Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA'S f^CCUteeA RADIO STATION Most people in Western Virginia listen to WDBJ NEWSCASTS because we employ: • Two competent, full-time News Editors • Direct AP AND UP presswire services • Tape recorders, police and fire department monitors, telephone "beep" system, etc. • Full reportorial services of both morning and evening Roanoke newspapers I including some 50 string correspondents in our coverage area) • 46 complete, locally-produced, practically spaced newscasts weekly • 11 complete farm shows weekly AND, we've been steadily serving, steadily improving, steadily promoting these services for almost 30 years. Established 1924 • CBS Since 1929 AM • 5000 WATTS ■ 960 KC FM . 41.000 WATTS ■ 94.9 MC ROANOKE, VA. y the TIMESWORLD CORPORATION FREE & PETERS. INC., National Representatives WANT TO SELL CANADA? One radio station covers 40% of Canada's retail sales CFRB TORONTO 50,000 WATTS, 1010 K.C. CFRB covers over 1 5 the homes in Canada, covers the market area that accounts for 403o of the retail sales. That makes CFRB your No. 1 buy in Canada's No. 1 market. REPRESENTATIVES Unittd Slate! : Adam J. Young Jr., Incorporated Canada: All-Canada Radio Facilities, Limited iWithinl5Mik I of/this tower wesihe greatest°uv'Ng power served 4 -Ask •Hal tiolmati Co. for -the pro©? "*£l *oek'«»'«. ,,r*0 *r0l JANESVILLE • BELOIT '°'K W; -5000 WATTS AT 1380 "BASIC INDEPENDENT" should <lo it a» a point of pride: \ou must do it because of competition. i mi can t do it if \ou don't believe in \our medium yourself. If there were a revival meeting being held for radio, I would earnest!} recommend \ou all attend it and ^et \our faith restored. A. H. (Cape) Caperton ad manager. Dr. Pepper Co. Kevin Sweene) invited me to tell you, in about !■"> minutes. \sh\ and how Dr. Pepper LB using radio as our most important advertising medium this \ear. He mentioned in hi imitation that if 1 would accept, he would see to it that m\ trip up to Chicago, except for the 1 5 minutes on the platform, would all be fun. Well. 1 would like to make this 15 minutes fun too because am successful program is fun. The first thing he asked me was how Dr. Pepper seasonal sales patterns varied throughout the country. Well. about three-fourths of our Dr. Pepper business conies out of an area south of a line from Baltimore to Albuquerque, and as is the case with am soft drink, the June. Jul\. and August volume is about double the Decemher. January, and February \olume. Norm Nelson also asked, "W hat is vour radio formula?" Our regional distribution does not permit us to make the best use of am network. Our experiences we have had with regional networks or special hook-ups of alhliated stations have not been as succt — ful as local spot radio. So our formula is one of Ia\ing down a spot saturation coverage over areas where we have adequate availability of Dr. Pepper and where actual sales today, and potential sales of the future, j list i f \ sucb an investment. \notber question was, "How do you tie-in \ our advertising with \our merchandising?" Here's a good example: This spring we bad our third annual free offer of a 15< packet of Vaughn Flower Seeds on each carry-home carton of Dr. Pepper. It was announced to the public nn a special series of radio spots . . . followed bj a straight pitch b) the familiar voice of Del Sharbutt, telling about this free Bower seed offer. To Nelson's question, ""Do \<>u tiein radio with am of uiur other advertising?", the answer is \ es. with till other advertising, even point-of-sale. Another question. "How often do 108 SPONSOR