The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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October IS, 1920 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 4d NEW PLANT IN LITITZ, PA. Site Purchased in That City for a New Talking Machine Factory LiTiTZ, Pa., October 2.— Robert H. Yerger has purchased a large tract of land on North Locust street, this city, for the purpose of erecting a talking machine factory to be known as the Lititz Cabinet Co. Mr. Yerger was formerly manager of the Yerger Mfg. Co., which also made talking machines. The local factory building will be three stories high and will cover an area of 60x200 feet. It is expected to be ready for operation by January 1. LONDON TALKS WITH TRIESTE Marconi Tells of Wireless Phone Which Carries Voice 1,000 Miles A dispatch from Trieste says that concerts given in London can be heard in that city by wireless, according to a statement to The Associated Press by William Marconi, the inventor of the wireless telephone. Signor Marconi was interviewed on board his yacht, the "Electra," where he is conducting experiments with the view of perfecting his wireless discoveries. "I have evolved an instrument," he said, "which will carry 1,000 miles, and which reproduces the voice more distinctly than the ordinary telephone. I talk regularly with London and get the news of the day. I have come to the Adriatic because conditions here favor my experiments. Less power is needed to work the instruments here than elsewhere. After this cruise I am going to America." FRED BROWN VISITS PULLMAN PLANT Manager of Order and Service Department of Edison Laboratories Plans to Arrange for Improved Service for Edison Jobbers Fred S. Brown, manager of the Order and Service department at the Edison Laboratories, left recently for Pullman, 111., where he will spend a short time at the Edison phonograph assembling plant in operation there. It is understood that one of the purposes of Mr. Brown's visit to the Pullman Edison plant is to arrange for improved service to Edison jobbers. The Edison assembling plant at Pullman represents an important factor in the distribution of Edison phonographs, as it is located adjacent to the vast plant of the celebrated Pullman Co., whose wood-working plant for some time has been devoted largely to the manufacture of Edison phonograph cabinets. GIVE ME PATHE OR GIVE ME DEATH Clarion, Ia., October 2.— The Russell Music Co., Pathe dealer of this city, is responsible for the following story of how one of its customers preferred death to the lack of Pathe music. A short time ago a lady called at the warerooms of the Russell Music Co. and after hearing a demonstration of several Pathe records she requested that a number twelve model be sent to her home on trial. Mr. Russell complied with her request, but when the woman's husband returned home an argument arose over the phonograph, in the course of which he commanded his wife to have it returned to the dealer. This she emphatically refused to do, and, becoming excited, she rushed from the house and plunged into an adjacent river, being rescued with great difficulty after going down the second time. Upon being resuscitated, she demanded that her husband purchase the Pathe instrument, which he was only too willing to do, being afraid that were she deprived of her favorite music she might attempt the rash act again. The Stradivari Phonograph Co., Salem, Ore., has been incorporated with capital stock of $5,000,000. v4 NOVEMBER, 1920 2II8G 85c 21187 $1.00 21 188 $1.00 31163 $1.00 31 164 85c 31 165 $1.00 31166 $1.00 71110 $1.00 4III4 $1.00 5II4I $1.00 51142 $1.00 POPULAR VOCAL ["The Japanese Sandman (Egan-Whitins). Orch accomp Orpheus Trio I Moonlight in Mandalay (Yellen-Ohlman). Tenor and Baritone duet, Orch. l_ accomp Lewis James-Elliott Shaw Yum-I-Yum-I-Yum (Simpson-Bennett). Tenor, Orch. accomp Billy Jones Marcelte (Kalmar-Ruby). Baritone, Orch. accomp George Jessel ^When I Looked in Your Wonderful Eyes (OsborneDunkerley) . Baritone. Orch. accomp Ernest Hare The Love Boat (from "Ziegfeld Follies of 1920") (Buck-Herbert). Baritone, L Orch. accomp Elliott Shaw I" Pretty Kitty Kelly (Pease-Nelson). Soprano, Orch. accomp Marjie Dow ■< When I See All the Loving They Waste on Babies (Do Rob-Ward-Johnson), t. Baritone, Orch. accomp John Young DANCE f Whispering (Schonberger). Fox-trot Ted Gilbert's Dance Orch. [Cuban Moon (Spencer-Kiernan). Fox-trot. . .Joe Johnson's Novelty Dance Orch. i Kiss a Miss (Baron). Waltz Regal Dance Orch. I When You Arf Mine (SamuelsBriant). One-step. . .Ted Gilbert's Dance Orch. fCreole Blues (Norworth). Fox-trot Ted Gilbert's Dance Orch. I Ev'rybody Calls Me Honey, Intro.: "Bamboola" (Lyons-Straight-Wenrich). [ Medley One-step Stellar Novelty Band (Toodles (Green). One-step Stellar Novelty Band I Tell Me Little Gypsy, Intro.: "The Girl of My Dreams" (from "Ziegteld L Follies of 1920") (Berlin). Medley Fox-trot Ted Gilbert's Dance Orch. SACRED rLeaf By Leaf the Roses Fall (Bishop). Tenor and Baritone Duet, Orch. I accomp Lewis James and Harold Wiley I Excelsior (Balfe). Tenor and Baritone duet, Orch. accomp, L Lewis James-Elliott Shaw STANDARD VOCAL ro For the Wings of a Dove (Bartholomew-Mendelssohn). Soprano. Orch. accomp Marie Clark [The Want of You (GillespieVanderpool). Baritone, Orch. accomp .. George Craio INSTRUMENTAL / Valse Bluette (Drigo). Violin solo. Piano accomp Josephine Simpson I Le Coucou (The Cuckoo) (Daquin). Piano solo George Winfield Solid Men to the Front (Sousa). March Operaphone Band . Hail to the Spirit of Liberty (Sousa). March Operaphone Band (Q OPERAPHONE CO. mc, LONG ISLAND CITY,Nrr. 24 NEW TITLES EVERY MONTH Operaphone Records Play on All Talking Machines Without Attachments New York City Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Chicago, 111. Selma, Alabama Knoxville, Tenn. OPERAPHONE DISTRIBUTORS: PLAZA MUSIC CO. SUPPLEE-BIDDLE HARDWARE CO. REED CO., Inc. OPERAPHONE SALES CO. SOUTHERN SUPERTONE CO. C. M. McCLUNG 18 West 20th St. 237 5th Ave. 190 No. State St. Write for Your Nearest Distributor OPERAPHONE CO., Inc., Long Island City, N. Y.