Sponsor (May-Aug 1957)

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youmean IT'S NOT A ONE-STATION MARKET? No, Virginia, it's not a one-station market even though ARB, Nielsen and Puhc have made it look thai way, There really are other 7 V stations in Eastern North Carolina. Sure, these .ire the facts . . . . , . ARB (Jan. 1957) credits WTS'CT with: • every one of the top 15 shows • dominance of HO nighttime '4 hours (6 P.M. -Midnight, Sun. thru Sat.) • plus daytime dominance, too. • (confirming the earlier Pulse ratings) . . . Neilsen reports that WNCT reaches more Eastern N. C. homes and is viewed regularly by 40% more homes than any other station. But honest, Virginia, WNCT is not the only T\ station in Eastern X. C. It's just that .til those reliable sources keep making it look that way . WHALE OF A STATION * WHALE OF A MARKET COUNTIES SERVED 42 POPULATION 1,496,700 TV HOMES 194,560 EFFECTIVE BUYING INCOME $1,460,140,000 RETAIL SALES $1,150,316,750 GROSS TOBACCO SALES (Type 12) $477,816,430 Sources NCS \ 2 TV M.i^.i USDA SM Survcj Bin inp Powei s RDS EL 9 — CBS • ABC J \ ndl Campbd Ger JULY 1957 L57