The talking machine world (July-Dec 1918)

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106 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD October 15, 1918 WORLD'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Any member of the trade may forward to this office a "Situation" advertisement intended for this Department to occupy a space of four lines, agate measure, and it will be inserted free. Replies will also be forwarded without cost. Additional space will be at the rate of 25c. per line. If bold faced type is desired the cost of same will be 25c. per line. SALES EXECUTIVE of high caliber with a past record of things accomplished and an intimate knowledge of manufacturing and who has recently placed on the market with signal success one of the representative talking machine lines in the trade will consider new connection. My highly specialized services will be of particular value to some big live concern ambitious to become or continue real factors in the talking machine field. Address "Box 554," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. RELIABLE phonograph factory executive, experienced in motors and cabinets, and thoroughly familiar with all repair work wishes to better his position. Excellent references. Address "Box 555," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. WANTED — New and second-hand Victor and Columbia talking machines and records. Spot cash paid for them. Deninger Cycle Co., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED — An experienced man to assemble and pack phonographs. Address "Box 556," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED — Assistant manager of branch of America's largest phonograph supply factory, is open for executive position. Address "Box 548," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. PHONOGRAPH recorder required, thoroughly experienced and able to install and operate. Replies confidential. Address "Box 558," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— City salesman or department manager — by man of twelve years' experience. Best references. State particulars. Address Box 549," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. We have an opening for one or two good salesmen. Salesmen that are willing to work, hustle and bring results. Prefer man who will work on commission. Must come well recommended, send information and references in first letter. Address "Box 550," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. FOR SALE. — Thriving business, Columbia Agency, with full line of records, also a few pianos. Store is equipped with demonstration booths. Ideal location. Will sell to purchaser at inventory. Address "Box 551," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. REPRESENTATIVE exceptionally well known on Pacific Coast, already carrying several representative lines, offers representation to one or two more non-conflicting lines in that territory. Will be glad to consider your proposition. Address "Box 553," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED — Young lady with . several years' experience in managing Victor and Columbia phonograph and record departments, also music roll departments, and handling large sales force, is desirous of securing permanent position with large music house. Can furnish references. Address "Box 557," care The I alkiiTg Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York City. SITUATION DESIRED— Production manager and superintendent seeks position. Seventeen years' experience. Can reduce costs and increase production. Highest references. Address "S. P. 25," care The Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. PRODUCTION MANAGER— FACTORY SUPERINTENDENT—Expert production man seeks position. Location no special object. First-rate handler of men. Seventeen years' practical experience in talking machine manufacture. Is competent to plan, and reduce costs and increase production in all branches. Has special skill in the matters pertaining to the woodwork and cabinet-making and assembling and finishing. Can give the highest of references and demonstrate his ability. Will work for $200 per month, and is worth it. Address "S. P. 26," Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. RETAIL MANAGER OPEN— Young man, married, long experience as retail manager, open for exclusive store or department executive, talking machines or pianos or both. Middle West preferred. Address "08," Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. SITUATION WANTED— By expert with eleven years' experience in all branches phonograph line, making, assembling and repairing. Can take complete charge of mechanical end. Had charge of some of large concerns in the manufacturing and assembling from motor to complete machine. Am a good systematizer and organizer. Address "A. U. 1," care The Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. SITUATION WANTED— Who can use a high-class manager, either wholesale or retail, capable of taking exclusive charge and producing results? Have had over ten years' experience, willing to locate anywhere. Address "Box 540," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. SITUATION WANTED— Salesman (35) acquainted with every angle of the business. Phonographs, records and sundries. Vigorous result getter on road. Drawing account against commission. Address "Phonographs," 22 East 125th St., New York. POSITION WANTED— Talking machine salesman, five years' experience. Inside position large city preferred. Familiar with all well known machines. References. Address "A. P. 2," Talking Machine World, 209 So. State St., Chicago, 111. WANTED — Thoroughly experienced, aggressive Edison, Victor and Columbia manager is open to manage department. Any location. Success guaranteed. Address "J. L. 8," care The Talking Machine World, 209 South State St., Chicago, 111. SITUATION WANTED— Trade builder open for position November 1. My record of sales will be of interest to manufacturers who wish to further their output. Address "Box 560," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. POSITION WANTED— By wholesale phonograph and piano salesman. Open for position to travel east of Chicago. Held last position 2'/2 years. Phonograph position preferred. Best of references. Address "Box 536," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. STEEL NEEDLES AND PHONOGRAPH PARTS Steel needles, full tone, in envelopes, per 1,000 needles... 