The talking machine world (Oct-Dec 1921)

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178 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD November 15, 1921 GETS GOLD MEDAL FROM QUEBEC PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION Montreal, Canada, November 5. — The Montreal branch of the Columbia Graphophone Co. carried off the "gold medal with high distinction" at the Quebec Provincial Exhibition held in Quebec City recently. According to exhibition rated with advertising material, special artist posters and comfortable chairs and rockers. Grafonolas of various types, including period and standard models, were displayed, and the Dealer Service exhibit carried a wide variety of Gold Medal Certificate Awarded to the Columbia Graphophone Co. officials, 20,000 persons entered the grounds daily and on one afternoon the crowds were so dense around the Columbia booth that it was impossible to pass. The Columbia booth was attractively deco Columbia accessories which were very popular. Manager Gerard, of the Montreal branch, is most enthusiastic regarding the results of the exhibition, especially as the Montreal branch is the "baby" of the Columbia organization. A BUSY ALBUM PLANT Visitors to the Boston Book Co. in Chicago Find Convincing Proofs of Activity Chicago, III., November 10. — There is no evidence of dull times at the plant of the Boston Book Co., in this city. A visitor entering this plant sees an automatic machine known as a "case maker" that in one hour turns out the same number of albums as it formerly took sixteen men working at top speed to do in one day. The machine is twenty-five feet long, and it glues, cuts corners and fits the lining and turns the four sides of the album and drops it out completed at the other end. It is only neces Retail Experience In order to be of the greatest possible assistance to the Victor dealers whom we serve, we have built an organization, every member of which has had considerable retail sales experience in the Talking Machine business. Our recommendations are made only after thorough consideration from a retail viewpoint. Someone in our organization can help solve your particular problem. CC MELLOR CO. Victor Wholesalers 1152 Penn Avenue PITTSBURGH, PA. sary for one man to operate this machine, and he in one day is enabled to turn out the same number of albums as it formerly took sixteen men a week to do. This machine is kept going twenty-four hours per day in order to keep up with the sales ability of Mrs. L. Gelbspan, the proprietor of the Boston Book Co. But one man and one machine are not all that Mrs. Gelbspan keeps busy in the plant over at 501 to 509 Plymouth Court. There are over a score of workers in the packing and shipping department alone, working on both the day and night shifts. DOEHLER MADE EXPOSITION OFFICER President of the Doehler Die Casting Co. Is Selected as Vice-president of the Brooklyn Manufacturers' Industrial Exposition H. H. Doehler, president of the Doehler Die Casting Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., has been elected vice-president of the Brooklyn Manufacturers' Industrial Exposition, which will be held in the Twentj'-third Regiment Armory, that city, during the week commencing January 14. Mr. Doehler has been active in similar affairs for many years and is well qualified to contribute to the success of the undertaking. Musical instruments of all kinds will have a prominent place at the exposition, having been allotted an entire section on the Armory floor. All the exhibits in one line of industry will be grouped, therefore visitors interested in the musical instrument section will find these exhibits in close proximity to each other. MR. DEALER — AT LAST IT'S HERE Let your customers make "Homograms" Records of their own — in their homes with THE "RECORDOLA" The Perfect Recorder and Reproducer. May be attached to £111 y Phonograph Just what you have been waiting for Simple to use — Positive in operation Every phonograph owner a prospect Complete "Recordola" outfit, handsomely nickeled, including a double-faced "Homograms" recording blank that may be used for making 50 to 100 different records. RETAIL PRICE $26.00, usual trade discount RECORDOPHONE CO., Inc., 220 Broadway, New York, N. Y.