The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1906)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 39 RECORD BULLETINS FOR JUNE, 1906. NEW VICTOR RECORDS. Music by Walter Damrosch ; words by Rudyard Kipling. 30017 The Holy City — Stephen Adams George Alexander ; Orch. accom. SOPIIANO SOLO. 30022 Killarney — Balfe. .Miss It. Vincent ; Piano accom. NEW COLUMBIA "XP" CYLINDER RECORDS NEW COLUMBIA lO-INCH DISC RECORDS. No. Size AETHUK PEYOK'S BAND. 46TS "Lights Out" March McCoy (10) 4646 Flora lA Twilight Serenade) Mehden (10) 31521 La Feria — Suite Espagnole Lacome (12) 31527 Semiramide Overture Rossini (12) Sou Si's BAND. 4699 Free Lance March Sousa (10) 31525 Free Lance March Sousa (12) VICIOE OECHESIEA, WALTEU B. KOGERS, COKDUCTOK. 4674 March Lorraine Ganne (10) VICIOE DAKCE OKCHESTEA. 31522 Yalse Ideale Gregh (12) TI;01IB0>"E SOLO Bl" ME. AKTHUK PSYOE, WITH ORCHj 4650 The Low Back'd Car Lover (10) THE OSSMAN-DUDLEY TEIO. (Banjo, Mandolin and Harp Guitar.) 4679 Dixie Girl — March and Two-Step ... Lampe (10) BA^JU SOLO BY VESS L. OSSMAN, WITH OECHESTEA. 4628 The Buffalo Rag Turpin (10) XYLOPHONE SOLO BY PETEH LEWIXj WITH OECH. 31510 American Tunes — Medley (12) PICCOLO SOLO BY DAEIUS Li'ONS Accompanied by Pryor's Band. 31323 Maid of Dundee (Bonnie Sweet Bessie).. (12) TENOE SOLO BY HAKRY IIACDONOUGH, WITH OBCH. 4651 Heaven is My Home Savage (10) TEXOK SOLO BY KICHARD J. JOSEj WITH OKCH. 31513 The Blind Boy (12) BARITONE SOLOS BY ALAN TURNER^ WITH OECH. 4676 The Rosai-y ' Nevin (10) 31517 The Letter Song Messager (12) TEXOE SOLO WITH YODEL BY GEOEGE P. WATSON WITH OECH. 4673 Lauterbach (10) VICTOE BEASS QUAETETTE. 4675 The Day of the Lord Kreutzer (10) •■DUTCH" SPECIALTY BY MISS ADA JONES, WITH OECH. 4686 Henny Klein Schwartz (10) CONTRALTO SOLO BY MISS COBINNE MORGAN, WITH OECH. 4682 In the Gloaming Harrison (10) COMIC SONG BY EDWARD il. FAVOR, WITH OECH. 4683 Pocahontas Bryan and Edwards (10) SONGS BY BILLY MUEEAY, WITH OECH. 4684 You Look Awful Good to Father — From "The Umpire.'' (10) 4698 Let Me See You Smile Fischer (10) MIXED QUARTETTES BY THE LYEIC QUARTETTE WITH ORCHESTRA AND CHIMES. 4690 Evening Chimes Emerson (10) 31524 Incline Thine Ear to Me Himmel (12) DUETS BY COLLINS AND HARLAN, WITH ORCH. 4077 Traveling Botsford (10) 4687 Anxious Kendis and Paley (lU) RECITATION BY EDGAR L. DAVENPORT. 4701 Jim Bludsoe John Hay (10) DESCRIPTIVE .SPECIALTY BY SPENCEE AND WATSON, WITH OECH. 31325 The Happy German Twins Spencer (12) lEISH SONG 3Y jRTHUE COLLINS, WITH OECH. 4685 Nora, My Irish Rose Caldwell (10) DUET BY MISS MOEGAN AND MR. STANLEY, WITH OECH. 31526 The Moon Has His Eye on You. .Von Tilzer (12) DUET BY MISS NELSON AND MR. STANLEY, WITH OECH. 5688 We'll Wander in the Bright Moonlight... . (10) HAEEY MACDONOUGH AND HAYDN QUARTET, WITH ORCH. 4689 When the Roll is Called up Yonder. .Black (10) BARITONE SOLOS BY GUSTAVE BEEL-EESKi, WITH ORCH. 4697 Di Provenza il Mar — La Traviata ... Verdi (8) (Hath Thy Home in Fair Provence.) 