The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1906)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 49 RECORD BULLETINS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1906. LATEST VICTOR RECORDS. ARTHUK PKYOR'S BAND. 4778 Hohenfriedberger March Der Grosse 31551 William Tell — Ballet Music — Part I....Kossiui 4743 Azaleas. Two-step — Intermezzo Hawthorne 4779 Stein Song March Bullard SOUSA'S BAND. 844 Invincible Kagle March Sousa 4452 America (My Country 'Tis of Thee) VICTOK OKCHESTBA. 4807 Flying Arrow Medley 4781 Electra. Intermezzo Caprice Tbeo. Levy 4802 American Life March Ascher VICTOR DANCE ORCHESTRA. 31557 Nightingale Waltz Czibulka VIOLONCELLO SOLO BY ROSAEIO BOURDON, WITH ORCH. 31553 Flower Song (Blumenlied) Lange TENOR SOLOS BY HARRY MACDONOUGHj WITH ORCH. 4795 The Stars, the Stripes and You Wheeler 31550 I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby, from "Lalla Eookh" Clay 31552 Ain't you Coming Back to Old New Hamp shire, Molly Helf CONRTALTo SOLO BY MISS CORINNE MORGAN, WITH ORCH. 31554 He Shall Feed His Flock — Messiah Handel INSTRUMENTAL QUARTETTE (Violin, Vloia, Flute, Harp). 4810 Tranquility Menzel CORNET DUET BY ROGERS AND KENEKE, WITH ORCH/ 4780 When Life is Brightest Pinsuti BELL SOLO BY CHRIS CHAPMAN, WITH OBCH. 4798 Spoontime. Two-step — Intermezzo ... Von Tilzcr TENOR SOLOS, BY HARRY TALLY, WITH ORCH. 4775 Alice, Where Art Thou Going? Gumble 31549 Just One Word o{ Consolation Lemonier TENOR SOLO BY JAMES MC COOL, WITH ORCH. 4797 There Never was a Girl Like Tou Baer TENOR SOLO, BY RICHARD J. JOSE, WITH ORGAN. 4782 Hock of Ages (Words by Toplady ).... Hastings TENOR SOLO BY ALBERT CAMPBELL, WITH ORCB. 4794 Coming Through the Eye, Jennie Mine Scott BARITONE SOLO BY J. W. MYERS, WITH ORCH. 4783 Colleen Bawn Helf BASS SOLO BY FRANK C. STANLEY, WITH ORCH. 4784 Battle Hymn of the Republic Howe SONGS BY BILLY JIURRAY, WITH ORCH. 4721 Nothing Like that in Our Family Furth 4792 Girlie 1 Love You Morse 4803 Molly Malone Mills-Everhard COMIC SONGS BY BOB ROBERTS, WITH ORCH. 4790 I'd Eather Be on the Outside Lookin' In Than On the Inside Lookin' Out Snj-der 4791 Everybody Gives Me Good Advice Kendis and Paley COON SONG BY ARTHUR COLLINS, WITH ORCH. 4804 I Don't Know Where I'm Goin', but I'm On My Way Bren HARRY TALLY AND HAYDN QUARTETTE, WITH ORCH. 31548 Somewhere Harris DUET BY COLLINS AND HARLAN WITH ORCHESTRA. 4787 Come Take a Skate With Me Brown and Edwards DUET BY STANLEY AND MACDONOUGH, WITH ORCH. 31547 My Faith Looks up to Thee Bassford DUET BY MISS HAYWARD AND MR. MACDONOUGH, WITH ORCH. 4T86 The Laurel and the Rose Grill DUET BY MISS MORGAN AND MR. STANLEY, WITH ORCH. 31555 Home to Our Mountains, from II Trovatore. Verdi MALE QUARTETTES BY THE HAYDN QUABTETTE WITH ORCH. 4750 Dixie Dear Eeimer 2512 Heidelberg, from Prince of Pilsen Luders 1997 My Old Kentucky Home Foster DESCRIPTIVE SPECIALTIES BY MISS JONES AND MR. SPENCER. 