Star-dust in Hollywood (1930)

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Hollywood — The Band of Hope of rising to higher roles. But the ins are ins. There is no room at the top. Nor, indeed, can failure itself dull the glitter of the supers' optimism. The good humour and apparent care-free gaiety of this world of extras may cover heart-burnings, THE EX-DIRECTOR ambitious hopes never to be fulfilled ; it covers tragedy also. As I was sketching the potted Seine described in a former chapter an oldish man who was acting as the captain of the truncated yacht drew me into conversation. " To tink," he said, speaking with an English accent strongly tinged with the American-German accent and waving his hand at the pageant simulating under the light of the Californian sun all the romance of moonlight on the Seine, " to tink, mister, t'at it vasn't no more'n eighteen months ago I'd 'ave 'ad de 'andling off all dat. Look at me now, Q [241]