Sponsor (1956)

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RADIO RESULTS HOMES/ Lincoln, Neb. SPONSOR: Home Construction AGENCY: Direcl CAPSULE CASE HISTORY: In order to sell homes ahead of the building schedule, the sponsor used 75 half-minute r.o.s. spots in a \-day period. Subsequently, six homes were sold, with a total dollar value of more than $60,000. The "direct sell" advertising cost on units sold was less than .002 . according to Home Construction s sales manager I). Hansen, who also stated, "We were stvamped. Without having even a full) completed 'show house,' we sold every one available." Cost: $125. KLMS, Lincoln, Neb. I'lK (GRAM: Announcements HOMES/ Toledo, Ohio SPONSOR: Whitey Wrecking Co. AGENCY: Direct i M'SULE CASE HISTORY: 750 government surplus homes were sold during a spring and summer campaign in spite of the fact that each home had to be moved from the project where it was built to the buyer's own site. One minute announcements were broadcast over WTOL inviting the public to inspect the homes and from 1,500 to 2,000 people responded on an average Sunday. Running ]0 announcements a day the campaign cost the 11 hi ley Wrecking Co. approximately $450 per week and was characterized by the station as its "finest success." WTOL, Toledo. Ohio I'liOGI! \ M : Announcements HOMES/ Kansas City, Mo. SPONSOR: Ruskin Heights AGENCY: Direct < APSULE CASE HISTORY: Ruskin Heights, a housing development of 3,000 units, bought a weekend schedule of 15 announcements on station HUB. Nine of the commercials were scheduled after 7:00 p.m. on Saturday night. Purpose of the drive nas to sell 48 homes. Results: That Sunday. Ill homes were sold. And during the following three weekends, alien firm had planned to continue the campaign, the schedule teas abruptly hailed. because all of the homes acre sold. Willi. Kansas City, Mo. PROGR \M: Announcements HOMES Silt Lake City SPONSOR: Qualirj Builders AGENCY: Direct I APSULI ( VS1 HISTORY: To attract attention to its recently acquired building facilities, the advertise! placed two announcements in the Gordon U\wn-K;u I Donaldson program. Copy centered around one specific house and tins ml libbed by Owen. The house, worth $19,500, was sold to an interested listener within u period of two i/a\s u/iri the second commercial. /•> " result, Quality Builders decided to continue the dine on Kl))l.. Cost of the participations <>n \2 and L3 lul\ was $20.00. KDY1 . -..Ii I ake Cit) PROGR AM: Partii ipations HOMES/ Real Estate SPONSOR: Assoc. Realty Company AGENCY: Direct ( APSI I I. CASE HISTORY: To bring a suburban cottage site, Kings Lake, to the attention of greater St. Louis. tin's real estate company has been using a schedule of 12 10-second announcements per week through the summer. Associated Rcull\ has found that its mail pull through announcements has increased and large crouds drive oiil on weekends to inspect tlw lots. Since these sites are ideal for both summer and n inter activities, the company is continuing the schedule on a '*/./."" basis. k\(lk. St. I oui-. M. I'lK X. I! \M: Announcements HOUSEHOLD/ Furnitu re SPONSOR: Welker Furniture AGENCY: Direct (M'SULE CASE HISTORY: \\ el/.er was a new store in the Shamokin area. Its management decided to use radio primarily for a long-range advertising campaign aimed at building up a sales gross of $100,000 annually within five years. Welker bought a half hour Guy Lombardo music show on Sundays, a daily five minute polka program and spot announcements for a yearly billing of $4,000. ]) ithin two and a half years, the Welker Company was doing an annual business in excess of $100,000. The radio ad expenditure has been quadrupled since the store opened. WISL, Shamokin, Pa. PROGRAM: Two music shows and announcements HOUSEHOLD/ Furniture Suites SPONSOR: Whitmire Furniture Co. AGENCY: Direct CAPSULE CASE HISTORY: One segment of a regularly scheduled daily quarter hour broadcast was purchased by the sponsor for the specific purpose of advertising a group of living room suites. As a result of the program, titled Whitmire Harmony Time, tlie store sold five suites of furniture at an average cost of $159.95 each. The gross revenue attributed to the sales message broadcast over WRFC came to over $800. The cost to the advertiser was $7.15. WRFC, Athens, Georgia PROGRAM: Whitmire Harmony Time HOUSEHOLD/ Stock Reduction Sale SPONSOR: McCallister Furniture AGENCY: Direct i APSULI < ASI HISTORY: The McCallister Furniture Co. staged open on a holiday to get a stock reduction sale off to a good slur!. Only tiro media were used, an afternoon newspaper and radio station hi 1. 1. Eight halfminute announcements were scheduled during the morning of the sale-day prior to the newspaper s appearance on the stands. Ted Scott, radio sales manager for KULA reported that the client sold over $2,000 worth of merchandise before the newspaper was even published. The i ost oj the eight announcements tins $26.67. Hawi I'KOCIi \ M ■ Announcements 18 M'uvsolf 20 DECEMBER L956