The talking machine world (July-Dec 1918)

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98 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD July IS, 1918 WORLD'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Any member of the trade may forward to this office a "Situation" advertisement intended for this Department to occupy a space of four lines, agate measure, and it will be inserted free. Replies will also be forwarded without cost. Additional space will be at the rate of 25c. per line. If bold faced type is desired the cost of same will be 25c. per line. WANTED — We want a high-class salesman to represent us in every State in the Union. Only salesman with best reference considered. This is strictly a commission proposition, but the right man can easily make $150 to $200 a month. We prefer men who are at present employed selling talking machines or accessories to handle our line in conjunction with their present line. We will send you full particulars, so write at once. Address R. H. Zinke, Record Needle & Mfg. Co., 407 Manhattan Building, Milwaukee, Wis. RECORD EXPERT with twenty years' experience wants position as recorder, lateral or vertical. Would like to become associated with concern desiring to manufacture records. Address "Box 534," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. A THRIVING phonograph shop on central Broadway having lost its manager, the owners find it necessary to secure an experienced manager, or else to dispose of the business. In the first case, an investment will be required as a guarantee of sincerity. From either standpoint this is an excellent proposition, inviting careful investigation. Address "Box 535," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SALESMEN WANTED— If you cover the phonograph trade in any section of the United States and are interested in a live proposition, either as a side line or as your main line, we have an interesting offer. In answering state territory now covered. Address "Box 522," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— By wholesale phonograph and piano salesman. Open for position to travel east of Chicago. Held last position 2y2 years. Phonograph position preferred. Best of references. Address "Box 536," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Salesman or tuner. Highest references. Capable branch house management or piano, talking machine or musical instrument department. Age 42. Salary and commission. Address "Box 537," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Avenue, New York. SITUATION WANTED— By an experienced talking machine man, experience of ten years, Europe and United States. Has been doing work for some large manufacturing concern — live salesman; mechanic. Address Universal Talking Machine Co., 5021 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. SITUATION WANTED— Salesman, live wire, special experience in foreign records. Knows the business from A to Z. Address. Universal Talking Machine Co., 5021 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN, experienced, wants position with phonograph house, who knows the music, piano, furniture and department store trade in the entire South and Middle West; fine reference. Address "Box G. R.," care The Talki ng Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Talking machine salesman or manager, nine years' experience, inside position. New York or Brooklyn preferred. Can furnish best references. Address "Box 526," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Manager of phonograph department open for place. Now employed. Can bring two good salesmen with him. Address "Box 527," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Expert in hill and dale and lateral recording. Have sample of work that shows superior quality, also knowledge of latest methods of plating and familiar with everv detail of record making. Address "Box 528," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Sales or advertising manager with Chicago talking machine manufacturer or local representative for outside concern. Experienced. References. Address "J. N. 6," care The Talking Machine World, 20^ South State St., Chicago, 111. POSITION WANTED— An exceptionally good talkin. machine repairman seeks new position. Will go anywhere. Address "Box 529," care The Talking Machine World, 37 o Fourth Ave., New York. SALESMEN wanted who are desirous of making big money selling standard records. Address "J. N. 8," care The Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago. 111. POSITION WANTED— Mechanic with fifteen years' experience constructing and repairing phonographs of all makes. With the largest houses in this country; desires to make a change. Capable executive, thoroughly efficient with modern methods. Can furnish best of references. Will go anywhere. Address "Mechanic," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — Salesmen, sideline to dealers, filing cabinets for phonograph records, patented, advertised, no samples, sell from photographs; liberal commission. Automatic Container^ POSITION WANTED— Young man, married, would like to get position anywhere in talking machine line where there is a chance for advancement. City or country. Can be used as all-around man, as I can be a shipping clerk, salesman, repair man, assembler, delivery man; willing to work, not afraid of hard work or long hours. Address "Box 520," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED — Experienced cabinet factory manager and designer wishes to make a change. Thoroughly familiar with up-to-date methods. Forty years old. Highest reference. Now employed. Address "Box 521," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— Mechanic with 15 years' experience constructing and repairing phonographs of all makes, part of years with Victrola line, with one of the largest music houses in this country desires to make a change. Capable executive, thoroughly efficient with modern methods. Can furnish the very best of references. Address "Box 514," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — Position as salesman or department manager by A-l Victor man, 26, married. At present in charge of talking machine department of large Western music house. Six years' experience in Victrola business, doing buying, newspaper advertising, window trimming. Can furnish the references you want. Prefer town west of Chicago of not less than 25,000. Address "W. N.," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. PTJsTITO~N WANTED — Thoroughly experienced Phonograph and Record salesman for either road or managing establishment, can vouch for seventy-five thousand dollars gross business per annum, now with leading company, highest grade credentials. Address G. H. Coryell, Saratoga Hotel. Chicago. 