4700 Tosca divina ! — Tosca Puccini (10) (Divine Tosca.) TENOu SOLOS IX GERMAN BY EMIL MUEXCH, WITH OECH. 4440 Lorelei ( 8 ) 4691 Der Tannenbaum Zarnack (10) TWELVE NEW EIGHT-INCH RECORDS. SOUSA'S BAND. 4699 Free Lance March Sousa ( 8 ) AETHUE PEYOE'S BAND. 4678 "Lights Out" March McCoy ( S ) 4693 The Baby Parade Pryor ( 8 ) VICTOR OECHESTEA, WALTEE B. EOGEES, CONDUCTOR. 674 March Lorraine Ganne ( 8 ) 4694 Dont' Be Cross Waltz Zeller ( 8 ) SONG BY MISS ADA JONES, WITH OECH. 4686 Henny Klein Schwartz ( 8 ) BAEITONE SOLO BY ALAN TURNER, WITH OECH. 4.067 The Heart Bow'd Down Balfe ( 8 ► BASS SOLO BY FRANK C. STANLEY, WITH OECH. 44.j7 Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep ( 8 t 1J[ ET BY MISS MORGAN AND MR. ST.ANLEY, WITH ORCII. 4(,96 The Moon Has His Eye on You. .Von Tilzer ( 8 > SONG BY BILLY MURRAY, WITH ORCH. 4698 Let Me See You Smile. . . ........ .Fischer ( 8 ) DESCRIPTIVE SPECIALTY BY SPENCEE AND WATSON, WliH OBCH. 4695 The Happy German Twins Spencer ( 8 ) MALE QUARTETTE BY THE HAYDN QUARTETTE. 109 Nearer My God to Thee Mason ( s ) DUET BY MAECELLA SEMBEICH AND ANTONIO SCCTTI WITH S9002 Don Pasquale — Duetto (Norina ed Malatesta „„„ Donizetti (12) DUET BY ENEICO CARUSO AND ANTONIO SCOTII, WIlTi 89001 La Forza del destino — Duetto Verdi (12; DUETS BY EMMA EAMES AND EMILIO LE GcGi.EZA, Wl il OECH. _ art 8900o La ci darem la mano ("Give me thy hand O Fairest") Don Giovanni Mozarc t'2) B-A<ir, ^?f-° PLANCOX, WITH ORCH. 8d099 Noel (Christmas Song Adolfe Adam, (12, 7Alto"i'^-^ EMILIO DE GOGOEZA, WITH ORCiL i404o Roi di Lahore— Ana. ("Promesse di Mon Avenir— "Oh, Promise of a Joy Di ) Massenet (l-;-| 7dn5S T ®T-?'^°^ ^7 MAECEL JODENET, WITH OECH. 740^p «^ Deux Grenadiers Schumann (12ii 14036 Serenade Mephistopheles— Faiust. .. Gounod (.12) VIOLONCELLO SOLO BY JOSEF HOFFMAN. WITH OECH ' *^'^im-Vr^^^l} ^ Schumann (12) 950'>o It.^^^?^ records by ADELINA PATTI. 950^0 Ti? T ^^T^ Sir Henry Bishop (12) 950.3? Ri^-JnTaSr' ^"'"'"^^' "Thomas Moorl (12) ftQon'? J'^ "^S"^^ prende (Magic Flute) Mozarl 89004 Crucifix Tfaui-c 95038 La Serenafa jounod (12 1 .Tosti (12) .Vordi COLUMBIA BAND. 10302 Otello — Potpourri PRINCE'S MILITARY BAND. 3380 Enchantment Waltz — Valse Enchantee . R< Breger BANDA ESPANOLA. 5460 Power of the Press March — El Cuarto Poder 5461 The Angelic Sehottische — Para los Angeles 5462 The Emblem of Peace March — El Emblema de la Paz COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA. 40880 Two Little Finches — Die beiden kleinen Finken, Cornet Duet, Orch. accom 40948 Musical Snapshots — Musikalische Momentauf nahmen, Potpourri. Latest Berlin hits ; very catchy Comic Song by Lew Dockstader, the Greatest American Minstrel. 3386 Uncle Quit Work Too. . . .Baritone ; Piano accom. BABITONE SOLOS. 3378 Dearie George Alexander; Orch. accom. 