Sponsor (May-Aug 1957)

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YES! THIS IS A DRIVER'S SEAT! With overdrive — and power drive and "horsepower" to spare. From behind your media-buying desk you can sit in this driver's seat and cover Hometown and Rural America with the swish of your ball point pen. Hometown and Rural America is that rich, responsive market of more than 80 Million Americans, tuned regularly to the 957 Keystone Broadcasting Radio station affiliates. In your driver's seat you can pick your route and the number of towns you wish to BLANKET with your sales message. Leave out the side roads and the backroads and the detours. Drive right down MAIN street via KBS ... 90 stations or 900 . . . we'll draw your roadmap to suit the sales need that's pressing you most. Ask us to prove our story. We'll love it. Send for our new station list CHICAGO NEW YORK 111 W Washington Sta 2-8900 527 Madison Ave Eldorado 5-3720 10S ANGELES 3142 Witshire Blvd Dunkirk 3-2910 SAN FRANCISCO 57 Post SI SUIter : • TAKE YOUR CHOICE A handlul ol stations or the network a minute or a lull novr-ift up lo you. your needs • MORE FOR YOUR DOHA* No premium cost lor individualized programming '• coverage lor less lhan some "spot" costs • ONE ORDER DOES THE JOB All bookkeeping and details are done by Kq — .«•!•* b*»l time and place are chosen lor you JULY 1957 151