Swing (Jan-Dec 1945)

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40 40 ft? by MARION DDMARK ; -i^ Strip-tease is a business! Here's how it's run. EVERY night of the week between the hours of nine and — well, it used to be four, some two hundred girls in Chicago are making a living by taking their clothes off in public. Theirs is usually a five-time stint — accompanied by an indifferent group of third-rate musicians, a spotlight that flatters the myopic vision of the audience, and a hovering master of ceremonies who spares no superlative in pressing the perfection of beauty and talent now showing. Very likely this strip-tease show is "continuous," just as the advertising and billboard ballyhoo have promised. Very likely the girls are beautiful, from where you sit. And if there isn't the actual number of forty flamboyant femmes, it's highly improbable you'll keep count after the first half dozen acts. Chicago is the only large city in the country to specialize in sextravaganzas of this nature. It has some twenty sizable cafes that amuse the tired business man, playboys, playgirls, and the conventioneer with allgirl shows. When burlesque declined in the late twenties, a variation of this exotica moved into the night clubs, hardly noticeable at first. If there was just one act that was a daring expose of skin and gyrations, the club became a sensation over night; the act overshadowed legitimate talent, even of star brackets. It was bound to happen that eventually some cafe owner would stumble on the paradise of having every act a feast of beauty. Ranging in age from eighteen to forty, the average strip tease danseuse earns from $35.00 to $125.00. The average "strip" has an easily unsnapped or unzipped wardrobe of flowing, diaphanous negligee with variations of what was once called a chemise, a G-string that can cost as little as 35c (as high as $10.00 with rhinestones) , high-heeled sandals, and can-can garters if she happens to have any fish-net hose that are wearable. How many of these costumes she has depends on her attitude toward her job. That can be either the spirit of "maybe-there's-money-in-it" or "the' devil-with-it." The average exotic dancer, as she prefers to be called, does a routine — some uninspired parading, flinging a piece here and there