The talking machine world (Aug-Dec 1919)

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NOTEilBZB 15, J91S THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 39 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION MEETS AND DINES San Diego Men Attend Great Gathering of Music Trade Association in Los Angeles — Officers ElectedImportant Business Transacted — Pathe Line With Barnes Co. — Other News of Interest Los Angeles, November 4. — The Music Trades Association of Southern California held its first general meeting at the Hotel Clark recently. Thirty-nine sat down to dinner at G:30 P. M. They included Chairman Boothe, general manager music department Barker Brothers; Manager La Motte, Thearle Music Co., San Diego; Manager Morse, Southern California Music Co., San Diego; N. F. Maw, of Gray-Maw Music Co., president San Diego Music Dealers' Association; Manager Dible, Barker Brothers, San Diego; Manager Gillette, Covina Furniture Co. Also the following Los Angeles Interesting speeches were made by Messrs. La Motte, Fybush, Boothe, Morse, Garland, Sunderland and others. A general discussion took place with regard to the advisability of limiting the length of talking machine contracts from fifteen to twelve months. The San Diego Music Dealers' Association was unanimously invited to join the Music Tiades Association as a unit and President Maw, with the support of those members present, accepted. Unique Window Display A very original and attractive window display Uinner of the Southern California Association at the Hotel Clark dealers: George Barnes, president Barnes Music Co., Manager Humphrey, music department, A. Hamburger & Sons; Messrs. Faulkner and Frank Salyer, Bartlett Music Co.; D. G. Sunderland and A. Darvill, music department, Broadway Department Store; Nat Schireson, Schireson Bros.; J. D. Scouller, Fitzgerald Music Co.; E. E. Smith, Smith Piano Co.; W. H. Bichardson, Bichardson 's, Inc.; J. B. Patten, Zellner Piano Co.; J. Hathaway and A. Westphal, Southern California Music Co.; J. Schireson, Schireson Bros.; H. Jackson, Wiley B. Allen Co.; G. and H. Glockner, Wm. F. Glockner Music Co.; Howard Brown, phonograph department, Lyon-McKinney-Smith Co.; B. Piatt, president Piatt Music Co.; A. Barnes, Barnes Music Co.; H. Beck, Piatt Music Co.; F. Ahern, Ahern's Song Shop; W. B. Miller, Barnes Music Co.; H. Baxter, Baxter-Northrup Co.; also J A. Voorhies, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.; C. H. Yates, phonograph accessory jobber; F. Fybush, Blue Bird Talking Machine Co.; C. E. McCartney, representing W. S. Gray, San Francisco; Representative Garland, Victor Talking Machine Co., and Secretary Farquharson. An election of officers took place after dinner resulting as follows: President G. S. Marygold; vice-president, B. Piatt; treasurer, E. E. Smith. has been featured lately at Barker Brothers. What might be described as a very over-grown Victrola IX, with a monster Red Seal record four feet in diameter revolving on its turntable, surrounded by flashing electric bulbs is shown. The raised lid, fitted with mirror back, reflects the big record as well as the giant tone arm and sound box, while the spacious horn or tone chamber, depicting the "Nile Scene" from "Aida," forms an ideal stage peopled with exquisitely modelled actors in miniature. Representative Bonnell in Los Angeles E. M. Bonnell Western travelling representative for the Sonora Phonograph Co., returned to Los Angeles after an extended trip in the Northwest. He reports excellent business all over, especially in Seattle and Spokane. Mr. Bonnell expects to remain here about four weeks. Sells Talking Machine Department W. B. Miller, who has conducted a talking machine department for some months in Ahern's Song Shop on Hill street, has sold out his interests to R. A. Brainger. Additions will be made in the department and the Mandel phonograph and Emerson records will be featured. Adds the Pathe Line The Barnes Music Co. has installed the complete line of Pathephones and Pathe records. Extensive alterations and improvements are planned throughout the department in the near future but the big Fall and Holiday rush compels a postponement of same until January. Blue Bird Phonograph Winner General Manager Fybush, of the Blue Bird Talking Machine Co., whose offices are at 312 H. W. Hellman Building, Los Angeles, announces that a first prize and gold medal have been awarded to the Blue Beard Phonograph at the California Industrial Exposition recently held in San Francisco. The Blue Bird phonograph is handled in Los Angeles by Geo. J. Birkel Co., Piatt Music Co., Broadway Dept. Store, Bartlett Music Co., and Zellner Piano Co. Emerson Sales Increase The Western Jobbing & Trading Co., jobbers of Emerson records and Mandel phonographs, report wonderful business for October and excellent prospects for the next two months. Emerson records are being strongly featured by most of the big music houses in Los Angeles. The saxophone records by Wiedoeft are special favorites, due to the fact that the accomplished soloist is well known locally. The Latest "Talker" ' ' Diamond Dick ' ' Jackson, second son of Harold Jackson, manager of the talking machine deparment of the Wiley B. Allen Co., Los Angeles, arrived on October 29th — weight seven pounds. LARGER QUARTERS FOR MUTUAL CO. The constantly increasing orders for their products has necessitated the Mutual Talking Machine Co. taking a larger loft for their factory at 151 Lafayette street, New York. This new move will enable them to greatly increase their product in accordance with the heavy demands. . The executive offices at 145 West 45th street will not be moved. Wm. Phillips, president of the company, reports that orders already in hand for the coming year indicate a continuance of big business throughout 1920. First Business Man — "How are things with you now?" Second Business Man — "Oh, simply splendid. The men have been on strike only three times this week." — Passing Show. CHAS. H. YATES 311 Laughlin Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. Manufacturers' Distributors of High Grade Phonograph Accessories and Supplies. Send for my new catalogue and price list. It will interest you. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT "If I haven't got it, I'll get it for you." This is part of my service. Exclusive Pacific Coast distributor for the JONES-MOTROLA Don't get left without stock — i', —ill pay you to read our advertisement — see Directory, last page STODART PHONOGRAPH CO. Inc. 119 West 42d St. • New York City Send for Our Wholesale HOLIDAY BARGAIN BULLETIN Replete with money-making opportunities. Something new in the trade — that will augment your Holiday business. COLE & DUNAS MUSIC CO., 54 W. lake St. :: :: CHICAGO, J3L Dealers' 90% Profit 'Dancing Darkey'" Phono-Movie Sells on Sight Get in on the best novelty proposition of the season. Easily Operated on any Disc Phonograph. Does not interfere with the record. A small, highly colored, artistically designed figure placed (not fastened) directly in front of the turntable, mechanically devised so that it dances as the record is played. Most entertaining to watch because of its ever-changing action. Adds greatly to the "pep" of the present "jazz" records. As a novelty it sells itself, by placing it on the machines when playing dance records to customers. Complete attachment, with actors, retails for $1.50 Cost to ' dealers, $10.50 per dozen. Send one dollar for sample outfit. Extra figures, $2.00 per dozen. HOLIDAY ORDERS MUST BE RECEIVED [TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE » 36 East 23rd Street PHONO-MOVIE & SUPPLY CO. NEV/ YORK