d"f-s"" """" Thl world today Up™ llollenbeck. HI N T 11(50 ^•sr', -,;„ ,;„,, D-F-S 12B0O Muilc In tho Vir m f I I":. b^t, Ste'mnf BDn,B m„,i, ,„ n. H-^rk ~r: SrS. SS! Mtialg In th* " N m-f T ttarltas B,1m. Saturday at th* Chase ,,iIM"" 1 «... ».» T SB AW 12500* VfllThVltan hS«"eB "' Wer•.CO"0,' SBAw"" sbI'iJ"" """ 1 H "'o"-'" Singe Struck N S-« I. M.ni..ri ft Bwlai Wm Esty Par pwtle: latM 12000 Tar LAT 12250 Austin Klpllnger No network ,:ErlL Bates ' 12S0O Austin Klnllngcr -..sir Sot Preston of the Yukon Outker Oils SAM 14250 Jul Plain Bill « ws Song* of tha B-Bar-B W ° I Just Plain Bill Fr Page Farrell Austin Kipllnger Todd m"''",.'^. Sgt Preston tx**"j& Autlln Klpllngei N""i:r Songs ot the rVaah " ""*'"' L iVIld Bill H Ickok m.w.f 5:30-55 > Page Farrell Martha Lou 1 L Lai Hlgbi* N..i NLAB" Art A Dotty Todd 11 m-f L Pluiriiu.o DCSS Art A Dotty LH r>nnw n"1™?""",. ';„;„'„;, "■Jh*"™?™*, uLm 2.',."% Sky Klnq Derby Fds: r^i „..=»■ Enr Told J. GowlTe*r tiro* £Sf CTP?"b.J|S,"l Lum 'n' Abnar H co-op L Wild BUI Hlckol Kelloil Co NLAB ,rUm eonVbML ^SS ^tt£T s«,r 1 pjUfejja'JJ a son l BB Kudner 14500 NLAB 1351 HgHrtao*-*! t The Thia. PUal rv; Mllct Labs Wad* If Pay* to ha Marrl*d H ffl.f L fc— „-n JFiiJtin Muileal Elprets \ m-f T :;^~ £id ■i m-f 1 '" "TESb J