0.75 Sapphire needles for Edison dian, each 0 30 Sapphire needles for Pat.he dise. each o!30 Genuine Edison diamond for disc, each 2.25 Main springs for Edison disc, IY2", each 1.75 Main springs for Columbia disc, 1", each 0.65 Main springs, %" oblong hole, each 0.35 Main springs for Columbia disc, %" round hole. each... 0.30 Governor springs for Columbia motor, each 2c; per 100.. 1.50 Governor springs for Victor motor, each 2c.; per 100..... 1.50 Governor screws for Columbia motor, each la; per 100... 0.75 Governor shafts for Blick or Wonder motor, each 0.15 Governor shafts for Heineman No. 0 or 11, each 0.20 Governor gear wheels, for Triton motor, each 0.10 Mica diaphragms, 1st for Victor soundbox, each 0.15 Mica diaphragms, 1st for Columbia soundbox, each 0 25 Mica diaphragms, 1st for all Standard soundboxes, each. 0 22 Turn-table, felt green, 10", each 0.20 Turn-table, felt green, 12", each \\ o!25 Motors, double springs cut. with 12" T. T., each 5.25 Motors, single spring cpt. with 10" T. T. , each 2.25 Toncarms, universal, with mica soundbox No. K-l, each. 2.00 Tonearms, universal. No. H2. Sonora style, ear'h 3.00 Soundbox, fit Victor tonearm. No. H-l, each 1.75 Soundbox, fit Standard tonearm. No. K-5. each 0.75 Barrels, assembled, for Blick or Triton motors, each 0.60 Barrel, bottom gears, Blick or Triton motors, each.. .. 0 25 Key's Slatted, Blick or Triton, each 0 25 Key's Thread, for Flemish, each \ 0 25 Needle cups, fit on Columbia, per 100 \ 2.50 Needle cups, with covers, for used needles, per 100 3.75 All orders must be accompanied with remittance. Prices subject to change without further notice. FAVORITE PHONOGRAPH ACCESSORY CO. 1491 DeKalb Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR SALE Phonograph records, lateral cut, 10 and 12 inch standard make, a fine assortment of vocal and instrumental selections. Also steel needles, finest quality, in bulk and packages. I. DECKINGER 3064 Albany-Crescent Ave. New York A REAL SALESMANAGER wanted, experienced in the phonograph business. Must be a live wire and able to handle a staff of salesmen successfully. Apply to the Chopin Phonograph, Ltd., Keewadyn Building. Winnipeg, Canada. FOR SALE A balance of a large stock: 5,000 Victor, Columbia and Emerson records; 500 1-inch main springs at 28c; 500 micas for Columbia sound boxes at 20c; 10 and 12 inch turn tables, 10c. and 20c. Complete large covered machines 18x20 at $6.50, 14 inches high. N. WALCER 144 Ludlow St. New York WE are in the market to buy a laboratory plating and pressing outfit. Who has one? What is yourprice? _ We also wish to make arrangements for commercial pressing of records. Give us deliveries, price, capacity. 10-inch, single and double face. "Box 559," care The Talking Machine World, 373 Fourth Ave., New York. MANY SONORA VISITORS The executive offices of the Sonora Phonograph Sales Co., Inc., were visited this week by quite a number of the company's jobbers who are attending the annual convention of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association, and who took advantage of this opportunity to visit Sonora headquarters and make a unanimous plea for immediate carload shipments of Sonora phonographs. Among these callers were H. E. Hillman, of Wheeling, W. Va.; Fred E. Yahr, treasurer of the Yahr & Lange Drug Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; Sewall D. Andrews, of the Minneapolis Drug Co., Minneapolis, Minn.; G. B. Moxley, of the Kiefer-Stewart Co., Indianapolis, Ind., and Chas. Gibson and Nelson P. Snow, of the Gibson-Snow Co., at Syracuse, N. Y. All of these callers spoke most encouragingly of the business situation in their respective territories, stating that their sales of Sonora machines were limited only by the available supply of merchandise. They are all looking forward to a banner fall and holiday business, and, in a conference with the Sonora executives, emphasized the fact that they needed large shipments of instruments in order to cope with this demand. MUSIC HELPS SPEED UP WORKERS Phonographs Installed in Cincinnati Establishment as Aid to Production 21" wide The Most Wonderful Talking Machine of the present age at the price, considering cabinet, tone and quality. The name "Wegman" has been before the music-loving public since 1882. Solid mahogany, 5 record motor, 12" turntable, tone modifier, graduated regulator, plays all records. All parts heavily nickel plated. Write for dealers' proposition. We are also in a position to furnish cabinets only. Wegman Talking Machine Co. Office, 47 Clinton Ave., So. Rochester, N. Y. Cincinnati, O., October 7. — The music-withmeals idea is now being supplanted by the music-with-work theory, which a local dry cleaning establishment is putting into practical effect. This enterprising . firm has installed throughout its factory enough phonographs to provide lively entertainment the whole day long. It is a pleasant way of saying "speed up" and has the desired effect on the workers who have taken to the new idea with great zest. The idea has been tried out with success elsewhere. NEEDLES WE MANUFACTURE Diamond needles for Edison Sapphire needles for Edison Sapphire needles for Pathe in stock ready for delivery MERMOD & CO., 505 5th Ave., N. Y.