111. MAIN SPRINGS AND PHONOGRAPH PARTS MAIN SPRINGS For Edison Motors, size l'A", each $1.75 For Columbia Motors, size l"x0.28xll', each... 0.60 " size %"x0.23xl0', each. . 0.38 " " " size H"x0.22x8^', each. 0.24 GOVERNOR SPRINGS For Columbia Motors, bent, per 100 1.50 For Victor Motors, per 100 1.50. For Heineman, Markell, etc., per 100 0.60 THUMB SCREWS FOR STYLUS BARS For Victor Soundboxes, per 100 1.50 For Columbia Soundboxes, per 100 1.50 MICA DIAPHRAGMS For Victor Soundboxes, each 0.15 For Columbia Soundboxes, each 0.25 For all standard Soundboxes, each 0.22 NEEDLE CUPS Needle Cups, nickel plated, per 100 2.00 Needle Cups, per 1000 17.50 Covers to nickel cups for used needles, per 100.. 1.25 Covers, per 1000 10.00 Green Felt for 10" turn-tables, each OJ'O Green Felt for 12" turn-tables, each 0.15 FAVORITE PHONOGRAPH ACCESSORY CO. 1491 DeKalb Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. ATTENTION DEALERS 50 Double Spring latest style mahogany machines with cover, $10;. 100 Horn disc machines, $1.75; new reversible tone arms, 50c up. Bargains in envelopes, albums, reproducers, etc. (References the Chatham Bank), The Woolworth (Est. 1886), 1065 Second Ave. (56th St.), New York. FOR SALE A good-paying Talking Machine business carrying Victor and Edison, in a city of 6,000 population in New Jersey. Owing to other interests, owner will sell at inventory, which totals about $4,000.00. Address "Box 538," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. Record Racks for Sale 500-foot wood vertical style. We installed horizontal style in our new wholesale store. Will sell old equipment at $2.50 to $6 per lineal foot, most sections 8 feet long. When painted best sections are good enough for highest class retail department. Cost to produce to-day in excess of $12 per foot. NEAT, CLARK & NEAL CO., 778 Washington St., Buffalo, N. Y. POSITION WANTED— Talking machine salesman, five years' experience. Inside position large city preferred. Familiar with all well known machines. References. Address "A. P. 2," Talking Machine World, 209 So. State St., Chicago, 111. WANTED — Thoroughly experienced, aggressive Edison, Victor and Columbia manager is open to manage department. Any location. Success guaranteed. Address. "J. L. 8," care The Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. OCCUPY NEW COLUMBIA QUARTERS New Wholesale Department of Columbia Co. in Cincinnati Well Equipped to Meet Growing Demands of Trade in This Territory Cincinnati, O., July 10.— The Columbia Graphophone Co. is now located in a splendidlyequipped, six-story building at 427-429 West Fourth avenue. This new location is for the wholesale business alone. The business of the Cincinnati branch has increased to such an extent larger quarters were made imperative. The first floor is used for checking in and checking out stock as it is received from the factory, and as it is reshipped to customers. The re SCHUBERT t RECORDS The greatest series of 75c. records ever made. 10-INCH DOUBLE SIDED ALL STARS ALL SELLERS New list by 15th monthly. Dealers, write for list and prices BELL TALKING MACHINE COMPANY 44 WEST 37th STREET. NEW YORK pair room is also on the first floor. The entire second floor is given over to offices and display room for Grafonolas and promotion ideas. The third floor is used for the record department, where they have well-equipped and properlyarranged bins for the storing and handling of three hundred and fifty thousand records. The fourth, fifth and sixth floors are used for the storage of Grafonolas. The building is equipped with electric light, elevator and complete modern fixtures. Manager Dawson seems to be quite happy in his new offices. Many dealers from over the Cincinnati territory have been visitors to the local Columbia headquarters recently. Without exception they look forward to an unusual trade this fall and winter. They are placing heavy orders for goods in the hope that should transportation shut them off later they will be ready for it. SHELTON ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH MOTOR We have increased our factory facilities to handle the demand for the Shelton Electric Motor, and are now ready to make prompt deliveries. Write for our Special Agency Proposition SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 30 East 42nd Street, NEW YORK G. H. McHugh, who was for four years connected with the Church-Beinkamp Co. and for two years in charge of their Columbia department, is now connected with the Columbia Graphophone Co. He will be in charge of promotion work and will very soon make a trip visiting Columbia dealers in the Cincinnati district. His past experience has well fitted him for his work. Business at the Columbia retail store has shown a remarkable increase in the past two or three weeks. The retail department and the Dictaphone department remained at the old location, 117 West Fourth street, while the wholesale department moved to new quarters. The outlook for the fall trade is excellent, provided sufficient stock can be procured. Record Delivery opes Safe Swift Secure The heavy paper means protection; the button and cord mean speed — you can wait on more customers. Bring out YOUR OWN NAME. Every time an envelope leaves your store, let the advertisement on it take your name to the homes and bring new trade. The advertising more than pays for the envelope. Write for samples and prices. Lewis C. Frank, 694 Book Bldg., Detroit