Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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-i\r ip bis business. He asked the fanl .-ii' price ol 820, foi the busi bul im.ilK agreed to turn ii >>\ ei to the boys for 11,000 cash and a royalt) agreeraenl foi In years. As an ex-radio man myself, I have the advantage "l the two gentlemen who are speaking with me, in thai I bave Bold theii products "n the radio and therefore I < an < laim a pari ol whatevei success the) report <>n their radio operation. I id) House Products began a The Pel fex < panj just I I years and two months ago with no working capital ami with an item thai was — < » 1 < i In mail "M radio with a few specialt) salesman agents whom the owners had inberited in their purchase. From the beginning, with one radio Btation, it has grown ti> quite a sizable operation in which we now use some (>!! radio station pin* several television stations. Inasmuch as most of the people involved in our compan) are radio people, il is quite natural that this would be the one medium in which we would pla< e our major emphasis since we Some guys are always thinking of WOMEN! INCLUDING WREN CHOICE OF TOPEKA WOMEN When you're talking about women — that's a subject we're expert on. Year after year, WREN's daytime ratings surpass those of any other Topeka station— and by a good margin. Local and network programs, tailored to the tastes of Eastern Kansas housewives make WREN tops with the ladies all day long. Rep. by Weed & Co 5000 WATTS ABC TOPEKA, KANSAS 104 are foolish enough to believe that we know something about radio and how to use it. I think perhaps that the point of greatest strength in our organization as far as our advertising is concerned, i that our intimate knowledge of the wax radio works gives US tin advantage o\er our competitors: We do not expect miracles nor do we expect phenomena] results in a short period of time. It is rather common knowledge in the trade that our major advertising vehicle i our own Kitchen (.luh program, a I 5-minute homemaker type ihin^ which we have used from the beginning with what we believe t<> be a certain amount of Buccess. If we had any se< ret formula for radio advertising. I certainly wouldn't divulge it to this grouj). of all people, since I have ne\er known a good radio man who wouldn't pick the hrains of anyone who was being BUccessfuL If there is a secret, it probabl) i that we fundamental!) believe radio to he the most economic medium we have for reaching large groups of people. The growth of our company has been phenomenal to outsiders, but to us it seems only the natural and logical result of anticipated planning if you ma\ use such an expression. We do have a rather general yardstick which we use in choosing radio stations and that is that we are more inclined to pick a wide coverage station which is dominant in its area, because we are buying for the long pull. Here is another criterion which we use and which you station men should give serious thought to. We are nearh as interested in the management of the stations we use a we are with their frequency and power and their position in the market. This dates back to our own days in the radio business because it has been our experience that a smart radio man with a second-rate station can do more in a given market than the station with better facilities but poorer management. Rather than confuse you with that term management, let me spell it out a little more clearh. I think con* trol of a radio station as to its programs and policies, it cooperation to get a job done, its merchandising and the -landing in the community or area as reflected h\ the men operating it all add up to something which can he as potent an advertising tone as the position on the dial. In other word-. we like to do business with our kind SPONSOR