4789 Flannlgan's Night Off 4788 Coming Home from Coney Island (with Orch.) . CHOIR RECORDS BY THE TRINITY CHOIR, WITH ORCH. 4793 Lead, Kindly Light. Words by Dr. Newman. Dvkes 723 Stand Up for Jesus Webb THE LYRIC QUARTETTE (MIXED VOICES). 4796 Sweet and Low Barnby RECITATIONS BY EDGAR L. DAVENPORT. 4809 Children's Series No. 3 "Wynken, Blynken and Nod" Eugene Field 4808 "Little Breeches " Hay HUMOROUS RECITATION BY DE WOLF HOPPER. 31559 "Casey at the Bat" BARITONE SOLOS IN ITALIAN BY GUSTAVE BERL-RESKY, WITH ORCH. 4799 Preghiera (Prayer) "Alia mente confusa" Paoli Tosti 31558 Credo — Otello Verdi BARITONE SOLO IN SPANISH BY SBNOK FBANCISCO, WITH ORCH. 4800 La Golondrina (The Swallow) BARITONE SOLOS IN SPANISH BY ELADIO A. CHAO. 4805 La Partida 4806 Mens Amores — "Galecla" (Canto Gallego) GERMAN YODLING SONG BY GEO. P. WATSON, WITH ORCH. 4801 Du Du (Old German Air) SWEDISH SOLOS BY JOEL MOSSBERG, BARITONE. Svenska Ballader och Eomanser — Swedish Ballads and Romances. ■ 3404 Mln alskades namn Abt 3405 Trollhattan Lindblad 3406 Porter visa "Martha" Flotow 3407 Soldatgossen Pacius 3408 I djupa killlarhvalfvet Fischer 3410 Ljungby Horn Frieberg 3400 Min lilla vra Vadman 3411 I rosens doft Prins Gustaf 3412 Drick ur ditt glas Bellman Svenska Folksanger och Folkvisor — Swedish Folksongs. 3413 Per Svinahede Folk-Song 3414 Till Svenska Fosterjorden (Du gamla, du frla) Folk-Song 3415 Neckens Polska Folk-Song 3401 Necken han spelar pa boljanbia Folk-Song 3416 Varmlandsvisan Folk-Song 3402 Och hor du Unga Dora Folk-Song Stycken ur Lars Bondessons Variete-Kupletter — Swedish Variety Songs. 3417 Flickorna i Nerike Bondesson 3418 Grvthyttepagen Bondesson 3419 Fotograferingen Bondesson 3403 Djurkuplett Bondesson 3420 Ett forfluget ord Bondesson 3421 Pompa Bondesson 3422 Stenkuplett Bondesson Tre Svenska Visor — Swedish Country Songs. 3423 Kviisarvalsen Country Song 3424 Stor-Olas Maja Country Song 3425 Liss Olaf Larsons-Stockholmsresa Country Song THREE NEW RED SEAL EECORDS. BARITONE SOLO BY EMILIO DE GOGORZA with New York Grand Opera CJhorus ond Orch. 64051 Canzone del Porter(Porter Song) Martha Flotow THE NEW YORK GRAND OPERA CHORUS WITH ORCH. 64049 Eigoletto— Male Chorus, Act II "Scorrendo uniti remota via" Verdi 64050 Soldiers' Chorus (SquiUi e cheggi la tromba) II Trovatore Verdi NEW COLUMBIA "XP" (CYL.) RECORDS. PRINCE'S MILITARY BAND. 32!Jil On to Victory March(from "The Free Lance") ■'"'^'^ Philip Sousa 32983 Sliding Jim (a trombone extravaganza) BANJO, MANDOLIN AND HARPGUITAR TRIO. 3l9S4 Koontown Koffe Klatsch . . . . Ossman-Dudley Trio 32085 The Mayor of Tokio, Selections from Ossman-Dudley Trio BARITONE SOLOS. 32990 I'm Tired of Eating in the Restaurants (Coon Song).. Bert. Williams, Orch. accom. 32991 The Minstrel Boy.. Geo. Alexander, Orch. accom. 32992 Good Advice(Coon Song). A. Collins, Orch.accom. 32993 Milo Bob Roberts, Orch. accom. 32994 Won t You Be My Girlie? F. C. Stanley, Orch. accom. TENOR SOLOS. 