The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1906)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. OKCHESTBA XUJIBEES. :i20S Donnybrook Fair — March and two step . . . Uavis 31>0S> When the Whip-poor-will Sings, Marguerite, introducing The Valley of Conment — Medley Waltz Ilelf SOPRANO "SOI.OS BY MISS -iDA JUNES, OBCH. ACCOM. 3210 Virginia 3211 Waiting at the Churc UNIVERSAL TALKING MACHINE CO. 576 577 57S 579 5S0 581 582 583 58-1 ZOX-U-PHGNE rONCERT BAND. Andulke Safraova March Jolly Dutchman Waltz Muz"iky, Muziky March Sliver 'Suckers "Parade — March Comique Washington Post March HAGEBS' ORCHESTEA. Autograph Waltzes Strauss Dainty Music Maid — Two-step Gertana — Spanish Waltzes When Tommy Atkins Marries Dolly Gray — March and Two-step BAKJO SOLO BY VESS L. OSSMAN, WITH OKCH. ACCOM. 585 Bay State Quickstep BELL SOLO BY ED KING WITH OECH. ACCOM. 586 Dancing Sunrays COENET SOLO BY W. S. MYGRANT, WITH OECH. ACCOJI. 587 Pretty Peggy Songs with orch. accom. Bendenteer's Stream (Irish melody) G. Alexander Don't Notice Me Arthur Collins I'll Fold Up My Tent and I'll Steal Away. . . . Billy Murray Jim Jackson's Last Farewell Len Spencer and Ada Jones Old Mother Hubbard Len Spencer The Stars, The Stripes and You. Frank C. Stanley When Daddy Sings the Little Ones to Sleep. . Miss Ada Jones When the Flowers Bloom in Springtime, Molly Dear. Byron G. Harlan Would You Leave Your Happy Home for Me. . Collins and Harlan Yoeman's Wedding Song Alan Turner Y'ou Never Can Tell by the Label.. .Billy Murray 588 589 .590 591 592 593 594 595 597 .598 399 OCTOBER nST IMPERIAL RECORDS, TENOE solos by HENRY BURR. WITH PIANO ACCOM. 4-1930 In the Shadow of the Pines 44950 Teasing 44951 When the Frost is on the Pumpkin. Maggie Dear ItARI'lONE SOLO BY ARTHUR COLLINS, WITH OUCH. ACCOJI. 44935 Whoa, Bill TENOR SOLO BY BYRON G. HARLAN, WITH ORCH. ACCOM. 45253 When the Flowers Bloom in Springtime.... H. von Tilzer DfETS BY BURE AND STANLEY, WITH PIANO ACCOM. 44926 Battle Cry of Freedom 44925 Almost Persuaded DESCRIPTIVE SELECTIONS BY SPENCER AND DUNN. 44818 Daybreak at Calamity Farm DUETS BY COLLINS AND HAELAN, WITH ORCH. ACCOJI. . 45245 Are You Coming Out To-night, Mary Ann? 45247 At the Telephone 45243 Song of the Ragtime Boy 44929 Down Where the Sweet Potatoes Grow 4o254 I'm Thinking 'Bout You, Honey, All De Time. . . . VAUDEVILLE SKETCH BY COLLINS AND HARLAN. 44927 Closing Time in the Country Grocery FRENCH CANADIAN SONGS BY THE FAMOUS BARITONE, F. A. AECHAMBAULT, WITH PIANO ACCOM. 45232 O Canada terre de nos Adieux Lavaltee 45231 Vive la France Lavigne 45235 Un Canadien Errant — Vieille chanson Cana dienne 45234 O Canada mon nays mes Amours Labelle 45233 Mon Merle Mario — Vieille chanson Canadienne. . SOPRANO SELECTION BY GISELA NORISj VIENNA. 2605J Saffii's Song from "Gypsy Baron" VIOLIN SOLOS BY HAROLD EISENBEEG. 45240 Adagio (Preludium) from "The First Sonate" Bach 4.j237 Largo Handel 45248 Ave Maria Gounod 45249 Air — on the G String Bach 45250 Le Cygne (The Swan) Saint Saens 45251 Mignon Gavotte Thomas 45252 Traumerei (Ueverie) Schumann VIOLIN SOLO BY FEEDERIC VOELKB. 45230 Gypsy Solo, from "Friend Fritz" Mascagni GARDE REPUBLICAINE BAND. PAEIS. 2088 La Gitana— Valse 3004 Selections from Carmen — Fantasie 3021 Poets et Paysan (Poet and Peasant) — Overture 4019 Triplette (Polka for two cornets and one flute) played by Messrs. Joseph, Defosez and Jacqucmont. soloists of Garde Eepublicaine Band, Paris 4037 Le Merle Blanc (The White Kaven) — Polka with flute, with piano accom., played by Mr. Jacquemont. soloist, Garde Repnblicaine Band, Paris ORCHESTRA CF THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE, PARIS. 