Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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ONE MORE REASON WHY NO SCHEDULE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT EL PASO! ( i torn itw 1 1 i'jw Times) EP Spending Jumped 12 Per Cent In 1953 Austin. (AP) — TexaiM spent 4 per cent more money I ist year than In 1952. the University of Texas said Friday. The figure was based on bank withdrawals in the 20 largest cities. Debits totalled $66.9 billion in 1953. compared to $64.4 billion in 1952. Houston led the increase, up 18 per cent. Dallas and El Paso each recorded 12 per cent gains KROD TV CHANNCl 4 • ft **«>. TIXAS CBS..DUMONT..ABC YOU'LL SELL MORE ON CHANNEL 4 KROD-TV is affiliated with KROD-600-CBS-5000 watti and the El Paso Timet The BRANHAM Co., National Representative 1111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GitfL#(UltV c.-PAi,,.; rl 0 WVwW Sunset Blvd.. Mf-y Burta 203 1 Your Jingle Must Sound Right to Sell Right THIS MEANS: • Cast the right singers — actors— announcers for understandable copy • Select the right musical treatment with the best musicians • Supervise the recording for the right sound to make sales story clear • Use the right visual treatment and effectively use TV to sell the product • Use a producer of specialized packages and he will create the right package for you. For a Complete R-TV Musical Commercial Package Call Song Ads . . . Ask About Our $75.00 Audition Record — It Really Works. S""""-'\ .,. and II 6000 Sunset Blvd., Suilr 203 Hi.ll*»cod 28 Calif. Hollywood 5-6181 tit /nu-.i. fur 1111111111 CHILDREN'S COSMETICS i Continued from page 37) \\ ii kri who can alter her voice to -u i t the different part-. Simultaneously, a corps "I about 2"> youngsters would dance and pantomime appropriate actions <>r moods. "\\ e think we found a wondei Eul solution to tin' programing problem with this formal.'" Perlman told SPONSOR. "It pre\ent \oungsters from becoming bored through watching the same person all the time. There's plenty oi movementj varierj and colorful action. But at the same time \ou have a Bingle, unified stor\ to hold interest and create suspense." The half-hour show. Little Lady Story Time, was telecast in the New York market alone for one year. During the Christmas season, metropolitan stores carrying the Helene Pessl line reported a 60% sales increase over same period of the previous year on all Pessl products. To furnish conclusive proof of television's drawing power, the firm scheduled just one announcement on the -how last year offering a free miniature sample of Little Lad\ toilet water to anyone writing in. The company received a total of 4,000 requests from the single announcement. "The results of this test < o n -need us to expand our television schedule into other markets." Perlman said. This past fall kinescopes of the program were scheduled in four kev metropolitan markets: W XYZ-TV. Detroit (Sunday at 12:00 noon I ; WBKB. Chicaso (Saturday, 11:30 a.m. I ; KABC-TV, Los Angeles (Sunday. 3:00 p.m.); KGO-TV. San Francisco (Saturday, 11:30 a.m.). The show originates over W \BC-TY. New York (Sundas. 11:30 a.m.1. Ad Manager Blackmail wanted the program in major cities because selling is briskest in the large metropolitan ;iii-;i». although Pessl products have national distribution. The show is -lolled o\er the weekends and in the daytime in each market because that's the best time to reach a young audience. Mthough Perlman feels it's '"to,. early" to have reall) tangible results from the expanded schedule, all sii:n point to tv's success as a -ale vehicle, and the lineup lor next fall w ill probablj be lai ger. Helene Pessl's onh other excui into air sponsorship before starting s/cn Time consisted of announcements used Bporadicall) during 1951 over \\ \II( :-T\. One of the reasons for television's significance in the sales picture is the opportunity il presents to show the product. All of Pessl's 40 products created for 3 to 15-year-olds are dei ked out in boxes and containers with special appeal for the young. There arc carousels with paper horses, cardboard cottages and soap cut out in the shape of dolls. Item for little girls aged 3 to 9 are packaged in pink and liluc and have the Little Lady trademark (a little girl holding up a mirror). Items designed to appeal to the 10 to 15-year-olds are packaged in green and yellow with dai-\ emblems. Perlman. who designed all the packaging himself, went I eyond pure eyeappeal: The daisies on all Little Lady Deb toiletries (for the older group) are filled with solid perfume. The flowerare detachable for use as dress or hair ornaments. Each of the three one-minute commercials on Little Lady Story Time is written to include at least four or five different products. One product is spotlighted, but a few others abo are shown and described in each commercial. All stress the good grooming factor. Yliss Wicker does the narration while two young models actually demonstrate and hold up the different products. Here's a sample: (Wicker on camera i Gifts for the groicing-up young lady are no problem. Not when you give her Little Lady Deb toiletries. I Model on camera demonstrating bath >et i Here's one suggestion, and the budding deb herself will tell you it's a good one — something she really wants. It's the Little Lady bath set. It contains toilet water, the just-right fragrance; liquid bubble bath, enough for shining mountains of .shimmering bubbles, and a large soap mit. chock full of purest castile soap. The Little Lady Deb hath set. for useful and glamorous giving, costs only 13.25. i Closeup of talcum power package) in ideal, inexpensive gift. Little I.adv Deb talcum ponder. . . ." The commercial noes on to mention three other products — a total of five products plugged in just one minute's time. Miss W icker doe the commercials herself because the companj feel she s an expert on the techniques of talking 76 SPONSOR