32995 Where Thou Canst Rest, or Ah ! Love Me. but Love Me Well. . . Henry Burr, Orch. accom. 32997 The Good Old U.S.A. .B. G. Harlan, Orch. accom. SOPRAKO SOLO. 32972 Waiting at the Church (My Wife Won't Let Me) Miss Ada Jones, Orch.accom. BARITONE AND TENOR DUET. 32988 Honey, Won't You Love Me Like You Used To? Collins and Harlan, Orch. accom. VOCAL DUET WITH QUARTETTE CHORUS. 32989 While the Old Mill Wheel is Turning Burr and Campbell, Columbia (Juartette, Orch. accom. VOCAL QUARTETTE, MALE VOICES. 32987 The Sabbath Day .Columbia Quartette, unaccom. THE RAMBLER MINSTREL COMPANY. 32986 Record "B." Orch. accom. LAUGHING SONG. 32998 A Monkey on a String. Cal. Stewart, Orch. accom. VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTY. 32980 A Darktown Courtship Miss Ada Jones and L. Spencer, Orch. accom. TALKING RECORDS DESCRIPTIVE. 33000 A Barnyard Serenade L. Spencer & A. Holt 33002 Mrs. Eeilly's Troubles with the Dumb waiter (Comic) Steve Porter UNCLE JOSH. WEATHERSBY'S LAUGHING STORY. 33003 The Eclipse of the Sun at Pumpkin Center. . Cal. Stewart neck Coach (Descriptive) COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA (RECORD JIADE IN BERLIN. J ,,o-o ^„ record. 413(3 Champagne Calop BANJO SOLOS BY VESS L. OSSMAN Orch. accom. 344 1 On the Boeky Koad to Dublin (Two-step) „ BARITONE SOLOS. ^■f?* It Comes Again. Bert Williams, Orch. accom. 34oo Ihe Little Dustman (Lullaby) „,-_ „ Geo. Alexander, Orch. accom. 340/ Good Advice (Coon Song) A. Collins, Orch. accom. 3408 Cupid IS the Captain of the Army •x-n ,„ , „ J ^V. Myers, Orch. accom. 3409 Won't You Be My Girlie? Frank C. Stanley, Orch. accom. TENOR SOLOS. 34G0 Where Thou Canst Rest, or, Ah ! Love Me, but Love Me Well! (from Mizpah) „,„, ^, . „ Henry Burr, Orch. accom. 3461 Coming Through the Eye, Jennie Mine -j.flo rnu ^ r Albert Campbell, Orch. accom. 3463 The Good Old U.S.A.. Ai. G, Harlan, Orch. accom. 3464 Is Your Mother in, Mollv Malone? Billy Murray, Orch. accom. SOPRANO SOLO. 3436 Waiting at the Church (.My Wife Won't Let Me) Miss Ada Jones, Orch. accom. BARITONE AND TENOR DUET. 3431 Honey, Won't You Love Me Like You Used To Collins and Harlan, Orch. accom. LAUGHING SONG. 3465 Monkey on a String. . .C. Stewart, Orch. accom. VAUDEVILLE SPECIALTIES. 3467 A Darktown Courtship Miss Ada Jones and Len Spencer, Orch. accom. 3469 Mrs. Hiram Offen Discharges Bridget O'Sul livan. ..Miss Emma Forbes and Steve Porter TALKING RECORD (DESCRIPTIVE). 3470 Barnyard Serenade. .. .L. Spencer and A. Holt VOCAL QtlARTETTE, MALE VOICES. 3450 Waltz Me Around Again, Willie Columbia Quartette, Orch. accom. MINSTRELS BY THE RAMBLER MINSTREL CO. 3448 Record "A" contains the opening introductory overture by I'rince's Orchestra and the entire Minstrel Company, singing the chorus "Songs of Aristocracy." followed by humorous dialogue between Interlocutor and End-man, with amusing interruptions from the other End-comedian, whose witty sallies are greeted with laughter and applause. Mr. Murray responds in the ditty "I Kind of Like to Have You Fussin' 'Eound" with full quartette refrain. 3449 Record "B" introductory overture "The Yankee Doodle Negro," by full company with Prince's Orchestra. Interchange of repartee between Interlocutor, and the End-comedians. Mr. Collins renders "Good-Bye, Mr. Greenback" with Minstrel chorus and enthusiastic plaudits from the audience. NEW C0LTJMBL4 "EC" (CYL.) RECORDS. COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA (Dance Music). 72500 Brunette Polka Bosc 72502 Oh! Les Femmes ! (March and Two-step) Lincke 72506 La Czarine (Russian Mazurka) Ganne BARITONE SOLO. 85045 Rose Marie Geo. Alexander, Orch. accom. BARITONE AND SOPRANO DUET. S50S0 Travel On (A coon conversation song).... Miss Ada Jones and Len Spencer NEW COLUMBIA 12-IN. DISC RECORDS. BARITONE SOLuS BY DAVID BISPHAM. WITH PIANO ACCOM. 30027 Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes 30021 Hark! Hark! The Lark Schubert BAHITONE SOLOS IN GERMAN BY ANTON VAN ROO^ WITH PIANO ACCOM. 30028 Das Miihlrad (German Volkslied, 1789) 50029 "Die Beiden Grenadiere" Schummann NEW COLUMBIA lO-IN. DISC RECORDS. 50481 50482 10545 10554 25963 5630 3445 3446 COLUMBIA BAND RECORDS MADE IN FRANCE. Cordialement Marche Indiana Two-step BANDA (RECORDS MADE IN MILAN.) My Treasure Waltz (Tesoro Mio Walzer) Whistling Song (Pfeiflied) Joseuf Straus LONDON MILITARY BAND. Bells of St. Malo (With Chimes) BANDA ESPANOLA. Grand Military March "Tres Arboles" COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA. A Trip to the Races (Descriptive) PRINCE'S ORCHESTRA. Seeing New York, or a Trip on the Rubber NEW EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS. Both Standard. Older by number, not title. If Concert Records are wanted, give the number and letter C. 9338 Ride of the Valkyries ( Wagner j Edison Concert Band 9339 Bull-Frog and the Coon (Nathan) Descrip tive coon love song, Orch accom . . . .Ada Jones 9340 Waltz Me Around Again, Willie (Shields) Comic waltz song, Orch. accom.. .Billy Murray 9341 American Cake Walk (De Veau) Accordion solo. Piano accom John Kimmble 9342 Is there Any Room in Heaven for a Little Girl Like Me? (Helf) Descriptive song. Orch. accom Harry Anthony 9343 I'm Crazy 'Bout It (Edmonds) Coon song. Orch. accom Collins and Harlan 9344 Where the River Shannon Flows (Russell) Irish descriptive ballad, Orch. accom Harry MacDonough JVST A LITTLE BIT BETTER Materia.1, Finish and Corvstrviction than you are used to seeing is what makes Udell Cabinets sell so quickly and give such universal satisfaction. Every up-to-date dealer that handles Disk and Cylinder Record Cabinets should get The Udell Catalog and get some Udell Cabinets in his stock at once. They won't stay there long. Servd Bl postal at once for catalog. THE UDELL WORKS, 1210 W. Twenty-eighth Street. INDIANAPOLIS, U.S.A.