The talking machine world (Aug-Dec 1919)

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OCTOBEK, 1919 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 177 V. W. MOODY AS A FISHERMAN Buffalo Talking Machine Man Slips Away Into the Wilds of Canada to Lure the Wiley Fish From Their Favorite Haunts. Buffalo, N. Y., October 10. — V. W. Moody, manager of the Buffalo Talking Machine Co., could As the accompanying picture shows he brought back the goods and made a good catch on at least one occasion. The picture was snapped at Eowan, Can., where he spent the greater part of his trip. He was accompanied by H. Hutchens of the Hutchens Piano Co., Lockport, who felt that it was necessary to have some one along to help tarry home the fish or at least arrange for :i special train to do the work. C. V. BISSEL BACK FROM WAR Manager of Kansas City (Mo.) Branch of Starr Piano Co. Had Some Strenuous Experiences at the Battlefront in France — Back in Harness V. W. Moody as a Piscatorial Expert uo longer keep to the straight and narrow way, selling more talking machines than were ever made, and disappeared one day into Canada with his fishing tackle all set for action. Once upon a time he came back from the woods with a great mess o' fish and simply had to try his luck again to show that history really repeats itself. Richmond, Ind., October 12. — 0. V. Bissell, for merly manager of the Kansas City branch of the Starr Piano Co., and who left his work there to join the army and do his bit in France, has returned. He enlisted on May 13, 1918, and within three months was in France as a member of the Thirty-fourth Infantry, Seventh Division. His regiment saw much stieuuous action in the Puvenelle Sector, and at other points and aided in the capture of Hill 310.2, one of the dominating points in the liindenburg line. Mr. Bissell saw action right up to the time the armistice went into effect, but with the exception of a little gassing returned none the worse for his experience. He brought with him some graphic descriptions of war conditions and of the part his particular regiment and division played in whipping the Germans. Mr. Bissell, who has been with the Starr Piano Co. for seven years, acting as wholesale representa rive before taking charge of the Kansas City branch, has again taken up his old duties in Kansas City. He is the youngest branch manager in the Starr organisation, being only twenty-seven years old. Since his departure the latest Starr achievements— Starr phonographs and records — made their debut and he is naturally pleased at their great popularity. The Tremont Talking Machine Co., Boston n;is een incorporated with capital stock of $150,000. Automatic Change of Weight i Patent Applied fori An Exclusive Feature of Parr Central Universal Tone Arm The Parr Central Universal Tone Arm marks a new departure in tonearm construction and removes the principal objection heretofore existing in universal arms. The weight to play either vertical or lateral cut records is automatically and accurately changed. This is a very novel and important improvement in tone-arm construction and should appeal to those who have wanted a tone arm that would not require the makeshift arrangements for doing what this tone arm does automatically. The first scientifically constructed universal tone arm, and the only one having this very important improvement. OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES Length of tone arm required should be specified when ordering. Needle change is facilitated by rotating sound box, which returns to normal position. Needle always takes same position in playing any type of record, setting in direct center. Supplied with either mica or Vibratone diaphragm, but the latter is lecnnimended if superior tone quality and volume are desired. OTHER PARR PRODUCTS: Magnetic Reproducer Vibratone Diaphragm PARR MANUFACTURING CORP. Main Offices: 100-108 West 23rd St., Factories: New York City — Latrobe, Pa. NEW YORK ASSURANCE OF QUALITY may be urged in selling talk, and the goods perform as promised. What is to refresh the memory when new orders are placed? The safe and certain way is to affix a STANLEY Metal Name Plates to the cabinet. That identifies the talking machine with the store that sold it, and gives the dealer the desired assurance that reorders will go to him. Stanley Name Plates are made in two types — gummed thin metal and heavier gauge, to be tacked or screwed in place. We send samples free, and also submit to dealers sketches of suitable name plates for approval without obligation. Write for ideas. The Stanley Manufacturing Co, Dept. T. W. Dayton, Ohio DISTRIBUTE SUFERT0NE IN SOUTH $50,000 Corporation Organized in Selma in Interests of Supertone Distribution Nestor Poos, wholesale representative for the Supertone Talking Machine Co., reports the for mation of a $50,000 corporation in Selma, Ala., to distribute the Supertone talking machine and Operaphone records. The incorporators are five of the leading business men of Selma, as follows: Ed Kayser, president of Kayser 's Department Store; Mr. Elebash, of Elebash Jewelry Co.; Henry Plant, of the Selma Stationery Co.; Mr. Puller, lawyer, and Mr. Whiteside, of the local Chera-Cola Co. The style of the corporation is the Southern Supertone Talking Machine Co., Inc. They will represent the Supertone Co. exclusively in Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi and Louisiana. They have already placed in the field the following men: Mr. Patterson, who will cover Georgia and South Carolina; Emmett Hughes, who will cover Florida and Alabama, and Jeffrey Meyer, who will cover Mississippi and Louisiana.