The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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152 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD October IS, 1920 FROM OUR CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS— (Continued from page 149) interesting entertainment for about an hour a day on the main floor. The Kimball Co., who hy the way knows every angle of the publicitj' game, heralded this event in the daily papers, and this in turn resulted in "standing room only'" signs being hung out. The number of people who came to hear the boys grew to such an extent in a couple of days that it was necessary to open the big auditorium in the Kimball building in order to accommodate the crowds. The weeks prior to this the Melodj^ Boys had been going to out^-ing districts and playing for dealers. Miss Scanlon, the personal booking agent of Mr. Miller, writes back that the co-operation she is receiving from the various dealers is phenomenal and from the looks of things it will be necessar\' for the Melod} Boys to work night and daj^ to fill their engagements. Mr. Miller's route for the next couple of months is as follows, and if there are an} dealers in these respective territories who have not made arrangements for Mr. Miller's concerts, it would be a good idea for them to write to their local jobber or the branch office of the company from which they are getting their records and make the necessary arrangements for the booking: October 31, November 6, Kansas City; November 7-14, St. Louis; November 15-27, Detroit, followed by dates at Columbus, O.; Dayton, O.; Cincinnati, one week, and Cleveland, also one week. Lyon & Healy Victor Poster Lyon & Healy are preparing a new regulation size Victrola poster which will shortly be ready for the trade. Lyon & Healj^ state that this will be practically ARTo MUSIC ROLLS WITH WORDS $1 SUPREME QUALITY The onl> >iaving a usic roll word staff Are mechanically perfect — musically supreme and have the best song hits first. They are the only rolls w^ith song words arranged in such a manner that each vv^ord clearly shovv^s the note to be sung thus permitting accurate and easy voice modulation. ARTo rolls "wiW surely increase your roll sales. We can supply you with Italian, Polish, Jewish, Spanish and French rolls with and without words. Try our service. Consolidated Talking Machine Company 227-229 W. Washington Street : Chicago, Illinois a very pleasing composition, printed in six rich vidually by the dealer, would prohibit his use colors on high-grade sun-proof paper. The art uf it, but Lyon & Healy, running it off in quan the only poster of its kind available to Victor dealers. This concern is a great believer in the effectiveness of poster advertising. "While national advertising by manufacturers can help the retail merchant to market his stock," say they, "dealer advertising is essential. "Realizing this and that too often the merchant, though willing, is not in a position to secure adequate disproportionate cost, Lyon & Healy have prepared a striking poster, twenty-four sheet size, which will be ready for jdelivery early in November in advance of the holiday season. The utility of the advertisement, however, is not confined to that period. ft is of year-round worth, being e Victrola — Supreme in musical quality YOUR NAME Your Address One of Lyon & Healy's Striking Victor Posters work is beautiful and of high order; the treat tities, are enabled to offer it to him at a verj^ ment cleverly handled. low charge. With the dealer's name imprinted "The cost of a similar poster, prepared indi {Continued on page 155) OUR NEW ALL BRASS TONE ARM INFRINGES NO PATENTS Our Sound Box Plays All Records in One Position READY FOR DELIVERY SOON Our new Tone Arm and Iron Tread Motor will give you equipment which brings repeat orders. CHERINGTON MFG. CO. Waukegan, 111.