Swing (Jan-Dec 1945)

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And from the man on the street what do we hear? I didn't ask them what they thought about the subject — only what the term meant to them, right off the bat. Here are some of the answers: Lawyer — "Communism is simply this — a collective agreement of a group to share in a common thing." Salesman for the Encyclopedia Bri' tannica — "My idea would be — a failure's idea of heaven." He spit out the end of his cigar and said, "Now there's some meat for thought!" Cabctte — "A standard salary in professional lines and equality of the races." (I think she was more worried about my paying the fare than about her definition for communism!) Negro sailor. Cook First Class — "It's something like they have in Russia — everything and everyone is equal." He added, "I don't want no one getting the benefit of my money!" Radio Announcer— "Share the wealth — centralized form of government where the government controls the food." Corner newspaper salesman — "They don't believe in much work I don't think." Salesman for cosmetics — "A bunch Ifig^ August, 194') of excited people who can't make up their own mind and want somebody else to make it up for them." Cadet Nurse — "A feeling of equality for all the people. Where regardless of the way the people work, they all should have the same amount." Fountain Girl — "Ask me what a coke is and I'll tell you!" Examiner for Reconstruction Finance Corporation — "It's really just the teachings of Christ. Every man was created equal." Elevator operator— "Entire government ownership, I reckon." President, Communist Political Association— "It is based on the formula, 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.' At the present time there is no true Communist State and there won't be for a long time. Socialism exists in the Soviet Union. It is based on the formula, 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his wor\.' " (Never ask a Communist to define his ism unless you have an hour or so to spend listening!) Union organizer — "They work for the working people. That's about as good a definition as I can think of from what I've observed." Food Broker — "It is a dream of people to establish equality of rights and opportunities for everybody." A soldier — "Where you share what everybody else has." Street car operator— "I don't know. I don't think much of it. Where each and everybody share alike." Insurance executive — "Where the