The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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114 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD August IS, 1920 NEW MODERNOLA JOBBER H. A. Copeland Sales Co. Secures Representation for North and South Carolina, Eastern Tennessee and Virginia — Carload Shipments Hickory, N. C, August 2. — A. J. Copeland, president of the H. A. Copeland Sales Co. cured the exclusive distribution for Modernola talking machines for the states of North and South Carolina, Eastern Tennessee and Virginia. The first shipment consisted of two solid carloads, one of which is illustrated herewith. Mr. Copeland is very enthusiastic over the Modernola and is planning an aggressive campaign that will greatly increase the popularity Music Store and the Brunswick line received some splendid local advertising and to use the vernacular "a good time was had by all." This information was given to The World representative by M. H. Wheat, formerly traveling representative for the Paramount Talking Machine Co., and who is now attached to the Atlanta office of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., spreading the Brunswick story throughout the state of Georgia. EDISON JOBBER HAS ANOTHER SON A. H. Curry, President of Texas-Oklahoma Phonograph Co., Has New Edison Recruit Congratulations are being received by Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Curry, of Dallas, iTex., as a result of the announcement by them of the birth of another fine boy on July 27. Mr. Curry is president of the Texas-Oklahoma Phonograph Co., Edison jobbers in Dallas, and enjoys a wide acquaintanceship among Edison jobbers and dealers. It is understopd that he intends to make of the younger gentleman a thorough Edisonite, who, with his brothers, is destined some day to become a big man in the Edison business, even like his father. Modernola Shipments to H. A. Copeland Sales Co. of this city, visited the headquarters of the of the Modernola in the states which he covers. Modernola Co. at Johnstown, Pa., and as an Mr. Copeland has built up a particularly effiattendant result the announcement has been cient sales organization and has selected as his made that the H. A. Copeland Sales Co. has se slogan "We Cover Dixie Like the Dew." IMPORTANT VAN VEEN CONTRACTS COULDN'T RESIST THE WEARY BLUES Darky Minstrel Just Had to Play the Bones When Brunswick Played the Blues in Georgia Store — Dealer Made Use of Publicity Macon, Ga., August 5. — Guttenberger's Music Store of this city, which handles the Brunswick line, enjoyed a novel advertising medium on July 31. Thomas Price, of a troupe of real Southern darky minstrels, happened to pass by the store' when he heard one of the machines playing. The call of the weary musical blues was too much for his. artistic temperament, so, extracting a set of real minstrel "bones" from his inner pocket, he proceeded to accompany the records. So enthused was he with his accompaniment that he failed to notice the large crowd that had gathered to watch the demonstration. Thanks to Mr. Price, Guttenberger's Van Veen & Co., Inc., of New York City and Philadelphia, have been awarded the contract to install at the headquarters of all Columbia distributors equipment for the model phonograph shop. These various installations of Van Veen hearing room, record racks, counters and other equipment will constitute the latest ideas in this line. Van Veen & Co. have also recently received a contract to install their equipment in the talking machine department of Braunstein & Black, the large Atlantic City department store. This well-known seashore department store claims its patronage from all quarters of the globe and its talking machine department will be most attractive. GARFORD "BABY" PHONOGRAPHS A Popular Line of Toy Phonographs Nothing More — Nothing Less' THE "BABY" MODEL RETAILS AT $6 MODEL X RETAILS AT $10 CLOSED Description of "Baby" Model Plays Little "Wonder or 7-inch recortlH Metal Cabinet finished in high grade Ebony Enamel with nicltel trimmings. Length 814 Inches Height inches Width SVz Inches Weight SM: lbs. Provided with one spring worm gear motor. 5'/4-inch turntable. High grade sound box, with wonderfull.v clear reproduction. Speed regulator. Description of Model "X" Plays Little Wonder records and also 7-Inch records. Cabinet finished in Mahogany Height .17V4 Inches Width 8% inches Depth 9% Inches Provided with one spring worm gear motor. BVi-lnch turntable. High grade sound box, with wonderfully clear reproduction. Speed regulator. A LIBERAL PROPOSITION FOR PROGRESSIVE DEALERS GENERAL PHONOGRAPH MFG. CO. Elyria, Ohio FORMERLY NAMED THE GARFORD MFG. CO.