Sponsor (Jan-Apr 1957)

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NEW YORK RADIO MAST! R DIR1 i I' '!<', 1 Olty &.LBANY AMSTERDAM 3INGHAMT0N DAILY HOURS wl I KLY HOURS Call latter* Freq. Power Nitl network National rep Network Po»tmid Pop mutle Country. Concert Weitern H-lio Newt HoneSporti making Farm Foreign Negro Sorvlcot w \n 1 11)11 2 iOw Forjoe 1 in, 4 1 3 AP.UP WOKO 1 160 :.u A,M Webb 4 1 16 1', 8 II 5* 2 % M* \\ ri i; l.-.H) 50kw ABC Weed 18 50 5 6 7 18 20» 4 1 1 AP;W WROW 590 51™ CBS Vverj Kjiodi I I 80 17 Wl SS 119(1 250* Mi • . 1 1 1 \ i i 12 l-' WIN! (So I \M< OTTi WINB WKOP WNBF" 680 LI).5oo-\ \B(. Hollingben IK L5 1360 5-D.500-N MBS Boiling 93 21 1290 5k w ( l!S Blaii II 16 \\I!\Y* 1400 250w liurki ^lu.iil 92 18 28 WE BR 970 5kw MBS k.ii/ 87 I". wgr 550 5U \i;c im.w I 50 12 18 WkBW 1520 ".Oku \\i-r\ -Knodel 6 Ill 12 12 WWOL* 1120 lkw-D I ■ • r 1 1 • • " 37 21 JEW YORK WINS 1010 50kw Young 6 145 \* WLIB 1190 lkw-D Forjoe % WMCA 570 5kw \M Ratlin Sales 6 134 16 WMGM 1050 50kw HoUingbery 1 24 21« WNEW 1130 50kw Simmons 6 111 6 _ II I P I P \UBURN WMBO* 1340 25l)w MBS Thos. Clark '. 18 L5 3 12 • 1 \P 3ATAVIA WBTA 1490 25(h, MBS 3 43 11 12 4 2* \\> I p M' W VP.INS 300NVILLE WBRV i)0tl 500 1) kBS 12 8 18 3 7 2* 18 3 AP JUFFALO WBEN* 930 :.ku CBS Christal 20 1 40 4 3 18 5« 3 3 AP,UP;1 MM P MM P; -I/I I P I P I P w \i; \* (See kl NMOKI i iORNING WCLI* 1450 250w ABC 1 unkl 7 24 24 4 5 19 16* 2 1 AP :0RTLAND WKRT* 920 lkw I..II I'.Ml.i 75 6 19 6 2 1« 3 UP;LW JUNKIRK WFCB 1410 500w Walker 60 11 5 7 7 8* 2 6 AP;T LMIRA WEHH 1590 500-D McGillvra 42 7 6 5 7 2 5 4 LP;LW WELM 1400 250w A,C Burn-Smith 7 2 84 1 5 39 3* 4 1 1 AP WENY i2.;o 250w NBC Everett-McK 9 1 36 8 4 18 14* 7 4 AP;W iNDICOTT WENE 1430 5kw ABC Radio-Tv Reps 7 66 15 8 6 12 8* 2 UP :REEPORT WGBB 1240 250w 70 15 % 7 16 3 1 AP;T,W •ULTON WOM 1300 lkw-D Best 53 6 12 5 8 2' 3 5 2 UP;T JENEVA WGVA 1240 250w ABC Cooke 8 51 13 2 2 18 5* 2 AP jLENS FALLS WWSC 1 150 250w ABC R. O'Connell 5 57 21 3 7 16 6» '•• y* 1 AP;Se,^ 5LOVERSVILLE WENT 1.510 250w CBS Gill-Perna 8 22 15 3 60 1* X 2 UP HEMPSTEAD WHLI* 110(1 250-D Gill-Perna 57 28 3 13 2 % Vz LP:T.W CORNELL WLEA 1480 lkw-D MBS Gill Pema 3 35 14 3 7 25 10* 3 9 1 P:W W W HG* 1320 lkw McGillvra ,;o 11 11 6 1.! 1* 3 5 I P:T HUDSON WHLC 1230 250w McGillvra 51 5 11 8 4 2 4 9 HUNTINGTON KGSM 740 lkw-D Rambeau 64 1 4 11 % 1 P THACA WHCU* 870 lkw-D CBS 1 29 1 6 1 16 2» 6 2 l."P:A.\K AMESTOWN WJOC 1340 250w MBS Thos. Clark 6 Yi 16 8 X X 2" 2 3 AP WJTN* 1240 250w ABC Y.R&McC 6 51 14 8 7 19 5* 3 11 3 UP;A (ENMORE WXRA* 1080 lkw-D Best 47 10 7 9 3 10 8 3 I P:W CINGSTON WKNY 1490 250w MBS Meeker 6 70 2 2 8 28 2* 5 % H AP .ITTLE FALLS WLFH 1230 250w McGillvra 85 8 4 5 11 3 2 OCKPORT Wl S.I 1340 250w Gill-Perna 71 4 5 3 2 2 2 4 M':W 4ASSENA WMSA* 1340 250w ABC Weed 6 36 44 10 2 6 2* 2 I P:T 4IDDLETOWN WALL 1340 250w 50 17 5 3 14 2 1 3 2 AP HEWBURGH WGNY 1220 lkw-D 15 22 3 17 2 2 \ AP JEW ROCHELLE WNRC* 1460 500-1) 42 20 4 7 6 2 3 5 14 AP WAAT* (See NEWARK. \. J.) WABC* 770 50U ABC Blair 7 1 69 1 10 10 5 2 AP WBAIt 99.5 18kw 65 28 2 5 AP WBFMt 101.9 20kw 3 112 2 WBNX 1380 5kw King X 7 1 1 52 AP:Se WCBS* 880 L330 50kw 5k w CBS CBS Radio Spot x 6 48 3 1 3 16 1 % All WEVD* 1 2 8 12 57 5 WHOM 1180 5k w 2 20 125+ I p \p MM P \P. YMBOLS: ( * om-fm station } + fm station D daytime power N — night power local sports covered Lat Amer. included x figure unspecific category unclair 1957 BUYERS' GUIDE --'