Sponsor (1956)

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(continued) OPEN LETTER to Neil H. McElroy, President of Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati promise — namely, that SPONSOR will, with each issue, give you a full wrapup in depth of the up-to-date essentials in tv and radio advertising. What we're talking about is a single trade paper service so complete and so essential that you and your associates will be able to keep fully posted. What this would mean to you is that one hour per issue with SPONSOR would give you a briefing and evaluation that will keep you abreast of the ad media on which you rely heavily for progress. What this would mean to us is that despite your staggering personal schedule, including such diversifications as budgeting, financing, legal matters, expansion, new product development, you would find it economical to rely on SPONSOR for your tv and radio perspective. Is it possible to publish a SPONSOR that gives you everything you want in one tv and radio publication? With our present bi-weekly formula, we think no. With a weekly SPONSOR, we think yes. We reason this way. No bi-weekly can fully cope with the meteoric happenings of our industry. Even the best job of evaluation, interpretation and reporting falls short of being a complete wrap-up on an alternate-week basis. SPONSOR has had marked success with its formula of use articles and highlight news; but we would be foolish to contend that this represents the full service you need to keep posted. Only the regularity and timeliness of a weekly will permit a complete tv/ radio advertising service for you and thousands of others oi our industry. So, SPONSOR is going weekly 27 October 1956, just as we begin our second decade of publication. And on 21 October we are promising you what we have never promised before a new concept in broadcast trade paper service, a complete wrap-up in depth for busy air-minded executives. 98 SPONSOR