The talking machine world (Aug-Dec 1919)

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August 15, 1919 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 75 tions for permission to open accounts for the sale of Brunswick machines. They can't even be considered. "July made the best record of the year 1919," said Mr. Kern, "but simply because we received more machines that month. We have taken on only two new accounts in months. The Duluth Glass Block, a big department store has opened a Brunswick line and also the Shiner Furniture Co.. of Butte, Montana. Both are doing exceptionally well. The Aeolian-Vocalion is working its way to the front under the able tutelage of the Stone Piano Co., northwestern agents. A roadman who has been working Southern Minnesota is sending in orders continually, while the retail sales in Minneapolis and St. Paul are proving wholly satisfactory. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Matheis, of Minneapolis, are again on their annual motor tour. Their itinerary includes Oregon and Yellowstone Park, a tour of something like 5,000 miles. The Peyer Music Co. has given a contract for twelve booths, with record racks and tables for a new store on East Sixth street, St. Paul. This is a Columbia house. The Capital Music Co., recently established at 13 East Seventh street, St. Paul, will be an exclusive Grafonola shop. Howard, Farwell & Co., recently have added six new demonstration booths to their former battery. A majority of the Minneapolis and St. Paul talking machine dealers will have increased facilities by the first of September. L. S. Donaldson Co., The Golden Rule, Dayton Drygoods Co., and The Emporium, big department stores, are increasing their talking machine space considerably. A SACRAMENTO WINDOW DISPLAY Wiley B. Allen Store Increases Record Sales by Effective Window Advertising Displays Sacramento, Cal., August 5. — Ray Davis, manager of the local branch of the Wiley B. Allen Co., has been paying special attention to the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s "Dressy" Window art of window dressing and has increased his sales of records and talking machines greatly by this form of advertising. The window display reproduced herewith was designed by Robert P. Raygurt, manager of the talking machine department, who is using all the possibilities for effective display to good advantage. VISITORS AT COLUMBIA OFFICES Out-of-town Dealers Call at Offices of Columbia Graphophone Co. Among the many Columbia dealers who visited the executive offices of the Columbia Graphophone Co. this past month were T. Williams, of the Williams Music House, Birmingham, Ala.; Chas. Lonsberg, president of the Lonsberg Book & Music House, Albany, Ga., and Mrs. Florence Perrin, of the Guest Music House, Detroit, Mich. Mr. Williams was just passing through on his vacation, while Chas. Lonsberg came up to see "the works." While visiting the recording laboratory he had the good fortune to meet Al Jolson. Mrs. Perrin not only visited the executive offices and recording laboratories, but also visited the factory at Bridgeport. Mrs. Perrin, as might be recalled, won the Columbia record-selling contest a short time ago by her active work in the sales department. MAYER'S S0N0RA DEPARTMENT Charles Mayer & Co. Featuring Sonora in Attractive Local Advertising Indianapolis, Ind., August 8. — Charles Mayer & Co. have one of the most attractive talking Attractive Sonora Display machine departments in this city and the accompanying illustration shows their Sonora de partment and speaks for itself. Ernest L. Arthur, manager of the Sonora department, has been conducting a high-class advertising campaign in the interests of this machine, and the sales campaign is bringing big results. INTRODUCE NEW COVER SUPPORT Automatic Cover Support & Manufacturing Co. Product Proves Popular in Trade Newark, N. J., July 30. — A new special cover support is now being produced by the Automatic Cover Support & Mfg. Co., of this city, which will be designated as "Style No. 2." "Style No. 1," which they will still continue to manufacture, and which is proving very popular, may be adjusted at any angle. "Style' No. 2'" must be bent to fit the required angle. A. F. Zega, president of the company, announces that "Style No. 2" can be produced and sold at a lower price than "Style No. 1," and is destined to meet the demands of the manufacturer desiring the more economic cover support. Lu-Franc says I II Tell The World that if brains were money I'd still be no awful rival of Rockefeller; yet from what people tell me, I really must have thought up somethin' pretty durn smart in this monthly envelope service of mine for Victor dealers exclusively. And on the other hand, as the cop says as he closes up the bracelets, if money were brains, any gink with only enough kale for the price of one glass of this almost nearly near-beer would have gray matter aplenty, to see the good that comes to Victor Dealers who contract for a service like mine. I'll cut the slang and write a reg'lar letter to all those Victor Dealers who write and ask for information about my proposition. It's well worth your while to know about it. Stamps are only two cents now, and we refund your expenses if we fail to interest you. Could anything be more fair? I've a real delivery envelope service for the Victor Dealers. Ask your distributor — he knows ! Lu.Franc Sales Service 1201 Dime Bank Building :: :: DETROIT. MICH.