Sponsor (Jan-June 1954)

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KEDD WICHITA KANSAS NBC ABC 97% OF THE WICHITA TV AUDIENCE SEE TELEVISION AT ITS BEST ON KEDD WH m KEDD CHANNEL '■■-'. WICHITA KANSAS STANDI M DURWOOD REPRESENTED BY Edward Petry & Co., Inc. had grown lower, while the time and program remained unchanged. I But not for long, as is usually the case. I The commercial aspect of this buy also showed good promise. Not only could film commercials be integrated into this show, but the live commercial picture of openings and closings, together with the personality endorsement, were what we were looking for. This was the type of show that could be promoted well by the dealers in their showrooms. All the information necessary to a good sales pitch was given, not only in the facts and figures above, but also with respect to future value and acceptance of the program. In September I bought this show on a 13-week contract, which was later renewed for 26 weeks. That is, in my estimation, a good pitch, sold well by the salesman. Any questions? SPONSOR welcomes questions from readers for use in this feature. Suggested questions will be evaluated for their interest to other readers and, if found suitable, will be submitted to the most appropriate authorities for answering. Upcoming questions include: '"How do you use cumulative ratings in considering radio buys?" and "How can the local advertiser use tv successfully?" Answerers of these questions will include advertisers, agency personnel, station representatives and specialized consultants. Frequently readers submitting questions have found the answers are helpful guides in the solution of industry problems. Questions can be either of general interest, or related to some specific air advertising problem. The next issue of SPONSOR will feature this question: "How can advertisers best use radio and television abroad?" This discussion will be part of sponsor's annual international radio and tv section. Answerers will include experts in international marketing and advertising. k3 SATURATION / / in Central C^V KANSAS Yes... 5^2 out of every 10 families within KTVH's .01 mv. signal own TV sets. KTVH advertisers enjoy a concentrated loyal viewing audience, established by well-planned promotional efforts and top programming. See your KTVH Sales Representative Today! CHANNEL 12 KTVH HUTCHINSON WICHITA VHf 240,000 WATTS CBS BASIC -DU MONT -ABC REPRESENTED BY H-R TELEVISION, INC. COVERS CENTRAL KANSAS THIRSTY FOR A SALES BOOST? Look 1 BAYSHORE PRODUCTS CO. Traverse City, Michigan WWTV April 27, 1954 Cadillac, Michigan Dear Sir: The results of the Mogen David program, "A Dollar a Second", has tteen phenomenal already. Our April sales are 300% over last year and the ball has just started to roll. We are getting new accounts daily and should have 100% distribution in a short time. People who never drank wine before are trying Mogen David. This certainly proves the selling power of WWTV. Many thanks to all concerned for this unexpected and greatly appreciated sales boost. Very truly yours, (SIGNED) JAMES B. BENNIGAN OWNER JBB:jb SPARTON BROADCASTING CO CADILLAC, MICHIGAN 14 JUNE 1954 115