Swing (Feb-Dec 1952)

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CHAMPION OF AMERICA'S CHILDREN 17 better housing and child health measures In Georgia, for example, the P.'T. A. recently helped push through a state law for the addition of a twelfth grade in public schools. And under P.'T. A. pressure, state after state has been raising its minimum wage scale for teachers in the past five years. Although strictly non'partisan, P.'T. A. politicos apparently exercise as much influence over legislators as any of the widelytouted "vested interests." In their campaigns for children, well-organized P.-T. A.'s offer such a perfect example of democracy at work, that P.'T. A. has been playing a vital role in the postwar rehabilitation of Japan. With the guidance of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, the Japanese have organ An atomic scientist went away on vacation. In his absence, a sign was hung on his office door reading: "Gone fission!" "And then my sister broke up with him, and there I was . . . cut off without a dime." ized 31,000 P.-T. A. chapters with more than 15,000,000 members. According to occupation officials, the P.-T. A. is proving to be "one of the greatest forces for building democracy in Japan." Here on the home front, after 57 years studded with remarkable achievements, the P-.T. A. is as young and vigorous an institution as ever, and the majority of P.-T. A.'s are moving forward. Even now, members are busy planning hundreds of new drives for increased school appropriations and better facilities. For above all, the P.-T. A. is constantly aware of its tremendous responsibility as the champion of America's most treasured possessions — our children. Continurd page 92 All through the game, the excited fan had been yelling his home team to victory. Suddenly he became silent, turned to his neighbor and whispered, "I've lost my voice." "Don't worry," was the reply. "You'll find it here in my left ear." ▲ Ever stop to think what a wonderful thing the brain is? It never ceases functioning from the time you're born until the moment you stand up to make a speech. ▲ The judge looked at the man who was seeking to obtain a divorce. "You claim false pretense?" he asked. "Misrepresentation. Isn't that a rather curious reason to want a divorce? You'll have to explain more fully." "Oh, I can do that. Your Honor," said the man readily. "When I asked this woman to marry me she said she was agreeable. Well, she wasn't."