Sponsor (Sept-Dec 1958)

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13 September 19S8 • Jol. 12, No. :17 3RONSOR THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE Tv/rADIO ADVERTISERS USE DIGEST OF ARTICLES New developments in network radio 33 Rfboundinjj sharply after a summer slump, radio networks expect strong 4th quarter to push 1958 total close to 1957's healthy $60 million Fifteen ways to help timebuyers 36 Station Representative Robert E. Eas for improvin;: timrlmyer-timeseller rela Play-Doh: $3,000,000 spot tv wonder 39 How 27-year-old President McVicker used tv to build sales of children's modeling material from $25,000 to |3 million in less than 4 years Tv's revolutionary videotape 40 Part II of this special report on the tai)e that is changing in industry reveals ihi very latest developments along with the way stations use it Selling the premium product with radio 43 H.,VN Maola Milk & Ice Cream Co. of New Bern, N. C. facing problems riinilar to those faced by other mid-size accounts, solved them with radio Norman R. Glenn Secreta ry-Trea su rer Elaine Couper Glenn EDITORIAL DEPARTMEN Executive Editor John E. McMillin IManagins Editor Akin W. Outcalt News Editor Ben Bodec Special Projects Editor Alfred J. Jaffa Senior Editor isociate Editor is Carpenter Western Editor (Los.Angele Pete Rankin Film Editor Beth Drexler Brod Assistant Editors icit Lindrup Glori, Florowiti Box score of network specials, 1958-59 44 Thi~ s.'aM.nV M.1,1 specials fall below last year's, but still amount t„ S29.1 million. Chart listing these specials, with prices and network The current supply of features: How long will it last? 44 Nc« ^ork. the country's No. 1 marketplace for feature films, has stf.cked all that's available. A report on the status of its seven stations Tv set count for 3,070 U. S. counties 47 ^I'MNsoFi lists 11 pages of county-by-county figures from new, industryhnanc.-d study, just released by Advertising Research Foundation SPONSOR ASKS: Should stations under joint ownership (am & tv) cross-plug? 72 ^''"li th< increasing need for program promotion, three station men diMuss the pros and cons of cross-plugging their radio and tv outlets FEATURES 26 Commercial Commentary S7 Film-Scope lO 49th and .Vladison SB Marketing Week 76 New. & Mea Wrap-Up 6 Newsmaker of the Week 76 Picture Wrap-Up 90 .s,,on-or Hears 17 Speaks »B Sponsor 74 Spot Buys 98 Ten-Second Spot; 22 Timebuyers at W 96 Tv and Radio N. 89 Washington We<-] Production IManager Jane E. Perry Sandra Lee Oncay, Asst. Administrative Staff Dorris Bowers George Becker Jessie Ritter Circulation Department Seymour Weber ErTiily Cutillo Harry B. Fleischman Accounting Department Laura Oken Laura Datre Member of Business Publications Audit of Circulations Inc. rnsEi SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC. combined with TV. Executive, Editorial, Circu'- ' Advertising Offices: 40 E. 49th St. n) nIw " ■ phon Madison) Nfew York 17, N. Y. Tele Murray Hill 8-2772. Chicago Office: 612 N. Michigan Ave. Phone: SUperloi Birmingham Office: Town House, Birr,....s....... Phone: FAirfax 4-6529. Los Angeles Office: 6087 Sunset Boulevard. Phone: Hollywood 4-8089 Printing Office: 3110 Elm Ave.. Baltimore 11. Md. Subscriptions: U.S. $3 a year. Canada and foreign $4. Single copies 20c. Printed in U.S.A. Address all correspondence to 40 E. 49th St. N. Y. 17, N. Y. MUrray Hill 8-2772. Published weekly by SPONSOR Publications Inc. Entered as 2nd class matter on 29 (anuary 1948 at the Baltimore postofflce under the Act of 3 March 1879 (!) 1958 Sponsor Publications, Inc.