Swing (Feb-Dec 1952)

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THE MAN OF THE MONTH 47 Then a friend of the family, James McDonald (no relation), who oper' ated a chain of small-town banks in southeastern Kansas, introduced Reno to the late E. F. Swinney of Kansas City's First National Bank. Swinney got Marion a construction job on the building project for Sears' great plant at 15th and Cleveland. (That's the 15th Street that is now Truman Road.) When a group of Sears' Chi' cago executives were here to set up the Kansas City Sears organi2;ation, they were attracted to Reno; selected him for the Kansas City staff; and sent him to Chicago for six months' training in mail order methods. He has been a Sears man ever since. The Renos have a 15'year'old son, now a student at Rockhurst College; and their daughter, AHce, is married to Jack Pieschl who is Sears' credit manager at Coffeyville, Kansas. The Pieschls have two sons — Marion's "Authorl" MARION A. RENO MEMBERSHIPS Kansas City Club Saddle and Sirloin Club Trustee, Midwest Research Institute Director of Central Bank Advertising and Sales Executives Club Rotary Director of United Funds Director of Community Chest Honorary Directors Association of Rockhurst College Blue Valley Manufacturing and Business Men's Association Art Institute Conservatory of Music Minute Circle Friendly House Whatsoever Community Project Chamber of Commerce — Revenue Maintenance Committee Board of Governor's American Royal grandchildren — Jack, age 4 and Stephen, age 3. Probably they will work for Sears one of these days, too! The Reno follow-through and follow-up! "Bobby," asked the teacher, "in what battle did General Wolfe say 'I die happy' when he heard that the enemy was running?" Happily and with logic, Bobby replied. "His last one." ▲ Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom; youth is the season of credulity. ▲ One of life's greatest blessings is that you are not compelled to believe everything you are compelled to listen to. A Until a man is 40 he needs to build a strong foundation. After that he usually needs a strong foundation to hold up his build.