The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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182 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD July 15, 1920 THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER Sailor Wins Bride After Three-day Courtship and Sails With Her for Australia — Romance Began Over Record Counter in Portland Store Portland, Ore., July 6. — A romance in real life has added a little zest to the regular routine of selling talking machines and records in that department of the Meier & Frank Co. Day after day pretty Juanita Leslie attended to the wants of customers, gaining many friends by her amiabilitj and charming manner. Love and romance were far from the thoughts of the practical young lady, who was deeply interested in her work and rapidly becoming a good business woman. Then one day there breezed into the department a sailor man, a good looking sailor, a captain of a merchant vessel-bound for Australia. He loved music and wanted a good h.g supply of new records to enliven the long journey to the Antipodes. Miss Leslie demonstrated record after record, he bought them all. He FRITZ IiOTHY-Raz & Co SWISS-MANUFACTURERS U. S. BRANCH, 299 BROADWAY, NEW YORK NEEDLES DIAMOND FOR EDISON SAPPHIRE " EDISON SAPPHIRE " PATHE came again in the afternoon and bought more records. He talked — he was a very interesting talker — and Miss Leslie listened. He came again the second day, bought more records, was even njore entertaining than before. To make a short story very short indeed, at the end of the third day he wooed and won the pretty little Portland girl, married her and sailed away with her LUMBER VENEERS Up the Loghaul to the Largest Mahogany Sawmill Hour after hour the giant mahogany logs from Africa and Central America ride up this great loghaul to the largest mahogany sawmill on the Atlantic and Gulf Seaboard— the last leg of their journey through the largest complete mahogany lumber and veneer organization in the United States. Astoria Mahogany Company, Inc. 347 Madison Avenue, New York Successors to Huddleston-Marsh Mahogany Co. Astoria Veneer Mills and Dock Co. F. W. Kirch. Inc. Mills and Yards, Long Island City, N. Y. BRANCHES: 44 North Market Ave., Grand Rapids. Mich. 2256 Lumber Street, Chicago, III. on his good ship to his home in Sydney, Australia, where his father and mother will welcome their son and his charming American bride, who is now the wife of Captain Jay, a man who had no time to waste, knew exactly what he wanted, both in records and a wife. EMERSON SEEN IN "HITCHY KOO" Artistic Scene in Raymond Hitchcock's New Show Will Feature Emerson Phonographs and Records — Unusual Stage Setting An unusual stage scene of significance and value to Emerson dealers will be introduced this season in the first road company of Raymond Hitchcock's new "Hitchy Koo" show. In this show there will be presented a scene featuring an Emerson Shop, in which the chief comedian of the show, Stan Stanley, occupies the center of the stage. Mr. Stanley uses a dialogue wherein he inquires for many songs, and twenty-five Broadway beauties emerge from a life-size Emerson phonograph and sing the refrains of the different songs, all of which are presented on Emerson records. As Raymond Hitchcock's "Hitchy Koo" is one of the most popular revues of the year, Emerson dealers will have a splendid opportimity to utilize timely publicity in connection with the appearance of the revue in their respective localities. The scene will be handsomely staged and the featuring of Emerson phonographs atKl Emerson records will enable the dealers to work in co-operation with this idea. August and September are still ahead and these months hold great possibilities for the dealer who is in the habit of getting what he goes after. "The Music Without the Blur!" This ideal of talking machine manufacture is attained more nearly than by any other, in the construction of the MARVELOUS MAGNOLA "Built by Tone Specialists" "Magnola's Tone Deflector eliminates the scratch" WitcKirjJ tKe Music Coitnc Out We want to show y<m how to nuke money with MAGNOLA; and how MAGNOLA is the best buy on the Talking Machine Market to-day. Send us your name and let us send you some real Talker Tips. MAGNOLA TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OTTO 8CHUI.Z. Presldant General Oflen Southern Wholesale Branch 711 MILWAUKEE AVENUE IS30 CANDLER BLDG. CHICAOO ATLANTA. GA.