2079 Pluie d'Or A youthful musical prodigy in Atlanta, Ga., has discovered a new use for the talking machine. With an Edison phonograph and a large supply of high class records the six-year-old has created quite a sensation by playing piano accompaniments to the music of the talker. PRODUCT FOR RECORDS, Reported by Wm. H, Hunt, Our Consul at Tamatave, Madagascai Some Details Submitted That IVlay Interest. Wm. K. Hunt, United States consul in Tamalavp. Madagascar, in a recent report writes of a certain product obtained from the rafia palm of that island, which has the consistency of beeswa.-c and which has been thought to De suitable for talking machine records. Certain parties contemplate experimenting with the substance, and results will be awaited with interest. Regarding the securing of the product, Mr, Hunt says: "The process of extracting the wax is simple. The natives who gather the rafia fiber generally pitch iheir camp in the neighborhood of a rafia grove, to which they bring the leaves. The fiber is taken off and the leaves are thrown aside in large quantities. The wax is collected as follows: "First, by beating the dry leaves on a dry ma: or cloth and gathering the pellicles and white powder which fall from them. Then, after boiling these pellicles and powder, the wax thus formed is kneaded into cakes of any form. This wax, which is very pure, will probably be more highly valued than beeswax, although yet an entirely new product. It first made its appearance in the market place at Marovoay in October last. The curiosity of the merchants of Majunga being aroused, they bought the whole lot at hfty cents per pound and shipped it to France in order to ascertain its industrial and commercial value. "When the governor-general of Madagascar heard of the discovery he ordered a sample oi iwenty-five pounds to be forwarded to Doctor Heckel, director of the Colonial Institute at MarEeilles, who will make an analysis. "The labor of gathering the leaves can be ■reckoned a negligible quantity, as the wax is not the primary product taken from the tree, but a refuse product obtained from the leaves already cut down for the prepar.ition of rafia fiber. Sup posing that rafia wax turns out to have a valu ' about equal to beeswax, this means a yield ol' wax equal to three-fifths of the value of the rafia exported. Certainly a very valuable new resource of produce which the natives are likely to take to. In fact, the process implies no great difficult innovation, being merely the utilization of the refuse of an already well-establishe 1 and remunerative industry." ORDERS $92,620 WORTH OF GOODS. What is claimed to be one of the largest single orders for talking machines ever issued was placed recently by the Victor Distributing & Export Co., of New York, with the Victor Talking Machine Co. It aggregated in all $92,620 worth of goods, figured at jobbers' prices. The assortment included machines of all grades up to the Auxetophone to sell at $500, and among the records ordered were those recently made in the Chinece language by the Victor Co. George F. Standke, manager of the Columbia Co.'s branch in St. Joseph, Mo., was married lecently to Miss Myrtle L. Rigdon, of Kansas City. They will reside in St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Dealer: If you want always to get the goods, send your orders to a house of exclusive Victor Jobbers. STANLEY & PEARSALL, WRITE US IMMEDIATELY for special prices on our NEW STYLE DECORATED FLOWER HORN Ask for Catalogue giving full particulars concernmof NEW HORN CRANE Orders for "KOMPAKT" HORNS must be placed early on account of large d eman d. New Jersey Sheet Metal Co. 9=11 CRAWFORD ST., Newark, New Jersey U. S. A.