Swing (Feb-Dec 1952)

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YOURS BY THE MONTH 21 Club'of'the-Month which mails newly published songs and records. A Magic Club sends out prestidigial tricks for parlor entertainment. A Charm Club offers httle "replicas of famous art objects" to be worn on charm brace' lets. And, if you are art minded, you can have famous paintings to grace your home, per month, on loan. A Magazine'of'the-Month Club carefully selects the "best monthly issues" from a long list of newsstand periodicals for busy members who wouldn't have time to read every regular issue. The total membership in the almost 200 monthly mail-order clubs is in the millions. An actual count is impossible as the clubs continue to expand, new ones appear, and others fail. Perfumes, cigars, cold meats, stamps and Navy surplus items monthly to boat owners and marine enthusiasts, are new clubs which add to the astronomical overall membership. The clubs have swelled to such proportion in recent years that a trade association has been formed within the ranks. It is known as The National Merchandise-by-Mail Insti Onc of the First Grade teachers was looking over the shoulder of a little sixyear-old who had drawn a picture of a church. The steeple was very tall and up above it was a horrible black mass. "What is that above the church steeple?" asked the teacher. "The cost," answered the child. "The cost?" queried the teacher. "Yes," said the boy, "that's the cost my dad keeps saying is higher than the church steeple." tute, with 26 member clubs joined to "maintain fair practices." Other clubs are entering the fold for protection and to assure their memberships honest values and merchandise. In Brooklyn, where anything can begin or end, a Weekend-of-theMonth Club has lately formed. For the man or woman who must get away from it all once in a while, it is a candle in the night. This idea is sure to spread, and what comes next is anybody's guess. There's one thing sure, however; practically anything and everything can be yours — by the month! What'll you have? A man on vacation had been told he would find good hunting on the lower end of a creek. Gun in hand, he wandered for miles without getting a shot. On his way back in the afternoon, he met a small boy. "Is there anything to shoot around here?" he asked the lad. The boy thoughtfully shook his head. Then his face brightened and he exclaimed: "Here comes the principal of my school."