The talking machine world (July-Sept 1921)

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146 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD July 15, 1921 ARTo ll WordRo VOCo Word Ro 75c ARTo RECORDS for AUGUST, '021 DANCE REOORDft m (Man I'm In, I Lllllll'l lliiwllliil I I. I'ii. Iml iJIlln'l 1 ( juiiui i. ii !■■ a. ma in. ( Wi ll> (., Hud. 'I""" Hi [ill. ii Itiun Hrnroi'ili ADVANCE SEPTEMBER BULLETIN OF ARTo Word Rolls $1.00 VOCo Word Rolls 75c. ARTo Popular Rolls 50c. llHOi'mN) farm, lo iobbrr. THE ARTo CO. STANDARD MUSIC ROLL CO. <sw York Officer, 1658 Broadway Factories Orange, N. J. 0UH PRINCIPAL JOBBERS ARE ; CROWN MUSIC CO., New York City PLAZA MUSIC CO., New York City. FULTON TALK INK MACHINE CO.. Ntw York City QRIMLER SALES CO.. Ntw York City. ARTo DISTRIBUTING CO.. Ntw York City WILLIAM H. FERRIS CO. i INC.. Brooklm, N Y THE MORRIS MUSIC PUBLISHING CO.. PlUkdtfphl. CONSOLIDATED TALK I N(l MACHINE CO.. CMcigo | LIBERTY PHONOU RAPH CO., MeKmport Ps :. POL K CO.. INC., Atlanta. G». uichty and attain profitable Jabbing a„ RECENT TRADE DO1N0S IN MONTREAL (Continued from page 145) Stewart phou The Winds (graph in their important territory, ir Phonograph & Record Co,, Ltd., essary in the future for His Master's Voice dealers lo look to any other source for satisfying their demand for instruments. These are but the first of several changes of policy that will be introduced as a result of Mr. Berliner's taking the helm of His Master's Voice Canadian : Vc i Montreal rey of the Ucrre induced to is Club. The Ltd) an enthurpeaker of the >',Iim I, Mm. iver, and i the a result of tins con• that, among other of an increased and ■eluding many of the and a gradually in. that will ultimately its and will make it TRADE SITUATION IN WINNIPEG Attractive Edison Window Display — National Music Store Handling Columbia — Other News WiNKiPEc, Man., July 8— The Edison Phonograph Shop recently had a very good display window, somewhat plain, but expressing the idea lo be conveyed in a comprehensive manner. A large scale exactly balanced with an Edison machine on one side and a bag on the opposite side supposed to contain $3,000,000 in gold, with the dial pointing to the top on which the word "Rc-crcation" is printed in large letters, convey at once the meaning that Mr. Edison spent $3,000,000 to perfect his machine. P. S. Tutt, manager of the Edison Shop, and G I '.ml, Western manager of R. S. Williams & Sons Co., Ltd., Edison dealers, attended the Edison Caravan Convention recently held in Chicago. Stamvood's has been newly decorated throughout and reports a good sale of His Master's Voice records. The National Music Store, Edmonton, Alta., is a new addition to the trade handling Columbia Grafonolas and records. NEW ASSOCIATION IN PORTLAND OPENING SHOT OF FALL CAMPAIGN Talking Machine Men Take Prominent Part i New Organization of Music Dealers Portland, Ohk., July 'ortlanfl, the latter 1 ltisic Dealers' Associ 5. — The music dealers of Co., id Portland Pi; It was decided that the membership of the Association will not be Hinted to piano dealers, but any dealer who handles musical merchandise of any description will gible to membership. This will bring talking machine dealers. The scope of issociation will he State-wide and the * of the entire State have been invited to ic Association. All the dealers who have approached thus far have cither joined icate'd their willingness to do so, the firms en ted at the organization meeting being: an, Clay & Co., Wiley B. Allen Co., Reed, i Piano Co., Bush & Lane Piano Co., n Piano Co., G. F, Johnson Piano Co., nd Piano Co., Sciberliug & Lucas Music leinick Song Shop, Louis Mack, sheet dealer, and Edwards Furniture Store, he meeting held June 20 H. B. Hyatt, of att Talking Machine Co.; A. M. Eppstcm, Schwan Piano Co., and Frank Lucas, of ing & Lucas Music Co., were elected as if the five directors. The other two diwill be elected later from the dealers the city. At this meeting Mrs. Evelyn and McCIusky, Victor educational directlie wholesale department of Sherman. Co., with headquarters in this city, adthc meeting on the subject, "Our PriviMusical Merchants in Supplving One ' :est Needs." Knickerbocker Co. Entertains Many Dealers Who Enjoy Recital and Get Details of New Advertising Novelty— Guests at Luncheon The opening shot of the Fall campaign of the Knickerbocker Talking Machine Co., Victor wholesalers. New York City, was fired at the August Victor record recital and business talk held on Wednesday, July 6, at the Knickerbocker concert hall. Over 500 invitations were sent to metropolitan dealers and the members of their sales staffs, As the date set was in close proximity to Independence Day the announcement was printed on a patriotic folder with "Old Glory" proudly displayed on the front cover. In spite of vacations and sultry weather the recital was well attended. During the course of the morning session Abram Davega, vicepresident and general manager of the company, announced the new advertising novelty which he has had in mind for some time. The novelty consists of an exceptionally attractive plush record cleaner bearing the Victor trade mark and space for the imprint of the individual dealer. Each person attending the recital was presented with a cleaner with the imprint of the Knickerbocker Talking Machine Co. The advertising value of this novelty will doubtless be strong, as the record cleaner is usually always kept in view and it -will serve as a perpetual reminder of the dealer who distributes it. At the conclusion of the morning session the Knickerbocker Talking Machine Co. followed its usual custom of inviting those present to an elaborate luncheon served on the roof garden of the Hotel Theresa. At the clos< ned Mrs. ] thing ot Music Six Grades" is the Joseph H. Jones of her address the dealers quescFarland as to her methods in insical appreciation, which she is . the Central Library for the next nicction with the Portland Sumthe University of Oregon. "The il Appreciation in the First subject of her course, is corresponding secretary. Service is the foundation of modern business. ^COTTON FLOCKS^ FOR RECORD MANUFACTURERS Always SUPER OR A]| Ways If you are not already using our flocks, write for trial samples, which will be supplied without charge. You will be impressed with the quality of our product. CLAREMONT WASTE MFG. CO. CLAREMONT. N. H. ^