Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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CEN-TV The Only Station Providing TV Coverage of ALL Of The Temple-Waco and Central Texas Market * Maximum 100 KW On VHF Channel 6 * 833-Foot Antenna Height * NBC-TV Interconnected For More Information Writ* KCEN-TV P. O. Box 1 88, Temple, Texas National Representative: George P. Holllngbery Co. Texas Representative: Clyde Melville Co.. Melbo flag., Dallas CBS FOR THE QUAD-CITIES is now operating on 100,000 watts • This maximum power covers the Quad-Cities and the surrounding trade area ... a total of 264,800 TV set owners. Les Johnson, V.P. and Gen. Mgr. whbf ;: TEIC0 BUILDING, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS Represented by A»er,K»odel, Ik. big < ities. This ia to be expo ted, Eoi in nearl) all Btates one or two or three large cities control a great majority of the buying power. Nut bo in Iowa. The metropolitan area oi 1 1 1 * -i\ largesl cities accounts for onl) one-third State. Bui Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. iii the minds of the guys back East, an m'i big markets even though the buying power in llie area compares verj favorablj with such cities as Tulsa, Richmond and Miami. \\ H.I.IWI F>. Ql LRTOM (general Manager WMT-TV Cedai Rapids, Ion a RADIO ARTICLES I read with a great deal of interest the article bj Ufred Jaffe in the April 1') issue of your magazine, "The New Radio" | page 31]. I found it to be very informative and thought-provoking. In fact, I thought so much of it that 1 dipped excerpts from it and have them here before me now. In the article, a passing reference was made to an article that appeared in an earlier SPONSOR issue. I missed that earlier article, and would like to get a reprint of it if it is available. The article was entitled, "What 44,000 listeners told a station about radio." This appeared in the March 22, 1954 issue of sponsor [page 48]. Will vou please send me a reprint of the article or the entire March 22 issue, which ever is more convenient. William R. Balch Radio Program Director KFEQ, St. Joseph, Mo. • Ex-ra copies of the 22 March 1954 issue e'n1 .">Oc each. No reprints of the article cited above are available. SCRIPT INFORMATION I need lists of sponsors who want fantasy, domestic situation, mystery or horror tv scripts and their specifications as to program length — and taboos, if out of the ordinary. If "they are short of scripts" I hope to be able to help them out. Please send me any information that you can. If there is an) charge I will gladly pay it. Time is important. Robert L. Gergins Director, CARE Pittsburgh • SPONSOR*! I> Comparacraph. published alc.n.ii, laraee, fivea iponaora and agrncir* for ..I] network program*. Morr ipoelfia information can bi obtained bj •rritlna la the icrnrir. in> .1. SPONSOR ASKS i Continued from page 63) of client product I was not onlj attempting to associate our client with a male-appeal -how. ^u<h as newscast, Bportscast, and/or the like, hut also with an endorser, whether it he in the form of a personality oi the -how itself. I had to dud something that I could real!) -ell to the client. Pitches wen made on all the stations, hut onlj one had been sold to me. It was a live sportscast. \lthough the personality was rather newh established in the market on the local picture hut doing quite well, this new program and time that was pitched was virtually unestablished, having only a three-month history — during the summer months of June, July and August. Even though the time period was at a slightly earlier hour than is usually considered uood for male listening, the -hort rating history showed merit. Ratings had grown consistently through this three-month summer period as had the male portion of the audience. 1 he cost factor was naturallv of great importance. The cost-per1.000 114 SFONSOR