Sponsor (Sept-Dec 1958)

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PORTLAND OREGON a KING SIZED SPORTS assures all advertisers KING SIZED RESULTS NEWSMAKER of the week Last iveek, ttt the Leo Burnett Co. in Chicago, a Harvard, Harvard Business School -trained marketing man, tvith a broad background of agency and food experience, took on additional responsibilities. His neiv post represents a significant change in Burnett^s executive structure, and one which many believe tvill become a common agency pattern. The newsmaker: Joseph M. Greeley, Burnett v.p. in charge of marketing, and member of the agency's board of directors who now assumes authority for media and research as well as for his own marketing department. According to Burnett spokesman, the new inter-departmental merger will "strengthen the impact" for Burnett's clients of its overall marketing, media planning. Behind the move, however, veteran observers see increasing evidence of the mounting importance of the marketing man as a key figure in top-level management. Actualh . Burnett is not the first big agency to group marketing, media and research under one executive head. The system has been in effect at Kenyon & Eckhart for some time with Max Ule responsible, for not only media, marketing and research, but also for promotion and radio/tv departments. Burnett, however, is the first large Chicago agency to install such a system, and the move is regarded as especially significant due to Burnett's heavy grocery billings (Pillsbury, Kellogg, P&G. etc. I As early as three years ago, sponsor reporting on "The Advertising Agency in Transition" predicted the trend to greater importance for the marketing man. Here is a SPONSOR quote from that report. "There's a prospect for a big, intramural power play in the emergence of the marketing man as a figure of consequence in the agency. Some marketing directors have already disclosed their thinking on who should control media." Greeley, who has been with Burnett since 1948, has an impressive background in the agency and marketing field. A graduate of both Harvard and the Harvard Business School, he spent 12 years with Quaker Oats, and with Hecker Products Co., before entering the agency business with Pedlar and Ryan in 1942. He later moved to Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample as account supervisor on General Mills, and joined Burnett to handle the Pillsbury account. In the new Burnett reorganization of executive responsibilities, v.p. Leonard Matthews was named executive in charge of media and research with v.p. John Coulson heading up research and Thoni Wright v.p. in charge of the media department. ^ SPONSOR • 20 DECEMBER 19.58 s<'p/( M.