The talking machine world (July-Sept 1921)

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90 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD Aucust IS, 1921 WARNING Wall Kane Needles Are Being Imitated WALL KANE NEEDLES are the standard, trademarked needles of the phonograph industry. They are guaranteed to play ten records without injuring the grooves, the last record playing as clear as the first. Beware of Imitations Inquire for our new jobbing proposition M. RAPPOPORT INCORPORATES Well-known Long Island Dealer Becomes President of the Woodhavcn Music Shop, Inc. — Opens New Exclusive Vic troll Shop in Bronx The Kappoporl Music Store at Woodhavcn. Long Island, X. V., owned by M. Uappoport. which handles the Victor line exclusively, fins been incorporated under llic name of the Woodhavcn Music Shop, Inc., with Morris Kappoporl as president. The business will be concluded along the same efficient lines as formerly, under IllC management of David Fciticr. Early this mouth Mr Kappoporl opened a large exclusive Vlctroltt shop close !<■ the junction of Westchester and Prospect avenues. The new store has been fitted up in an elaborate maimer and is located where ii should draw an IOWA VICTOR DEALERS' CONVENTION To Be Held September 19-20 in Des Moines— Nebraska Dealers' Convention to Follow Dm Moimes been scnl oul lor Dealers' ,' rotary of (ha for the annua August Notice I ntli The -day mbi i < > i tin lowo Vi< by II. B. SfXlhlith, sec tionnring as the dales ii September 19 and 20. will, as usual, he held u s. and the wholesale 1 Bros, will lie used as The Greater New York Novelty Co. 3922 14th Avenue Brooklyn, N Y. NEW SON FOR ANDREW H. DODIN Andre pair mat of The christen. displays odin, well-known New York rc i, and editor of the Repair Department World, recently announced the arrival 1 son and heir at the Dodin household, ngsler arrived 011 July 13 and has been id Andrew Thomas Dodin. He already an embryonic interest in mechanics. EDISON UPHOLDS HIS VIEWS Regarding the Intellectual Equipment of Many So-called Educated Young Men of To-day Tho*. A. Kdison was the leading figure in an unusually interesting full-page article which appeared in the editorial set World on July 31. The i graph had a long chat « "Bl ll"l I hat Americans losing intelligence?" and adds: "Atrophy of perception afflicts America to-day. The eye sees, but no message goes from it to the brain. Despite unquestioned vision of the fact, there is no sensing of it by the individual before whom it is placed. It is seen physically but not mentally." The article throughout is full of vigor and abounds with many original viewpoints. Boiled down, Edison says that the American youth is all right, but that Jhe schools arc paralyzing his curiosity — destroying his power of observation and turning out failures. If you haven't read the article — too long, unfortunately, to reproduce in full in this paper — it is worth look SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW IN TONE ARMS THE FLETCHER "STRAIGHT" FLETCHERWICKES COMPANY 6 EAST LAKE ST. CHICAGO