The talking machine world (July-Dec 1918)

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December 15, 1918 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 85 Wherever You Go You are sure to find a dealer somewhere selling a talking machine "without a kick." His business is growing steadily. Why ? If you. investigate the instruments he handles you will find they are rightly Equipped. That's what counts! Equipment. Look over your machine's Equipment a second time and then just remember that The Chicago Cover Balance Number 1 is one equipment feature that builds a dealer's business. Can your dealers say they are selling talking machines "without a kick"? If not, write us at once and we will help put your machines on the market — "Kickless." The cover is "PUT" and "STAYS PUT" WE ALSO MANUFACTURE CONTINUOUS AND GRAND TOP HINGES Chicago Hinged Cover Support and Balance Co. 2c2h1cagw6,Tlinois (Pat. Applied For) COVER BALANCE No. I FROM OUR CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS— (Continued from page 83) made a study of the instrument, and knows whereof he speaks when he is making a demonstration. The Phono-Grand is not only making itself known throughout Kansas, but confectioners, restaurateurs and various other people are especially well pleased with the instrument, and are sending in their orders. Now Captain Kingwill First Lieutenant H. S. Kingwill, formerly attached to the Chicago office of The Talking Machine World and The Music Trade Review, and who has been for several months overseas with the Fifty-eighth Infantry, has just been promoted to captain and with his regiment is reported to be somewhere in Luxemburg. This information was conveyed to his former associates in the Chicago office by his uncle a few days ago. Last reports show that Captain Kingwill is well and happy and having a very good time in Nancy, where he was on leave for a few days. Tel-O-Tone Plans The Western News Co. has every reason to be satisfied with the reception given the Tel-OTone phonographs. Not only the distinctive acoustic features of this instrument, but the attractive case designs have gained the highest approval of the trade. Although the machine has been on the market but a few months, it is already in very strong hands. Dealers and jobbers of progressiveness and natural strength the country over have taken hold of it, and are pushing it aggressively. The company is preparing for an increased output for 1919 with a view of filling promptly" the increasing demand from their present connections and for supplying new ones in unoccupied territory. Good News for Pacific Coast From all indications the "flu" has not had any effect upon the talking machine business of the Wiley B. Allen Co. stores on the Coast. This company, who several months ago took over the Far West Brunswick representation, has been making exceptional demands for immediate shipment of goods. When this company took over the Brunswick line they anticipated a certain amount of business, but this business has grown far beyond what they anticipated, as results on the Brunswick order book show. Their artistic window displays indicate the manner in which they have been introducing the Artistic Brunswick Window Brunswick, and James J. Black, who manages the talking machine departments for all the Allen stores, has not been overlooking anything along the line of publicity stunts. Tonofone Representation in Canada Arthur K. Kempton, of Montreal, Canada, has been appointed by the R. C. Wade Co. to represent Tonofone needles exclusively throughout Canada. Mr. Kempton recently saw the Tonofone ad in The Talking Machine World and made a special trip to Chicago in order to consummate the deal with the Wade Co. Mr. Kempton is a specialist and handles nothing but needles of all kinds and descriptions. He not only does extensive traveling throughout the whole of Canada, but he constantly keeps his three travelers busy. They are always on the job. Mr. Kempton has recently returned from the front, where he had been for the past three years actively engaged with the Canadian forces. He received his honorable discharge a short time ago, and was invalided home, due to his being gassed with chlorine. Mr. Kempton stated that to his knowledge there are no needles of any kind being manufactured in Canada, and it is for this reason that he makes a specialty of needles and handles every known make and kind. Christmas Greetings! The Chicago Talking Machine Co. has mailed out to its many friends in the trade new 1919 calendars. The calendars are illustrated by portraits of either Pershing, Joffre or Foch, and are printed in the-* new "oilette" process. The oilette process is a new wrinkle in the art of printery and very effective. The prints are made in such a way that the surface of the picture is roughened, following the artist's brush marks, and receives a final finish of a high gloss. The appearance from the distance is that of an oil painting, and cannot be detected from such save upon close inspection. When the announcement was made by this company that they were sending out their yearly calendars, demands grew to such proportions that the large stock that they had on hand was completely exhausted within twenty-four hours. A repeat order was sent into the printing company for more of the calendars, but the printing company stated that it would be unable to fill the order, as the supply was completely exhausted. Victor Visitors Chas. K. Haddon, vice-president of the Victor Co., and R. L. Freeman, the secretary, recently paid a visit to Chicago. The visit of both of these officers of the Victor Co. created some comment in the Chicago trade, as their visit was a radical departure from the policy generally pursued by the Victor Co. Needless to say, their trip, which brought them to Chi(Continued on page 87) } TRANSFER NAME-PLATES 1 We make the Transfer Name -Plates and Trade-Marks for <> the largest talking machine manufacturers in this country and I for dealers in every state. |! YOUR NAME, Mr. Dealer, on every machine brings the owner I back to you for records and his friends to you for a machine. Samples, Suggestions and Sketches Furnished Free | THE MEYERCORD COMPANY, CHICAGO H Largest Manufacturers of DEC ALCOIMl ANI A Transfer Name-Plates tiQi'iffi tui 51 «5 sQf§S STSltQi fuPSKliS rife rife aYSJfKS SfrtiiraMj^^lSSSSSlfSffs^S^lr^^ni Sig^TufsY^OffifS^