The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1906)

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4 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. A CONVINCING ARGUMENT WHY THE PEERLESS COIN-OPERATED PIANOS ARE LEADERS. Do you know that the PEERLESS COIN-OPERATED PIANOS are used in Cuba, South America, Australia and Africa, on the Gold Coast in the furthest confines of Alaska ant the Klondike, and many more of the uttermost corners of the Earth. ThCrG^S d RCdSOn ' '^^^ pee less is the easiest to sell and it stays sold. The live and up-to-date Dealer shoald consider the PEERLESS, as it will mean quick profits to him in the end. SOME GOOD TERRITORY STILL OPEN. SL£>r MACHINES PLACED ON PERCENTAGE Oft RENTED N.W ACENTS FOR RECJNA MUSIC BOXES TEL. N. w MAIN treo-Jt The Nimblb Nickei, Beats the Slow Poli-ad National Novelty Company (rNCORPORflTED) DEALERS IN ALL Kinds of Slot machines WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 100-2-4-6 Second St. S. Minneapolis, MiNN.,t Peerless Piano-player Co., Hew York, U. Y. Gentlemen: — It givee ns pleasure to state, that; «o have sold a great many of "STYLE" #44 Hioiel-ln-the-elot Automatic PeerleEB fianos, and they have given the very best of satisfaction to onr ouBtomers. Our customers state that they have never made an investment that has hrought the same returns and most of them have had experience tiith other nlokel-in-the-slot Pianos, as well as other nickel-inthe-slot MuBic-boxee. Yours truly. nm J. I^ELSOrJ NELSON BROS.' CAPE, 1001 GRAVIER ST., COR. DRYADES ST.. NEW ORr,EANS, LA. NATIONAL NOVELry CO., "We N«ven Sleep.' BOTH TELEPHONES ' 14 UNION STREET. y//c/f>//if:t,S^eH>i.,.z63S3. 25tli, 1904. Peerless Piano Player Co., £ Eaet 47th St., H. Y. Gentlemen : In reference to our PEERLESS ELECTRIC PNEUMATICS •PIAEO, Bhloh was the first in Memphis, we are glad to advise that we are more than pleased with it. We do not Bee how there conld be a better COIK OPERATED PIABO than this one has proved to be . The PEERLESS was Installed in our place on Sept i 16 th, '02, and up to this date, a period of four months and fifteen days, it has earned #490.16, or an average of §106.92 per month. In addition, it has materially Increased onr sales by making our place m.ore attractive to our patrons. toons; its maaiy points of merit are — heantiful auallty of tone and dnrability. Our PIANO has not required «ny tuning, and it has not cost us a cent for repairs. Very tmly, HIGHEST AWARDS— Gold Medals. Buffalo 1901. St. Louis 1904. Portland 1905. ROTH & ENGELHARDT, OFFICES: WINDSOR ARCADE, FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. r. TREON. "A MILLER. Penny Arcade Amusement Parlor. Dealers in AMUSEMENT SLOT MACHINES of Every Description. Agents for the PEERLESS AUTOMATIC PIANO PLAYER.. 205 LACKAWANNA AVENUE., ^c-xcc^i/^aiij S^cc. J Feb. 1, 1904. Peerless Piano Player Co., Roth & Engelhardt , Prop . , #2 E. 47th St. Hew York. &6ntlemeni About one year ago we purchased one of your Peerless Kiokel in the slot pianos for use in onr Penny Aroade. This instnunent has "been rtmning steadily every day except Sunday from nine o'clock in the morning tmtil ten o'clock at night, a steady ran ofthirteen hours eaoh day, and it is as good now as when we purchase «d it. It requires only a few minutes attention eaoh flay and we freely give you this endorsement because ws consider it positively the best Automatic Piano both Structurally and musically that has ever been produced. Wishing you euooess, we are, Yours truly, Treon & Miller. (Props. Peerless Piano Player Co ) FACTORIES: ST. JOHNSVILLE N. Y.