The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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October IS, 1920 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 79 IT QI FV'C GRAPHITE PHONO RM^Cf Kj M. J SPRING LUBRICANT Ilaley's Lubricant makes the Motor make good Is prepared In the proper consistency, will not run out, dry up, or become sticky or rancid. Remains in Its oriifinal (orm Indefinitely. Put up in I, 5, 10, 25 and 30-pound cans for dealera. This lubricant is also put up in 4-ounce cans to retail at 25 cents each under the trade name ol FTTDFI^A NOISELESS talking %*l£^±iEiil MACHINE LUBRICANT Write for special proposition to jobbers. ILSLEYDOUBLEDAY & CO.. 229-231 Front St., New York NEW TONE-TEST ARTIST Miss Proudfit, Daughter of an Edison Jobber in Ogden, Utah, and Clever Violinist, Being Heard in Recital — Wins Great Success Reports received from British Columbia are highly gratifying as the result of the appearance in Edison tone-test recitals there of Doris Proudfit, talented young violinist and daughter Doris Proudfit ' of Robert L. Proudfit, prominent Edison jobber in Ogden, Utah. This is Miss Proudfit's first season in Edison tone-test recital work, having begun her first tour on August 30, appearing in joint recital with Marion Evelyn Cox, well-known contralto. It is said that her first real desire to appear before the public was aroused some years ago upon hearing an Edison tone-test in her home town. Several years of ardent study in the East under noted masters and intense application to her art have enabled her to reach her present position, in which she is meeting with marked success. Her father, who is president of the Proudfit Sporting Goods Co., at Ogden, has been an Edison jobber for more than a decade. NEW TYPE OF SERVICE STATION Lesley's Chemical Co. Arranges for Instruction of Dealers in High Speed Varnish Patching Indianapolis, Ind., September 30. — Lesley's Chemical Co. has recently opened a service station at 10 South New Jersey street in the downtown section of the city. Lesley's Chemical Co. reports that it is frequently called upon by dealers desiring to learn its high speed method of varnish patching or who have employes whom they want taught this method. The logical sequence of these repeated requests was the establishment of this service station. Motor and sound box repairing, cabinet repairing and refinishing, rebuilding and refinishing of pianos, players, talking machines, orchestrions and stringed instruments will be taught^ The location of this station will be convenient for dealers and repairmen in the Central States and it is planned to give practical lessons on actual jobs taken to be repaired and not on specimens held for this section. It is believed that the Lesley's Chemical Co. has struck a forward note in the establishment of this service station which will be much appreciated by the trade in that locality. WHITESIDE TO OPEN IN COLTON CoLTON, Cal., September 25. — The Whiteside Music Co., of San Bernardino, has just closed a deal for a two years' lease of the premises at 117 East I street, and will open a new music store here. The Colton store will be up to date in every way, with a stock of new Baldwin pianos and player-pianos, Pathe phonographs, Victor talking machines, all kinds of string instruments, the latest records and sheet music. NEW QUICK SERVICE RECORD BOOTH Foster & Waldo Co., Minneapolis, Uses Audiphone Attachment to Good Effect at Service Counter in Store — One Clerk Can Wait on Five Customers at Once at One Counter Minneapolis, Minn., October 5. — Hie yourself to the Foster & Waldo Co. on Nicollet avenue, this city, ye talking machine dealers who want to get in touch with one of the cleverest merchandising contrivances that has been presented here in years. By this arrangement one bright little lady may demonstrate and wait on five record customers at one time in a space smaller than the average talking machine booth. It's a fact. Physically, it is a success, but it only remains to be seen whether or not the public will take to it. The arrangement is called — for lack of a better name — a quick-service record counter. This particular one is fitted with five talking machines, electrically operated and equipped with a double audiphone attachment, which fits into the ears when a person bends forward to receive the projecting nodes. With a stock of quick-sellers and new monthly records on hand one clerk can handle five customers with ease. The counter is on the ground floor within a few feet of the main entrance, but so carefully is it arranged that the noises of the street and SECURES AEOLlAN=VOCALION AGENCY T. S. Martin Co., Sioux City, la., Opens Large New Phonograph Department Sioux City, Ia., October 1.— The T. S. Martin Co., which is known as the "Fastest-growing store in the Northwest," has taken the agency for the Aeolian-Vocalion in this city. This company was founded forty years ago by the late T. S. Martin. Originally the T. S. Martin Co. was a dry goods store, developing as it grew into a department store doing business in the four great States of Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska and Minnesota. During those forty years the T. S. Martin Co. has built up its business on a high quality standard. It aims to serve its community with the best things the earth affords, and at prices that are always fair. The T. S. Martin Co. moved into its present location on March 19, 1918, doubling its floor capacity, and throwing open to the public a store whose equipment has been termed by experts "as fine as any in the United States." the store and the operation of all the other phonographs in no wise affect the listener. "This counter," explained R. O. Foster, "is intended mainly for the customers who are after the new monthly hits and wish to be served in a hurry. Any record that may be desired is put on a machine in a hurry, the patron takes a seat at the corner, bends over a little and instantly hears the music from the record desired. All this obviates a walk and a hunt, and sometimes a wait for a booth and the other operations of demonstrating. "Should the public take readily to this method of demonstrating records, as we believe it will, there should be a great saving in space now used for booths." It is understood that the Foster & Waldo Co.'s quick-service record booth is the first of its kind in this section and is a distinct innovation in retail record merchandising. This store is now directed by the three sons of the original founder and affords a fitting setting for the high quality merchandise the Aeolian Co. distributes. ALFRED A. BATKIN PROMOTED Now Holds Position of Assistant to General Manager of House of Byron Mauzy San Francisco, Cal., September 25.— Alfred A. Batkin has been promoted to the position of assistant to the general manager, C. S. Mauzy, Mr. Mauzy taking the active management of both the San Francisco and Oakland stores. In addition to his many new duties Mr. Batkin is handling the advertising and has handled the same for the past few months to the satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Batkin's long experience in the music business is a very valuable assistance in this line and his wide acquaintance with the newspaper advertising men and solicitors has also been a great help to him. He has produced several very new and striking advertisements. "TONAR" TRADE MARK RECORD BRUSHES ARE PROFITABLE They pay JOBBER and RETAILER each a good working profit They earn your support Write to-day lor sample and prices PARKS & PARKS, Inc. TROY, N. Y. New York Oftice, C. E. Peabody & Co., 186 Greenwich St. Southern Representatives: I. W. Becker & Co., 97 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga.