The talkies (1930)

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98 THETALKIES over 80,000,000 feet of film, or roughly 16,000 miles, are "processed" yearly in the London area alone. The Developers and laboratory Managers need not have worried ; their responsibility is as great as ever it was; there is still the same need for the special treatment of various scenes, and the old hands have had the scope of their experience greatly extended by the methodical progress of the film as it advances picture by picture from one electrically driven roller to another, untouched by hand and under automatically controlled atmospheric conditions. The Vinton plant is representative of one of the earliest automatics and is widely used to-day. There are more Vinton machines in use in this country than any other make. The fact that Talkie sound-track negative is actually being satisfactorily treated on one of these machines, which were originally designed for positives, at the present time, is a tribute to their designer. The film is fed over the first toothed roller or "sprocket" down into the first tank of developer, where the loop of film is held down in the developer by a flanged roller weight. It is passed through the developer several times, the