The talkies (1930)

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32 THETALKIES going on, which we are not aware of when we listen to the average record or wireless loudspeaker. In the same way that it is possible to make out the sense of a telegram, one word of which is missing or wrong, so the ear is able to make an intelligent guess at what a record says even though sometimes the consonants are only hinted at. Indeed, it is possible to reproduce understandable speech on a record which will not handle more than 5,000 vibrations per second. The ear tells the brain to put in what ought to be there — an extremely clever business. There will be some who will ask themselves, as they read these words : "If a given note is always the same speed of vibration, how is it possible to tell the difference between, say, the note of a violin and that of a flute?" In point of fact, if you vibrate anything electrically or otherwise, you hardly ever get a pure tone — it always sounds like something. You may not recognise what it is like, but it has a distinct character of its own, so that you would recognise it if you heard it again. To produce a pure tone of a certain pitch as opposed to a note, the most elaborate precautions have to be taken to see that the only thing present is the actual vibration which gives the pitch you want. You have to get rid of all other odd