Star-dust in Hollywood (1930)

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Los <A?ige/es — Religions The spirituals over, the revivalist hastily rose from her lax attitude, pushed the quartette into one corner, and, with every evidence that she was capable of getting the last ounce of feminine appeal from a crinoline, moved before the microphone and adjusted it with a deft and long-practised hand. At once the trumpets aloft began to blare : " This is the Glory Station of Radioland speaking. Now first of all I want everybody to stand up ; shake two of your neighbours by the hand and say : * Bless you.' " The little white-haired woman on my right sprang at me and blessed me ecstatically ; a hard finger was probed into the middle of my back, and turning I found my hand at once embedded in a huge fist like that of a butcher. " Bless you, bless you, brother ! " said a voice that made me think of suet. By Jo's side was a severely practical woman who blessed her in a business-like way. " This is the Glory Station of Radioland speaking, O Lord," shouted the trumpets again, " and this is Angelus Temple filled with happy people, filled so full, O Lord, that they are even crowding the aisles and can't get seats. O Lord, this is indeed a splendid sight for the glory of Thy name. Now first we will have our subject sermon. Slavery days, yes, O Lord, slavery days. Mamie Jennings will take her place on the block and be sold by the wicked overseer, after which she will recite Ah didn't know what to do and Belindas Wedding, Slavery days, O Lord. And we then have one hundred and thirty-four to baptize to the glory of Thy name. Yes, the Glory Station of Radioland speaking. Now comes the slave sale as it used to be in the terrible old days. Slavery days. O my brethren, if any of you are still in the slavery of sin let me set you free. . . ." She turned from the microphone to the audience, nodded her head brightly like an experienced nurse encouraging a C253]