3385 The CJhost of a Banjo Coon (Coon song).... Arthur Collins ; Orch. accom. 3887 Sleep Little Baby Mine — Lullaby William Fredericks ; Piano 3390 Virginia Song from "George Washington, Jr." J. W. Myers ; Orch. accom. 3391 — Don't Notice Me — Coon song Bob. Roberl:s; Orch. accom 3392 By the Light of the Honeymoon Frank C. Stanley ; Orch. accom. 3393 Moon Dear — From "A Society Circus" Frank C. Stanlev ; Orch. accom. 25974 Speed On, My Bark, Speed On Horatio Connell, London ; Piano accom. TENOE SOLOS. 3388 You're a Grand Old Rag.B. Murray ; Orch. accom. 3389 Cheyenne (Shy Ann) — From "The Earl and the Girl.". .Billy Murray; Orch. accom. 3394 Girl of Pearl — Waltz Song.H. Burr; Orch. accom. 3395 In a Hammock Built for Two Henry Burr ; Orch. accom. 3396 I Like Your Way.... A. Campbell; Orch. accom. 3397 We Parted as the Sun Went Down Albert Campbell ; Orch. accom. 3398 Keep on the Sunny Side Byron G. Harlan ; Orch. accom. 3399 Anxious — NewTSIovelty song Harry Tally ; Orch. accom 3400 Can't You See I'm Lonely Harry Tally ; Orch. accom. 20002 Yon Can't Blame Me for That — Comic Geo. D'AIbert, London ; Orch. accom. CONTRALTO SOLOS. 3401 Sweet Hour of Prayer — Sacred 3402 'Tis But a Little Faded Flower Mrs. A. Stewart Holt ; Piano accom. SOPEANO SOLO. 25939 The Angels Serenade — Braga — Mme. de Pas quali. London; Piano accom.. violin obligato BAEITONE AND TENOE DUETS. 3383 Traveling Collins and Harlan; Orch. accom. When Mose with His Nose Leads the Band. . . . Collins and Harlan ; Orch. accom. VOCAL QUARTETTE, (MALE VOICES). A Call to Arms — Descriptive Columbia Quartette ; Piano accom. 3382 In Old Madrid Columbia Quartette, unacom. IRISH VAUDEVILLE SKETCH. 3403 Maggie Clancy's New Piano Miss Ada Jones and Len Spencer ;Piano accom. Columbia Operatic Records by Great Artists at Popular Prices. BAEITONE SOLO. 12507 Bajazzo — Prologue. "II Pagliacci" ... Leoncavallo Sung in German by A. Moser, Royal Opera. Vienna ; Piano accom. TENOE SOLO. 10008 Faust's Beautiful Easter Aria — From first act Of Mefistopele (Dia campi dai prati) . . . Boito Sung in Italian by Oreste Mieli, Scala Theatre. Milan ; Piano accom. . NEW COLUMBIA 12-INCH DISC RECORDS. BARITONE SOLOS. 3001C The Hanging of Danny Deever ■ David Bispham : Piano accom. 40322 40323 40325 40326 32929 32930 Comic 32927 32937 32928 32936 32938 32939 32940 32941 32942 32943 32944 32945 32046 32933 32934 32935 32931 32932 32947 .32948 32949 BANDA ESI'A.NOLA. Zacatecas March Zaragoza March March "From Torreon to Lerdo" Power of the Press March — El Cuarto I'oder. .. . COLUMBIA OECHESTEA. A Trip to the Races (Descriptive) . .11. A. Yerkcs PRINCE'S OECHESTEA. Woodland Songsters — Waltz C. H. Ziehrer Songs by Lew Dockstader, the Greatest American Minstrel. -Everybody Works but Father Piano accom. Uncle Quit Work Too. Piano accom. BARITONE SOLOS. Dearie George Alexander; Orcb. accom. The Ghost of a Banjo Coon — Coon song Arthur Collins ; Orch. accom. Don't Notice Me — Coon song You Look Awfully Good to Father Bob Roberts ; Orch accom. Moon Dear — From "A Society Circus" Frank C. Stanley ; Orch. accom. TENOR SOLOS. We Parted as the Sun Went Down Albert Campbell ; Orch. accom. Keep on the Sunny Side Byron G. Harlan ; Orch. accom. Is There Any Room in Heaven for a Little Girl Like Me'?. Byron G. Harlan; Orch. accom. Cheyenne (Shy Ann) — From "The Earl and the Girl" Billy Murray; Orch. accom. Anxious — New novelty song Harry Tally ; Orch. accom. Can't You See I'm Lonely Harry Tally ; Orch. accom. BARITONE AND TENOE DUETS. Ti-aveling' .... Collins and Harlan ; Orch. accom. When Mose With His Nose Leads the Band. . Collins and Harlan ; Orch. accom BARITONE AND CONTRALa'O DUET. I Was Just Supposing — From "Mexicana" . . . . Miss Corirme Morgan and F. C. Stanley ; Orch. accom. VOCAL QUAETETTE (MALE VOICES). A Call to Arms — Descriptive Columbia Quartette ; Piano accom. In Old Madrid. . .Columbia Quartette; unaccom. lEISH VAUDEVILLE SKETCH. Maggie Clancy's New Piano Ada Jones and Len Spencer ; Piano accom. VAUDEVILLE SKETCH. Mrs. I-Iiram Offen Engaging Bridget O'SulIivan Emma Forbes and Steve Porter TALKING EFCOED (Descriptive). Flanagan's Night Off Steve Porter INTERNATIONAL RECORD CO. . Sousa 3384 3381 METEOPOLITAN BAND OF NEW YOE: 3006 Free Lance March Specially arranged by G. Pelnso. 3007 Selections from "The Bohemian C4irl" Balfe 3008 Overture — Smiles and Tears of Berlin../ 3009 The Flag of Victory March 3010 Gems of Southern Songs 3014 International Medley 3015 Peacemaker March — Dedicated to the President. XYLOPHONE SOLOS BY ME. J. WOLFE. WITH OECH. ACCOM. 3016 Somebody's Sweetheart, 1 Want To Be 3017 Favorite Polka OEIGINAL NEGKO SONGS AND SHOUTS BY BILLIE GOLDEN, WITH ORCH. ACCOM. 3019 Turkey and the Straw 3020 Roll on de Groun' 3021 Mixed Ale Party 3022 Bye, Bye, Bye jNla Honey 3023 Yaller Gal 3024 Siseretta's Engagement — Golden's latest in which he describes in his quaint negro dialect, a meeting between SiseVetta. who is about to me married, and her brother) 3025 Rabbit Hash BARITONE SOLOS BY ALAN TURNER, PIANO ACCOM. 3026 Down the Vale 3027 Serenade Schubert 3028 The Heart Bow'd Down Balfe TSi UDELL CATALOG P^^D^r^"" «'°^^°"'''''''''''^i^" n2) 95042 On ^^^tiS''''"'''^'^"' '''' '^'^f i'*'.'-''^"^art (^2) i-arting Adeima Patti (12) shows the largest and best selling selection of DISC AND CYLINDER RECORD CABINETS MADE Don't Take Our Word For It. Write for our catalog and see for yourself why you should sell these high grade cabinets. The rich finish and artistic designs give them preference over all others. They go into the finest homes and look their best in the most magnificent surrounding's. It Will Only Cost Yon One Cent to get this catalog put on your desk. It Will Mean Many Dollars In ProiitS for you if you do. Just send a postal for a Udell Catalog. THE UDELL WORKS 1210 W. Twcnty-Kightli Street IIVDIA^IVAPOLIS, U. S. A.