The talking machine world (Oct-Dec 1921)

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December 15, 1921 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 87 territorj', says business continues good. He has 400 machines oversold in his territory. Magnavox Interests Football Fans The Magnavox was a much-talked-of feature at the big football game between the teams of the University of California and Stamford at the forrnal dedication of the new Stamford Stadium at Palo Alto last week. About 60,000 people saw the big game and the announcements through the Magnavox were clearly intelHgible to all. Some Staff Changes Robert Kane has resigned as assistant manager of the Sherman, Clay & Co.'s wholesale Victor department and his place for the time being is being fi.led by B. R. Scott. Miss Gertrude Kingston has just resigned her position of manager of the exclusive Victor department of the Emporium. Raymond E. Wolfinger Is Promoted Raymond E. Wolfinger, formerly assistant manager of the Wiley B. Allen Co., in this city, talking machine department, has been appointed manager of the department, to succeed Mr. Corcoran, who is now with the Brunswick Co. Mr. Wolfinger is a young and energetic man, and he has had a wide experience in the talking machine business. His selection for the responsible position he now holds is no surprise to the local fraternity. Newberry Electric Co. Enters Field The new store of the Newberry Electric Co., 359 Sutter street, is a marvel of artistic arrangement in old ivory and luxurious equipment. The company handles (he Sonora phonograph and Vocaiion records. There are two large display rooms for phonographs and three sound-proof dcmonstrat on rooms. The manager of the department is J. Wallace McKellar, an experienced business man. New Okeh Agencies The Remick Song Shop, San Francisco; the Dorman Furniture Co., of Sacramento, Stockton and Roseville, and the Marysville Music Co., Marysville, are recent concerns to take on the agency for Okeh records. Morley Somers, manager of the Sonora Phonograph Shop, has gone on a ten-day trip to Oregon. NEW LAW HELPS TRAVELERS Revenue Measure Calculated to Lighten the Burden of Commercial Travelers The music industry has not alone benefited by the new revenue law in that excise taxes have been eliminated on talking machines, but the new Act also provides for the elimination of transportation and freight taxes after the first of the year — a factor of no little importance and calculated to reduce the cost of selling to some degree at least. Traveling men are favored in the new law under Section 214, which states: "That in computing net income there shall be allowed as deductions: All the ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on any trade or business, including a reasonable allowance for salaries or other compensation for personal services actually rendered; traveling expenses (including the entire amount expended for meals and lodging) while away from home in the pursuit of a trade or business," and so on. This is welcome news to our traveling friends. GREAT BRILLIANTONE MONTH President Forster Sending in Large Orders as Result of Extended Trip — Business Very Brisk — L. J. Unger in Canada. The Brilliantone Steel Needle Co., New York City, reports that the past month was one of the finest from a business standpoint in the history of the organization. The sales staff of this company is going out after business in an energetic manner and its efforts are being well rewarded. B. R. Forster, president of the company, spent some time in Chicago and the Middle West, after which he journeyed to Toronto, Canada, and other points in the Dominion. Orders sent in by Mr. Forster are indicative of the resumption of good business in the territories through which he journeyed. Harry W. Acton, secretary of the company, left on the 4th of the month for points in New England, and his first stop was at the factory of the W. H. Bagshaw Co., in Lowell, Mass., where the Brilliantone needles are made. Following this visit Mr. Acton made a number of calls throughout the New England territory, L. J. Unger, of the Brilliantone sales stafT, has left for Canada. Mr. Unger had made a number of trips through Canada previously, with each additional trip adding more Canadian dealers to the Brilliantone list. He will endeavor to ascertain the requirements for 1922 business and renew his cordial friendship with the Canadian dealers. The wide range of tone available in the Brilliantone line makes this needle have an appeal to all tastes, and therefore has created a universal demand. AEOLIAN ANNIVERSARY IN BRONX Bronx and Fordham Stores of Company Celebrate Fifth Business Anniversary The Bronx branch of the Aeolian Co., at 367 East 149th street, of which M. P. Stein is manager, has been recently celebrating the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the branch, which has met with great success in that populous section of the city. The new Fordham branch of the company, which is also under the direction of Mr. Stein, participated in the celebration, which really marked the anniversary of the company's entrance into that territory. Both stores were handsomely decorated and attractive musical programs were arranged for various days of the week. ISSUE HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT The Pathe Freres Phonograph Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y., has produced a special holiday supplement of the popular classical and sacred selections obtainable on the Pathe Actuelle records. This latest supplement contains thirty-nine new A.ctuelle records, every one of which ■ s a popular and standard selection. Dl A REAL CHRISTMAS OFFERING To Victor Dealers AY/HILE they last, we are offering highgrade cabinets to be used with Victrolas IV and VI at manufacturers' prices. The Victrola is inserted within the cabinet so as to give the appearance of a cabinet type Victrola. These cabinets will greatly stimulate your Christmas Victrola sales and also your sales directly after the holidays, when the public is spending its gift money. PRICES Oak Cabinet for Victrola IV $13.25 Oak or Mahogany for Victrola VI . . . $14.50 Oak or Mahogany with castors and ferrules accommodating Victrola VI .... $16.25 Manufactured by well-known cabinet manufacturers. Order Immediately CURTIS N. ANDREWS Court and Pearl Streets Buffalo, N. Y.