The talking machine world (Aug-Dec 1919)

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September 15, 1919 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 83 LOS ANGELES DEALERS CLOSE GREAT MID-SUMMER TRADE Business Showing Surprising in Spite of Strikes and Other Troubles — New Barker Managers — Recital by Prince Lei Lani — Felger's New Post — Wiley B. Allen in Fresno Los Angeles, Cal., September 3. — August proved another banner summer month for the talking machine dealers of this city. In fact, it seems to have averaged up somewhat ahead of July, and July made an especially good record. These two mid-summer months, indeed, have been genuine surprises, with the result that several of the houses are already either ahead of or neck-and-neck with their last year's total. The strikes on the city and interurban electric car lines and the steam railways in and around Los Angeles, which started on the former about the middle of the month, have naturally been rather bothersome to the local business houses, but at the same time their real effect on business, and the music trade especially, has apparently been next to nil. Their effect, in other words, was merely a matter of inconveniences, for all service on the electric systems has been consistently discontinued at 8 o'clock each evening, although it remained almost normal during the day, and for a full week practically all connection with the outside world, by railway, was cut off. At this writing, however, the strike on the steam lines is closed, and the one on the electric systems seems very near its end. Hence, while there is still a handicapping shortage of certain lines of stock, the outlook for September for the talking machine business, and the music trade generally, is regarded as being especially bright. Managers Named for Barker Branches In addition to the San Diego branch, announcement of which was made last month, Barker Bros, have also arranged for the opening of a branch music store in Fresno, Cal. The former will be located at 1143 Sixth street and the one in the latter city is to be at 2017 Kern street. Both are to be opened for business September 15. Manager J. W. Boothe, of the music department of the headquarters store in this city, announces the appointment of Earl S. Dible as manager of the San Diego branch, and of H. W. Pasley as manager of the one in Fresno. Both are experienced and capable talking machine men, Mr. Dible having at one time been in charge of the Edison department of the Fitzgerald Music Co. here, and Mr. Palsey having for some time been connected with the talking machine department of Barker Bros, in Los Angeles. The branches are expected to devote special attention to the phonograph and record business, with the firm's regular agencies, but they will also carry a small stock of pianos and players. Later the company intends establishing additional branches in Bakersfield, Santa Ana and Pasadena, which, with the ones already maintained at Long Beach and Pomona, will give it a chain of eight country stores. Felger Becomes Partner in Country Firm L. V. Felger, who for some time has been connected with the Los Angeles wholesale branch of the Columbia Graphophone Co. as a traveling representative, has associated himself with the Saladin Music Store in Santa Maria, Cal., becoming a partner in the business with W. H. Saladin, the founder. This partnership concern has also recently established a branch in Lompoe, Cal., through having bought the Hawkins Music Store of that place. The stores have the Victor agency and carry a small stock of pianos. Messrs. Saladin and Felger were in Los Angeles recently to make arrangements for increasing their stock. Talking Machine Music for Folk Dances Instead of the usual band or orchestra, it was a talking machine that furnished the music at a recent big play-day festival of school children held in this city, on the program of which outdoor folk dances were a prominent feature. The affair occurred on Saturday, August 23, in the athletic field of Exposition Park, under the auspices of the city playgrounds commission. Children from thirty-five recreation centres, including the school playgrounds, participated in the day's frolic. When the instructors announced the folk dances, the children instinctively began looking for the band or orchestra which they expected would be present to furnish the music, but the bandstand was unoccupied, nor could they discern any source from which the necessary music would be forthcoming. However, as if out of the clear sky, there came to their ears, clearly and distinctly, the opening strains of dance music. The seeming phenomenon so puzzled them that they forgot to dance, until the instructors had explained that an electrically-controlled phonograph with an amplifier attachment was installed in the bandstand and was producing the mysterious music. The instrument used was a Columbia, and William H. Richardson, of Richardson's, Inc., was responsible for its installation. Prince Lei Lani to Give Recitals Here Prince Lei Lani, known as E. K. Rose in his Hawaiian productions for Victor records, and widely known among the lovers of Hawaiian music, has accepted an engagement with the Southern California Music Co. of this city for recital work, for a considerable period. He is to give his first recital, in the store's large auditorium, next Thursday, noon, and three times each week thereafter. His programs will be CHAS. H. YATES 311 Laughlin Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. Manufacturers' Distributors of High Grade Phonograph Trade Accessories. Your Every Accessory Want Cared for. "If I haven't got it, I'll get it for you." Complete Stock Prompt Deliveries Exclusive Pacific Coast distributor for the JONES-MOTROLA extensively varied. They, for instance, will include demonstrations in conjunction with the Victrola and the Chickering Ampico reproducing piano, and demonstrations also of the Hawaiian steel-string guitar and the ukulele, as he is both a singer and an instrumentalist. He comes to the Southern California Music Co. from Omaha, Neb., where he filled a similar engagement with Mickel Bros, that finally grew into a period of three years, while previous to that he had filled appointments with Philip Werlein, Ltd., New Orleans, La.; Sanger Bros., Dallas, Texas, and O'Neal, Indianapolis, Ind. Wiley B. Allen Co. Opens Fresno Branch The Wiley B. Allen Co. has taken over the music business of J. J. Falkenstein in Fresno, Cal., at 947 J street and converted it into a company branch, under the supervision of the San Francisco office. The store was opened for business under the new management on August 25. George T. Goodhue, who had been connected for some time with the talking machine department of the Wiley B. Allen Co. store in this city, has been made the manager of the phonograph section of the Fresno branch. The new store handles both talking machines and pianos. Piano Man Becomes Talker Representative Fred Christainer, who has been the Pacific Coast traveling representative of the J. & C. Fischer pianos for the past few years, has transferred his interest in the newly created Blue Bird Talking Machine Co. of this city, becoming the factory's traveling salesman. Incidentally, the Blue Bird phonograph made its initial appearance in the retail market here, through several of the music dealers, on August 26. Barker Bros. Employes Hold Annual Picnic The nearly twelve hundred employes of the big Barker Bros, furniture and music house of this city held their regular summer picnic this year at Santa Monica, on August 23, which brought out the record-breaking attendance, including the employes' families and friends, of approximately 2,500 persons. There was the usual program of enjoyable events. SOME OF THE BIGGEST MANUFACTURERS OF TALKING MACHINES ARE USING /TONE arms & sound boxes Send for Samples, Catalogue, Quantity Discounts, etc. MUTUAL TALKING MACHINE CO., Inc. 145 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK