The talking machine world (July-Sept 1921)

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56 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD August 15, 1921 S«IALKKMACM LET A RECORD SAV IT FOR YOU! If the steadily the lat (I even more, every manus well that the prosperity e industry is founded on the buying public in rccan be got to buying rcci ill. in" machine business and prosper. When the hines arc consuming rccsc owners are happy and tatcment that a satisfied ic best advertisement has i in it. Happy, contented ' good records and always st, arc the best-staniling icrchant can have, do the great manu'How can we keep for ii buy in public: "Don't try to say il Let a record nay yourself: I for you"? ( grow ailvertisements the local Merchants know tin's, and fact ur era. The question i up this live interest in new muster" Just a Little Different A great many ways have been discussed, and tried, too. We arc proposing something a little different. "Let the record say it," is our message to the people. We want to get the merchant thinking along lines like these: Whatever may be the case elsewhere it is certain that there are some millions of young men in the United States, still unmarried, but all hoping some day to lead the one girl to the altar, or tr. the justice of the peace, as the case may be. The American young man may be considered as always expecting some day to have a lovely little wife and a lovely little home. And so the American young man always has a girl. Sometimes rude persons have whispered that he has two or three girls. But this is slander. One thing is sure, and that is that, the normal young American always is buying something for some girl. It may be, and often is, candy. It may be, and often is, tickets to the theatre. It may be, and often is, flowers. But every young fellow is buying something for some girl some time, and usually most all the time. And every girl, particularly if she is pretty, is getting gifts from some young fellow, maybe sometimes from more than one. The Big Idea That being the case — and we all know it is so — why cannot we introduce to the notice of the millions of young fellows the idea that candy and flowers arc not the only gifts which one can give a girl? Why cannot we introduce to each individual one of them the idea that if there is a talking machine in the one girl's living room that one girl — not to mention her parents and family generally— will appreciate the gift of a record even more than a box of candy or a bunch of roses? The inspired florist who invented the slogan, "Say It With Flowers," struck a chord responsive to the hearts of all the young men and all the pretty girls of the entire country. Sales of cut flowers have increased greatly, so we arc told on good authority, since florists all over the land have been advertising "Say It With Flowers." "Say it"? Say what? Why, whatever it is that boys like to say to the girls who fascinate them. The point is just here; that if your tongue trips you can convey your message even better with a bunch of American Beauties. There may be some flaws in the argument, certainly "goes down good," as we say. Now, every home either has or is going to have a talking machine. Therefore, talking machine records arc, or will be, necessary to every home in the land. Now, records don't wilt, like flowers. They remain permanently, to sing their story of love and beauty. Nor are they eaten ant! forgotten like candy. "Give your girl a good IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH KENNEDY-GREEN CO. IT PAYS TO SELL lOKsIL Records Have you ever bothered to ask what has given Okeh Records their recognized success? The great combination of Cooperative Distributor and the Record of Quality, the Okeh Record, that backs every Okeh Agency, is one of the features of Okeh's success. If you aren't selling the quantity of records you should — let us show you how. We are one of the big Cooperative Distributors. KENNEDY-GREEN COMPANY 1865 Prospect Avenue CLEVELAND, OHIO