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And all eight of these clients are in fields so strongly competitive that sound, hard-selling copy is almost a must for survival — cigarettes, soaps, proprietaries, foods and other grocery and drugstore items. Some things we've learned These are supposed to be lush times. But competition in many fields is just as tough as ever— or tougher than ever. The battle is still going on, and experienced advertisers are not being fooled by what may look like easy going. They know that, even with volume bulging, it is easy to lose competitive position. They know that new product developments can badly damage a beautiful consumer franchise almost overnight. And that a relaxed attitude toward advertising, sell ing and product improvement can be an invitation to disaster. How we may help If you are such an advertiser, you might be interested in hearing how we operate under today's special competitive conditions. How, for example, we have helped clients launch new products in brutally competitive fields. How we have helped "fenced in" products break out of local markets into broader, richer territory. How we have helped fine products, that somehow had dropped behind the field, regain leadership. Success in jobs like those does not come easy. It all adds up to hard work. But that's what we like here at SSC&B. Because we're used to it and are geared up to it. And because we've found that it gives an advertising agency its best chance to grow — along with its clients. Sullivan, Stauffer, Colwell & Bayles, Inc. 477 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22 PHONE: MURRAY HILL 8-1600